Changes Desperately Needed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Smashhhh, Sep 17, 2019.

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  1. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Videos on the Support Channel

    With the new rule implemented of not posting videos of suspected hackers on the Discord Support Channel, it has created quite a stir among many of the player base. This rule makes it so that players cannot post a video of a hacker and request a ban (well they still can, but staff members won't ban off of it).

    It makes sense at first for the reason of having evidence neatly organized in the "Reports" section of the forums, but Staff Members Moderator+ do not need evidence to ban, so if the evidence was lost because it was in the support channel, it would be as if a staff member saw the player and issued a witnessed ban. Either way, there would be no proof as staff are "trusted".

    We cannot go half way with this, either we should be able to make our lives, albeit a tiny bit, easier by skipping the 45 seconds to fill out a report or require all staff members to provide evidence of THEIR witnessed bans.

    Reports Team

    This leads us to the reports team, If the rule on the Support Channel never changes, we still have the problem of Reports on the forums going unanswered for hours and even days. Now it is true that Reports Team Members have lives and cannot be expected to be online at all hours of the day and night to take care of reports. So there needs to be a solution!

    We have some options here: Either we promote more staff members from various parts of the country to the Reports Team, Or we allow ALL members (Moderator+ of course) to be able to view and take care of reports.

    Let me explain. Currently only Reports Team Members can view forum reports, but all staff members are "trained" to spot hackers. So why is it limited to only that team? If staff members (moderator+) can ban hackers at all, in game or otherwise, why can't they view reports? Or is it that they are only qualified to ban in person and not ban from a video.

    Remember, even an hour of a fly hacker having complete access to the server is enough to affect countless players and having, immediate, access to that many more staff members checking the reports, we could have that many less hackers online at a given time.


    /Report has been a controversy for quite a while now and it has mainly been dismissed for the simple reasons that staff members cannot force teleport themselves into an ongoing game in order to spectate. And that the /Report command will be abused. Now while this makes sense on the surface, if we dig down a little bit, it becomes less clear.

    Currently we have the "rule" that allows us to write the name and location of a suspected hacker in the Discord Support Channel for the purpose of a staff member spectating and eventually banning.

    But isn't that the same thing as a /Report channel? Just less convenient for the player base?

    Instead of typing the command /Report in game and then say what type of hack it is, we go into the Discord Channel and write the name, type of hack IN ADDITION to the location. So we actually are typing more currently.

    The idea that this command would be abused is a very real and perhaps likely possibility, but it potentially would not be abused any more or less than switching over to Discord and typing the same thing. Even if there were a few salty players.


    Some of these ideas may not be possible to "take a vote on it" and decide whether it would work well for the server of not. What would help is by having a trial run to determine how the community reacts. We cannot refuse progress on the basis of potential failure. As Thomas Edison once said "I haven't failed -- I've just found 10,000 that won't work.". Well I think it's about time that we found more than one way to fail and find a way to improve this lovely server.

    These are not a criticism of the server or the staff teams themselves by any means, but I am hoping to show a different perspective on these controversial issues. I encourage you to read this thoroughly with an open mind and I look forward to reading your thoughts as well.



    EDIT. Just confirmed with a senior moderator that staff members mod+ will soon be required to provide video evidence of hackers displaying certain types of hacks that aren’t quite as obvious. Yay!
    #1 Smashhhh, Sep 17, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2019
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    in my opinion, adding this new rule doesn’t change anything. i’ve heen playing mcc for a while and they didn’t always have the discord and creating reports tickets was the only way to report a player.
    although, some reports can take a while to get a response, you can always notify a staff about a player who’s braking rules in the discord or even just msgf a staff if you have one friended.

    i can see where you come from about reports team... but from what i believe, i think not all mod+ aren’t on reports team due to the requirements while in there, and also witness and looking at other players’ evidence has a slight difference... like with lag n’ such.. unless it’s something obvious like fly hacking or whatever it can be kinda tricky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    anyways aside from that (which i don’t even know if that’s the truth, just an assumption) the reports team exists for a reason, i would report players even if you’re not 100% sure if they’re hacking... reports team ensures that players who break rules get punished not to let players off the hook..... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    the discord is something the staff already check.. adding a command like you said would just be something extra and i don’t think staff wouldn’t always check it... from the way you described it, it sounds like how chatreports work and how staff sit in staff lobby to review evidence... well by the time a staff can view these “/reports” the hacker could’ve logged by then already
    some extra stuff about /report-
    as for “/report”... there is a “/report” it’s very useful.. it helps navigate to where you go to report players...
    but for what you mean, this command wouldn’t be necessary as not everyone can identify when someone is actually hacking or if they’re just good. It would just waste staff’s time spectating and looking into players who aren’t even hacking.

    as i mentioned, you can always notify a staff in the mcc discord if you see a hacker, but staff won’t always be available so recording and reporting would most likely be your best bet.

    As always, if you’re active on mcc n’ such you could apply for staff and monitor the server and catch hackers instead of waiting for a staff member to check your reports

    anyways... i hope this made sense and mentioned all your points.. i kinda jumped around
    have a great day!
    ImConcerned and httpmeme like this.
  3. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Moderators soon will need video proof to ban for the following:
    • Kill Aura (Reach)
    • Anti Knockback
    • Criticals
    • Aimbot
    For more blatant hacks, video proof will not be needed (Flying/Scaffolding/Bhopping). As for /reports, players are allowed to report on the forums. Puposaurus has pretty explained most of it, but you need to be a mod+ and meet a certain requirement to become on the reports team. I think, or at least in my opinion we do need more AU/EU reports team members since the can do reports when all the NA reports team members are asleep or not on. If you're online and you see any staff member, whether it be a Helper, mod or even Admin, you can always inform them about possible hackers and they can forward it to an available mod (If it's a Helper) and most likely the Mod+ will actually take a look for them - this is just common sense that can be used instead of adding a bunch of things for players to possible abuse or not use since we have alternatives to let staff know about rule breakers besides support or dming them. I can see your points and the ideas aren't bad, there's just ways to go behind them and people seem to over-complicate them.

    Edit: If you feel like Reports Team aren't checking Reports actively, you're free to msg Teddzy, the Reports Team Leader about this and let her know about them and I'm 100% sure she'll have a talk with them.

    Have a nice day/night!

    #3 httpmeme, Sep 17, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
    Zguy2000 and puposaurus like this.
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    In regards to the videos, in my opinion it was kind of a stupid move to try and force all reports to go through the reports area on the forums. Like you said, it can take hours or even days for tickets to be replied to, and by that time the damage has already been done. Also since most people (or just me) like to delete the videos of hackers after the report is accepted, this is kind of pointless anyways. They're just making their own grave even deeper at this point, making it harder for players to report hackers. At least through discord we got a semi-decent response time.

    In regards to what you said about the reports team. It is true that they all have lives and such, but like you said, and I've personally witnessed, tickets can go literal days without being looked at. For a team with 14 members, the second largest sub-team, this is unacceptable on any level. Even on school days, or during the night, there should always be even just one person there to look at reports at least every few hours. Going literal days with that many team members is just.... no. They know what they signed up for when they joined the team, now they need to take responsibility and do that job.

    For a /report command, in my opinion the arguments that people give against it are stupid. Someone's going to abuse it? Well no shit. Most good things in life are abused, what's your point. There is already rules in place for false reports, don't see how adding this would make your jobs any harder, if not easier. "But staff can't teleport into minigames!11!" So? That doesn't make this feature any less useful. Also the server has been released for over 5 years, with at least 2 major updates being made to the minigame backend in that time. There is no legitimate reason this should have not be implemented by now, so don't even attempt to use this as footing for an argument.

    But anyhow, yeah I pretty much agree with everything you said.
    puposaurus likes this.
  5. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Notifying staff and waiting for them to go in a game lobby, wait for it to fill up, not see the hackers IGN, leave and repeat until he does and suicide once he is in the game is not an efficient use of their time. And it can take quite a long time, especially if the hacker knows the staff members IGN’s and purposely avoids them. So the hacker would be left alone to hack if we stayed with your theory.

    So what you’re saying is that staff members mod+ who are not on the reports team don’t necessarily qualify to tell who is hacking. Staff members like everyone else make mistakes, right? Well if they’re really not qualified then they shouldn’t be able to ban ANYONE because it’s exactly the same no matter where you ban from.

    I am not suggesting a command to be implemented in addition, I am (and many others) are suggestion a REPLACEMENT. Instead of staff checking “the Discord” for players accused of hacking, they could view that list in the convenience of their native game. And players could log off by the time they are spectated if they were reported by /Report or by the support channel. There is no difference between the two. The command would just be easier.

    And you said that not everyone can tell who is hacking and who isn’t and that’s why /report would be bad. If that were true, then why can we request staff members to spectate people from Discord? It’s the same thing! Those players who “can’t tell who is hacking” are already hackusating people in discord support, so there is no fear of a new threat.

    What I’m saying is please think through what you’re about to say and give us compelling reasons as to why these wouldn’t work (we will listen) and not a copy paste of what we all know already and I have already addressed in the main text.

    Thank you for responding and if you have any compelling arguments please feel free to let us know!

  6. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Quick overview, as we know, Mods take hack detection tests in order to ban. However, report members take a more complicated hack detection test to see if they can properly detect hacks in videos.

    Now, there was a loophole here. If any Mod was able to just ban from videos, why did report members have to take those extra tests? It was vital to see if someone can check reports so it was decided that only report members can review evidence as they are tested on it

    Another issue was overlap of punishments. The countless times I’ve denied a video or the reports team voted on videos insufficient and another moderator punished from it and caused lots of unnecessary problems

    It’s more organized this way and reports are dealt with much faster. @Ank I don’t see you reporting often so you don’t know the current statistics. As of right now, only half a page are open and rarely go over 2 pages. We are doing good with reports
    iiSean likes this.
  7. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I think this most may be a bit overly dramatic. I’ve never had reports open for longer than 13hours in the past couple months and it seems a bit redundant to implement a /report. If someone truly cares about the hackers then they can notify someone in discord or report it themselves. Clicking alt+tab is not hard and it takes maybe a second or 2 more to type /report. It’s also easier to regulate people in the discord and just mute them there if they spam or abuse pinging staff. This seems like a good idea in theory but too many people troll for it to be effective rather than a nuisance.
    ps: pls excuse any typos :)
  8. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I don't report as much anymore, because it's literally a waste of time. Although I am on the forums every day, and I've heard my fair share of "horror stories". For example, this guy had a report open for 20 hours lol.

    Also tf happened to the reports team, it used to have 20 members on Sept 6th. Now it's down to 14.
    #8 Ankh, Sep 17, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2019
    PrimeExamples and InsaneIsMyName like this.
  9. BigBeanis

    Sep 5, 2019
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    In my honest opinion staff members *do* need to be more active in minigames in spotting hackers on minigames servers (especially survival games and Skywars as they're ripe with hackers). Fact is, hackers run rampant and it's seriously tiring fighting against flying Steve's and impossible-to-hit peeps and it's just blatantly unfair. I don't usually report such things because it's in my nature to provide video evidence and that's not always available. I do consider that Staff members have lives to attend to just like we all do, but coming on as staff means you're responsible for the maintenance of your respective server(s) and need to at least active on the server you're staff on. I may be wrong, but coming from an ex-staff from another server that's what I believe is expected for every staff member. I'm sure that every member is trying their best to combat such issues and I may just not be seeing them at all, but I have yet to see a staff member on a minigame with the exception of one appearance of a moderator on Skywars. But that's just my overall opinion and I may reconsider it.
  10. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    For starters, I’m glad to hear of this new rule being implemented soon! That will stop MANY problems that we currently have.

    As for /Reports, I suggest you read the rules better because it clearly says that “Using the Chatreport system as a joke or using it repeatedly for submitting non-chat offenses by a user.” is punishable by a severity 2 gameplay offense. And I spoke to a senior mod who clarified that what you’re saying is not allowed.

    Informing staff members of a potential hacker is kind of a patch to the situation, but you may not see them in whatever area of the server (Bc we do not have staff online at all times in all the areas (understandably)) so by having said /report, it would organize it so that staff members know where and when to go to a certain area.

    It is similar if not exactly the same to how it works in the support channel of discord, informing staff members of players that may be cheating.

    You can not abuse this system any more or less than players can abuse the current system that is used instead of /report. I.E informing staff members via ig chat or over discord. Abuse will happen and does with the current way of doing things. So by not having a /report, it would not stop the abuse.

    Again, like I said in my original post, even an hour of a fly hacker have complete access to the server will disrupt MANY players. And that should not be tolerated.
  11. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I am aware of abusing the chatreport system should since it is an offence, I just worded it wrong of what I was trying to say, but I'm fully aware since I am a staff member. I still think /reports would be the same as actually reporting players because either way you still have to wait for a player to be banned. Also it just doesn't seem to look like that would get added into the game, so on that note I'm -1.

    Also on that note abuse is going to happen, then why add it in? I can see players who would be flat out trolling or try to waste a staff members time. It's better to just friend a bunch of staff members or let them know in game rather than over complicating things by adding a command that players won't take seriously or simply just use the reports system or apply and help the community out.
    #11 httpmeme, Sep 19, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
  12. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    It wouldn't be the same though... /report would make for an easy way for players to notify staff that someone is breaking the rules by simply doing "/report Player", instead of the tedious leave-your-game-to-upload-video-to-youtube-then-make-a-report way it currently is. As an added plus, this would reach all online staff, instead of exclusively the reports team. So the response time will be a lot faster, since it's reaching out to every staff member currently playing on the server, over the few members of the reports team that may not even be online.

    If abuse is going to happen, why would you make chat reporting? Hell, why would we make a player reporting system at all? It's going to get abused anyways, so why have it?

    There is a pretty simple and straight-forward reason; it just makes things easier for everyone. It is true that there are some people who won't take it seriously, but you shouldn't let a few bad people ruin things for everyone else. And as mentioned there are already rules in place for false reports, so it wouldn't be too big of an issue to punish people who abuse it.

    It's also worth mentioning that almost everything on this server is abusable, to some extent. For example, even with something as simple as partying; you can invite someone to your party, and if they accept you can just go to a new game and drag them along, making them lose the last game. So simply saying it "might be abused" isn't really a valid reason to not implement it. Especially for such a beneficial, heavily-requested feature.
    Akhu and Smashhhh like this.
  13. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hypixel has a very good report system where they give you a book and you classify the hacks, since hypixels reporting process is more extended (Still very short compared to reporting online) therefore a lower chance of abusers which could be dealt with in the correct manner, captchas could be added before making a report, but having an in-game report system is far better than being obligated to report online in my opinion.
  14. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Honestly, as mentioned before, staff mod+ Don’t need evidence to ban people. In my opinion it should either stay this way or have it at sr mod+, I also think that the reports team is really busy so we can’t put all the blame on them. Although, they could add more players to the reports team... This is actually a really interesting topic and I hope this helped a lil

    Thanks as always,

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