Telekinesis Enchantment

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by MurderIsArt, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. MurderIsArt

    Nov 26, 2019
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    I have played on both MC Central and Hypixel skyblock and on Hypixel skyblock, there is an enchantment you can get called telekinesis that can be applied to tools. I realized while farming on MC Central skyblock that you can easily lose a lot of items by breaking them too quickly and they will get swept away by when ground items are removed. I was wondering if the staff ever thought about implementing an enchantment like telekinesis to items as Hypixel does. What telekinesis would do is that when you would break a block, it would send the items right to your inventory. Like you could get it by doing the trade for 30 tokens to get it at /warp enchanter. I just thought it would be a cool enchantment to skyblock. Let me know what everyone else thinks about that idea.
    Here is the original thread with people's comments.

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