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Small things to would make MCC better

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DressCodes, Apr 29, 2020.

  1. DressCodes

    Jan 7, 2020
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    I have been playing MCC since late 2015, early 2016. There are some features/additions to the server that I think would be great for MCC to have.

    1. Being able to do /msg [user] to a friend instead of /msgf [user]. It's not that big of a deal but I think it would just be easier and nicer to do

    2. Being able to do /p invite instead of having to type out /party invite.

    3. Auto Team with party members when you join a game such as team skywars.

    4. Being able to /ignore [user] server wide is a big one I think should be added. I have like this could help prevent a lot of drama in chat!

    5. More things to buy with credits. I am not sure what, stuff like cosmetics maybe. I know a lot of players like me who have credits stacking up because I just can't buy anything else with them.

    What are your thoughts to this list? I understand alot of this isn't imporant, but it's just small things that could spice up the server. What would you add to the list?
    yummies, Marco5py, Sarrrcasm and 6 others like this.
  2. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I agree with a lot of this, just a few things I'd tweak.

    1. I'd add a /rf command (like /r) for /msgf, as it accomplishes the same thing you want while being quicker and easier to use.

    2. Agreed

    3. Don't think this would make a big difference, and would be harder with bigger parties and games with people already on teams when you join.

    4. Agreed

    5. Definitely. I'd er on the side of cosmetics so that the games aren't over-complicated with new kits, although CTF could use one or two more things to buy/upgrade.
  3. iZyro

    Mar 22, 2020
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    I definitely agree with the suggestions on this list, additionally I would add a few things such as having to only type /chat once to enable guild chat and party chat, similar to /chat for team chat in mini-games, obviously with the commands would look a little different in order to differentiate between guild and party, but it would be nice to add since having to type out /gc and /pc every time can get a little annoying after a while. Another thing I would change in addition to the party system is that when a party leader joins a game, automatically pulling all party users into a game, it should only pull the users are who dead or in lobby, because often the leaders will forgot a user is still alive and join a new game, costing that user the game. These are all minor changes but I feel like they wouldmake the experience better for players on mcc.
  4. nonRacist

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I do agree With most of these small changes you are suggesting, it would make it better for people to play
    on the server, because small details like these can actually make the game play a lot better.

    But, I don't think most of these things are going to be changed seeing that people have spoken of them before as well
    but they weren't changed back then either.

    Server wide ignore does sound nice. that would be good add.

    I think i got around 2.2million credits and nothing to use those on, i suggested being able to right out buy cosmetics in lobby that you are missing
    for quite a lot of credits, because opening cosmetic keys takes a while, and if you are only missing couple cosmetics
    many people i know myself included would just want to buy the cosmetics instead of opening a lot of keys
    (I was missing one cosmetics from the ones you can get, and it took me over 1000 keys to open to get it
    i don't know if i was really unlucky, but that's how it went.)
    Clarification, 1000 keys to get from all but one cosmetics to all cosmetics collected.

    If talking about more minigame changes they should make hunger games not support higher versions of the game
    because of the unfair advantage in water which usually only makes the game last +10 minutes longer to the players
    who actually like to play the game in 1.8.
    But that has been gone over many times, maybe it will be changed, maybe it won't. we will see.

    Nice thread though, and glad to see replies as well (:

    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  5. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Mxats likes this.
  6. cvul

    Dec 31, 2019
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    I'd love to see cosmetics or other items added so i can buy them with credits, or maybe things for my pet like an outfit. So for special Event such as Easter i could have stitch as a rabbit.
  7. Tabbbbbb

    Jan 10, 2020
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    Hey! I really love these ideas, I feel the /msg one would be very useful and I feel these could all add a nice touch to the server!
  8. Sparky

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Hey DressCodes!
    I like this post a lot! I am glad that you brought all of these features up! I agree with all of them if they are all brought up together!

    1. The msg command is available on the sub-servers, but I agree it would be nice to have in the mini games as well! The only problem with that is some people don't have anyone on their friends list and don't want direct messages from friends, let alone random people who they aren't friends with. But the /ignore common you also brought up could come useful to help this out!

    2. LOL I love that u mentioned this! The lazier the better right! We could honestly get to /p inv (IGN)! I agree this would be a fun one to add, it would just be so much easier if you are in a bigger party or someone keeps leaving and joining (Not sure why they would.)!

    3. The auto team factor would be very useful, but the only problem is, if this factor was added, if your party has 4+ it would either not allow you in the game or make teams and kick one person out, this could get a little troublesome with the commands and how it will be used and all.

    4. This would be a really nice thing to have on mini games! I know that this is on sub-servers because of the mass amounts of players on one server, but this would be really nice to have on mini games as well. If two randos are being weird and having their own wacky conversation together and spamming the chat it would be nice to just temporarily ignore them!

    5. This has been talked about constantly and this is my favorite thing on this list to add! People with lots of credits who have bought everything should have something to do with the credits! I like the cosmetics idea, it would be nice to be able to but certain cosmetics just so you don't have millions of credits building up! Another idea I saw with extra credits was name tag color! For those with mass amounts of credits such as 500k+ it would be fun to change name tags! The credits could be touched on in many cases!

    These are not unimportant! Spicing up the server is always fun for the long time members and could get new members to join and stay!
    Thanks for taking the time to read this massive post!
    - Cxltic_Warrior
  9. Sarrrcasm

    Jan 28, 2020
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    Hey :)

    I personally like all these ideas, simple but could be easy changes. Such as /p instead of /party. Also adding some more cosmetic in general to use keys for. I have about 700 keys and 1mil credits I have all the cosmetics and it would be nice to have something new. The only real problem with /msgf is that in lobbies and on sub servers you can do /msg. Because msgf is for your friend list. On hypixel you can do /msg because people can message you even if they aren’t on your friend list. Which you can’t do on mcc. Honestly it would be a lot easier if they just did it like hypixel and you could rather have a command that doesn’t allow people who isn’t on your friend list to message, which again would be optional. I don’t know if staff members would do something about that because it’s always been like that.
    Issel likes this.
  10. majormotor

    Apr 27, 2020
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    I do feel like my credits are basically useless now. I've bought every perk/upgrade I wanted for minigames and now there's like nothing else I can buy. I don't care about cosmetic items so maybe they could make it so you can convert credits to XP? Idk but I think that would be a good use for them for people who just don't care about cosmetics and have a mass amount of credits with nothing to do with.
  11. Breazia

    Jul 23, 2019
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    i think these are minor adjustments that aren’t needed because they are just short cuts and aren’t as useful as many other things.
  12. Lxyne

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Hey, DressCodes!

    For your first recommendation, I do agree /msgf <player> is quite a hassle and that alone eats up a lot of the message space. I like Elecctricc's recommendations to an updated social system with some of the commands that he's suggested. I'd like anything that would reduce the amount you have to type to send a friend a message. Unfortunately, players have been trying to get this changed for years now, however, nothing has ever changed with it. I just hope one day it may get a little bit of attention. +1

    For your second recommendation, I like the idea, however, I think there's a reason why this isn't a thing. The plot commands on sub-servers with plots (Survival, Creative and Prison) uses /p. So, if you were to use /p invite instead of /party invite it may cause a bit of clash between the two command plugins. Don't take my word on that though, as I ain't a coder. Again, it's something simple and has been requested for years, yet nothing has changed, however, it would be nice to have it added in just to make life just that little bit easier.

    For your third recommendation, I can't ever see this working out. The examples of complications with this are endless. -1

    For your fourth recommendation, I don't see why this can't be added. You're right this would prevent a lot of arguments and drama. +1

    And for your fifth recommendation, like you, I'm unsure what else could be used to spend credits on. I find cosmetics are rather useless. I think most people just use them for a quick gag with a friend. Most of the time they're unlocked but never really used. If it comes down to it adding more cosmetics surely wouldn't do any harm. I'd like to see more gadgets added as they're fun to play with now and again. I think adding in a conversion system from minigame credits to another form of currency on the server could be a good idea. Just depends on the economy for whatever it's being converted into. Credits could be used for a new booster system that gives 2x credits and 2x XP minigame levels. There are a lot of possibilities for what credits could be used for. Hopefully, this receives some attention in the future.

    Cheers, Lxyne.
    #12 Lxyne, May 1, 2020
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
  13. Simplistiq

    May 4, 2020
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    I love all of the ideas, especially /ignore all around the server, there is so much toxic people and it is good to ignore them. It would help chat reports go down. I also agree with all of the ideas! Have a great day/night.
  14. iTristan

    Sep 22, 2019
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    Personally, I would like to see /v added to allow players to vote quicker when playing minigames! Ex: /v 1.
    #14 iTristan, May 6, 2020
    Last edited: May 6, 2020

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