Sub-Team Ideas

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, Oct 15, 2019.


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  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    1. Mapping Sub-Team
    Yes I am ripping this idea from the MCGamer Network shush

    What does the Mapping Team do?
    The Mapping Team would be responsible for the implementation and removal of minigame maps from the map cycle, as well as the management and modification of currently existing maps. They would also be responsible for completing minigame-specific tasks, such as chest tiering on Survival Games.

    Why is this needed?
    Let's be honest, the maps currently in mingames are very stale. We've went over a year without any new maps being added to ANY minigame. If the owners aren't going to be adding new maps, the least they could do is get someone else to do it for them. Also, if possible, this team could be responsible for the tiering and re-tiering of chests on SG. There's pretty much no tier 2 chests outside of the spawn, so if you didn't get good gear from spawn and you don't have the tier 1-3 chest perks then you're as good as dead.

    2. Reports Team Removal
    I know it's a bit of a controversial idea, but at least hear me through.

    Why is this needed?
    Not going to lie, the reports team as-is does an OK job of handling reports. However I do have a few issues with how things are run, which I will be discussing below.

    So first off, the time it takes for reports to be answered. I know that the staff have lives outside of MCC, but the speed at which things are currently checked is irritating. Your report could be answered any time between a few minutes, to a few days at the extremely high-end. Even a report being open for just a few hours can have major impacts, especially when the reported player is a hacker. Which is especially annoying after you've already reported them, and you still have to spend the rest of the day with them ruining the game for you. And by the time the report has been dealt with they've probably already made a decent number of people leave. Also the Reports Team has been slowly shrinking, for whatever reason. On September 9th the reports team was at 20 people, now there is only 13. The size of the team has almost halved, which I'm sure is not going to help with the already-long response times. People like this were waiting for pretty much an entire day for a report to be answered, and this was when there was still 20 members. I'd hate to see the long-end report response time now. In my opinion, it would be a lot more efficient to just remove the Reports Team and let ALL staff do reports. this would increase the people doing reports from 13 to 39 (If including everyone from Mod-Admin).

    But of course I can already tell you're going to say something like "the reports team is better at detecting hacks!". Which brings us into the second reason. As you may or may not know, Helpers and Moderators have required hacker tests they take on a regular basis, that tests their abilities to detect hacks. However , as said here, Reports Team members have additional testing, which is something I just don't agree with. Not because I think they shouldn't have them, but because ALL STAFF should be on the same skill level for detecting hacks; good at it. It's completely idiotic to divide the staff team into 2 separate skill levels of detecting hacks. To me, this just says that anyone not in the reports team is incompetent when it comes to spotting a cheater. And they've only added more support to this statement now that reports can only be made through the ticket system. If this is true, then you should not be trusting them with a job that literally requires them to ban hackers. So, in addition to removing the Reports Team, start making all staff members take the extra tests. Be more strict on staff who fail, or do a better job teaching them to detect cheaters.

    Also I don't really agree with the new change where reports can only be made through the reports ticket system. They did this to keep all evidence in one place (which is stupid in and of itself because you can't guarantee that the reporter won't delete the evidence off youtube/imgur after making the report), but also because there were some conflicts between the opinions of the reports team and the rest of the staff on evidence. If staff can't agree on evidence then that's something they should work out, you don't need to make it the players' problem as well.

    Anyways, those are my two ideas in regards to the Sub-Teams. Feel free to voice your opinions on them below.
    puposaurus likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hellu mr sir! i kinda see where you're coming from for both subteams.

    for mapping- I really dont see a purpose. like, i get what you mean about sg chests, but what good would a staff do. most staff play minigames for minutes or for hackers. I really don't think a team of staff could work through this if they don't commonly play sg. I feel like this subteam would be best with staff members with lots of experience of playing sg to understand what's "op" and also how other normal players play n' such. like, i know there'd probably be some staff that know every sg map off the back of their hand and would be great for the team from the way you described it.
    for modification of current maps, i think i might know what you mean for sg maps where you can get diamond swords super easily, but i feel like that that would be something more of an admin n' higher ups decission since theyre adminds...... but let's be real that's gay. If this team or alterations to a current team would implement these things to the way you described it, I would honestly wanna see some community feedback too, like from sg sweats n' such.
    for map cycle, i don't think that's something a staff team can control, since sg is from vote and skywars it's all "random" and just fills players into a map.

    for reports team- I'm not sure if this is true, but i think back in 2016 all mods did report tickets.. staff say stuff like reports team requires more work blachblahblah.. but also on discord, normal staff/staff that wasnt on reports team were banning players off of video evidence... so....
    I don't think reports team would ever get removed, since changes like that get whacky n' all that or whatever....

    with the points you made, i don't really agree w/ 'em.. but i also don't disagree with them.. i'm p neutral towards the points you made.
    hope this helped n' habve a great day! :D

    please correct me if i missunderstood what you wrote or what i said was illogical 'cause it usually it is "
    FFandF likes this.
  3. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Hello Ankh, hope you're having a fine day.

    For the mapping reports, I also agree with @puposaurus he said he doesn't see a point. There really isn't one. I do not feel the need for new maps even if they have gotten extremely old. Personally, they give me a bit of nostalgia. A lot of work went into each of these maps and there are plenty of them. With how many new players join, there are only a few people who think they are old. I do agree with the survival games though. I don't think they should make a sub-team for it, but maybe just set out sometime to do it. So, the same for the maps, just set out a week or three, and make a new map.

    For the reports team removal, I don't see a reason in this, I can see a little where you are coming from though. The reason why they have the reports team is because they are better than others with hacks and detecting them. I know that you said this but some staff were meant for something, and other staff were meant for others. So, they get the more fit for detecting hacks, and train them more. This reminds me a bit about artificial selection, you wouldn't want to bother taking up time and training EVERY staff member, when you could pick out the best ones so that they can get better, and quicker at it. Chances are, if they are already good at detecting hacks, they will have an easier time learning and training more with it.

    Thanks for taking the time in making a thread! Again, have a wonderful rest of your day
  4. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The Mapping Sub-Team is very similar to the disbanded Forums Team in a sense. Forums Team was mainly responsible for moderating the forums, but maps from the map submission section were also collected on a Trello board for the Owners to add. As you probably know, it’s highly unlikely for new maps to get added to the cycle for any mini-game since only the owners can add them. Staff can recommend maps, and the Forums Team did, but in the end it’s out of the control of the staff team. Bottom line, sure the team can compile maps, but we would never have access to actually implement them and the owners probably wouldn’t add them until a mini-game revamp occurs.

    Tiering and re-tiering could easily be a suggested idea if you want to suggest tier 2 items in chests around the map. As I mentioned previously, staff can’t control this. It’s all up to the owners, and if the suggestion receives support, it may be added in the next mini-game revamp. I don’t see a point to having a designated sub-team to accordingly assort items in a chest for SG, and if the chest system does need a revamp or any additions, it can be suggested and then implemented in the next revamp.

    I keep addressing a revamp. I don’t know when a revamp will happen or if one will occur. I am only referencing one because I doubt any new mini-game maps or game-changing features will be released unless a revamp comes out.

    I shared, and somewhat still share, your same point of allowing all Moderators and higher to access reports. It does make sense that, if you are a Moderator in charge of moderation through banning, then why can’t everyone view the reports and deal with them accordingly? I have brought this up in the past, but the idea was rejected.

    I saw you mentioned how the divide between detection is idiotic. If you are looking at it from a general perspective, you can claim it is weird, but you can also look at it from a video-perspective. Our tests, as you know, involve fighting and spectating to determine hacks. Not all Moderators pass or are good at these tests. They improve, but the tests differ from the ability to tell hacks from videos. They mainly reflect upon the ability to tell hacks through spectating or fighting from an in-game perspective. Reports team differs due to viewing videos, and this is a skill that not all staff can pick up or it takes time to learn.

    False bans can occur if all Moderators had to deal with reports without the proper knowledge necessary, which is why only Reports Team deals with reports. The report ticket system used to function long ago with no Reports Team, but the team was later formed due to this very reason of false punishments frequently occurring. It is true that all staff should be on the same skill level, but in a realistic sense, that’s not possible. Everyone differs, and some people pick up the skill faster or easier than others, which is why there’s a sub-team dedicated to viewing reports.

    Reports time can take a while for a couple reasons:

    • Time Zones can play into effect with the speed of which reports are dealt with
    • The team could be discussing the evidence to determine if hacks are evident or not

    • Outside lives (school, work, etc.) impacting the time spent on reports
    All of them are primarily the team’s fault, but reports never go above 24 hours of wait time unless the video is being discussed. We try to do them whenever we can and as fast as possible. Ever since the Discord rule regarding reports was implemented, I feel that the team has been doing way better than previously at handling reports, and hopefully the community will notice this soon through our efforts.

    As to why you guys have to report players through the reports system: it does help keep everything organized. Rather than having multiple places where reports come in, there’s just one place where we can check. Yes someone could delete the evidence, but from what I’ve seen, this rarely happens.

    I feel like I strayed a bit off from the topic. Just a quick recap: it would be more time efficient to allow all Moderators and higher to deal with reports, but that’d be at the expense of false punishments. Not everyone is adequately prepared to deal with video reports as we’re mainly tested on detecting hacks through means of spectating and pvping in-game, not through videos. A possible compromise to increase the efficiency could be the addition of more reports team members rather than a current cap on the max members allowed, but that is only if there is a noticeable gap in time for dealing with reports; currently the max cap of members does revolve around the efficiency at which reports are dealt with, so if the community does think that reports are being dealt with too slow constantly, then more could be brought in if Teddzy decides it’s necessary.

    This is just my viewpoint and opinion on everything. Feel free to disagree, reply, comment, etc. I think it’s nice that you’re bringing up these ideas in an effort to help the community, and while I agree with them, there are certain challenges to the additions of them.
  5. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    That's kind of the entire point I was making, there should be a team that is able to add new maps, and make edits to the currently existing maps. For example, fixing the holes in the glass sphere on san andreas that let you escape the map. They've been there for over 3 years now. The Mapping Team would be responsible for all those small details, in addition to adding new maps. Yes the current system doesn't really allow this, but there's no saying we can't change the current system. Cause let's be honest, it sucks. Especially since mods can't even teleport into running games. So maybe this is more of a thing that could be considered in the next minigames revamp, if it ever happens; a team that is able to implement and manage maps, if the owners aren't going to do it. The Team Lead would have access to upload the maps, and the Mapping Team would be able to manage them in-game (eg. add new chests, set spawn points, flag points, ect). Though this would require an update to the minigame backend, I definitely see this as something that would greatly improve the QOL for minigames.

    The tiering suggestion was more of just an additional task that I mentioned as an example. Though it would be nice if we could get some updates to the tiering system, there is very little, if any, tier 2 chests outside of mid on any of the maps. As I mentioned, the Mapping Team would have access to edit the chest tiers. If one place has too low-level gear then they can buff it up, if too OP gear they can nerf it. The higher tier chests are supposed to be in places where it's harder to reach or have a high death chance. But lo and behold, they're pretty much all tier 1's. Not worth the effort to get to them if you ask me. Your ability to win pretty much relies on you having the tier chests or getting amazing loot from spawn, or being lucky enough to clean someone with good gear. Even if you are good at the game and know all the maps, there's pretty much no way to get good gear after the mid is looted.

    I do appreciate your efforts in doing so, but I don't see why we would need a major revamp to all minigames just to add a few maps. It honestly can't be that hard to add a new map.

    That's the point I was trying to make; all staff should be taking the tests. All staff should have these skills, not just a select few on a specific team. It's true that it does take time to learn, that's why you should be putting in the time to teach them. Dividing the team will just create conflicts. I mean I don't want to come across as rude, but someone needs to speak the truth. If they aren't good at detecting hacks, then they shouldn't be in a position that requires they deal with hackers. Yes you can tell them everything you know, but it's up to them to learn from it. The same logic also applies to a work environment. Except in a workplace, if you can't do the job then you don't have the job.

    I will admit, the report response times have indeed been relatively fast for me. Though there are a few times where it still takes a long time. For example, here's a report that took a little over 20 hours for a reply.
    Also just an fyi, this report was on a very blatant KillAura/AntiKB/Bhop hacker from a third person perspective, there is no way anyone would need to see it more than once to guarantee they were hacking.

    I don't really see why it should ever take this long. Anything more than a few hours is already too late, since every minute they're allowed on the server is another minute they ruin the game for everyone else. But 20 hours is just absurd.

    Also, not sure if you're allowed to say anything but I'm quite curious as to why the Reports Team suddenly lost almost half of its members.
    #5 Ankh, Oct 16, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2019
    puposaurus and iiSean like this.

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