Prison Season 8 | Mega Thread

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by KierenBoal, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. Yefhfcjghbnn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Chat definitely needs to be slowed down/nerfed. It is extremely difficult to impersonate and harass Sugar_Girl2 with all of the stupid advertisements in the chat >_<

    I agree with the 10 minute plot advertisement cool down, but I can ez set up 5 accounts that advertise every 10 mins, in total makes an ad every 2 mins. So, definitely add no chatting while afk as well, and make it sev 1 gameplay to bypass the afk timer with a script.
    hah likes this.
  2. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    It really makes it hard, I agree.

    I also agree with your second point, it should be punishable!
    Yefhfcjghbnn likes this.
  3. hah


    Mar 17, 2020
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    Recommendation: Add a death number for a plot to see how many people have died at a plot. Would be great for death trappers/scammers to know who is the best at the art of deathtrapping.
  4. 01i


    Jul 22, 2019
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    really why remove color chats its there to be used and its not cheap to get it aswell ....
  5. Nacy

    Feb 26, 2020
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    The same funktion as /gang target should go for gang allys, this will make fights in pvp more orgaized, especially if the pvparena gets smaller. You will be able to see who you're fighting AND who you're fighting with! :D
  6. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    These are just my thoughts for the proposed changes:
    • Default plot change: Alright without beds.
      The proposed default plot, with a barren stone surface, seems fine as long as you don't put beds in. No one actually 'sleeps' on prison.
    • Toplists: Good (I don't really care about them too much)
    • Bribetop: A bit pointless.
      Why include this?
    • Advertising: Option 3.
      People with alternate accounts (alts) will fine option 1 waaaaayyyyy too easy to beat as someone could easily set up 5-10 accounts sending a message every 10 mins. Option 2 is better, but AFK pools exist.
    • Super Upgradeable pickaxe: Not great.
      Here's why:
      - Double drops: Makes mining overpowered if the stack is a multiplier and is multiplied with things like fortune.
      - Autosell: Really? People sell at shops...
      -Treasure hunter: Nope. An infinite source of Super Gapples/Prot 4/S5 Swords would just wreck the server economy. It would also blow out the pay-to-win imbalance even more, as Immortal ranked players get keys every month.
      Also no one even uses normal gapples.
    • Gang Targets: Very good idea.
    • Plot border: NO.
      People want to explore the plots around them! "Prison" is overpowered as it is - confining people just makes it NOT seem OP. It is also useless if people can just do /p h (name).
    • Quests: Meh
      The issue with quests is that they are limited, as there are only so many things you can do on prison. Mining diamonds on prison isn't a challenge at rank V and above, as 1 inventory of ores takes about 3 minutes or less. The entire thing seems pointless without really OP rewards, but harder challenges (such as farming gapples/kills) only favour a specific subset/subsets of players. (E.g people with more than one plot/fly, good PvPers etc.)
      You also can't make potions on prison.
    • Making tokens more common: Hmm...
      Your plan has pros and cons. The dry-streak thing may be good, but making tokens more common only encourages people to sell more of them. This would cause rapid inflation of token prices, and might even cause Prison 1 token prices to exceed 100k per token.
    • Mob-Exp changes: No.
      Changing exp-gaining requirements to manual slaying isn't great - it forces long grinding hours, detracting from the main prison grind of mining, and makes S5 swords and P4 Unbreaking 3 armour nearly impossible to gain - unless you get keys (looking right now at Immortal ranked players). This also conflicts with your other suggestions.
    • Rebalance bar gamble: Meh
      I don't really use bar gamble. People use cf's much more.
    • Supermassive chest: Hmm...
      This is interesting. The idea (increase people's framerates) is good, but it also means that Sell Wands become much less useful (You can get these with voting keys). You would also have to configure this to be used with hoppers and other redstone devices.
      Also, what happens if someone breaks a supermassive chest full of items? Would it release all the items? Destroy them all? Crash the server?
    • Apple pickers: Hmm...
      Replacing shears... well...
      Also, how would you get these? Would they be breakable?
    • Exp requirements for custom enchants: NO.
      Your point only contradicts with your earlier suggestion about Exp nerfing. Custom enchants would become something basically impossible to get, again without paying for keys.
    • 'XP Magnet' CE: Good
      Seems good. No more exp thieving!
    • 'Smelter' CE: Hmm...
      An interesting idea. This sorta kills off furnaces though.
    • 'Loot Magnet' CE: No.
      This idea really isn't good when comparing with your previous suggestions. People with exp grinders designed for exp-only gain (for the public, like I have in Prison 2), will find it annoying when they realise they have gotten nothing for their public exp grinder. This would most likely result in mass privatisation and hoarding of spawners, as it removes the incentive to even open your grinder to the public.
    • 'Unbreakable' Treasure item: NO NO NO!
      Plain and simple: WAY TOO OVERPOWERED. Unbreakable PvP sets = time for 5 million gapples! and Unbreaking pickaxes (e.g. applied to immortal picks) make the upgradeable pickaxe redundant. Also makes pay-to-win such that rookies have 0 chance at getting anywhere in prison PvP. (I was a rookie once, for my entire MCC experience except for the last 3 weeks!)
    • /toggles: Good
      Will be very helpful for rookies to learn the game with.
    • Updated /pay: Good
    • Simple shop signs: Hmm...
      Seems good, but command spamming?
    • Kit PvP: Hmm...
      Hackers + Good/Average Kit PvP -> Rip Prison PvP.
      Also, normal golden apples are useless in PvP with Sharp 5 swords and OP bows.
      Maybe iron armour + iron sword? Otherwise /kit coal is useless. Bows are also worth $0 otherwise, and people can sell the arrows.
      There is also no hunger in prison - why the steak?
      Would help rookies though.
      If you want to just PvP without grinding for the stuff, GO TO KitPvp!
    • Shorten large numbers in the stats box: Good
    • Remove P4 from kits: Hmm...
      If this happens, the immortal ranked players are going to complain. You would also be sorta making p4 impossible to get, as your proposed exp changes prohibit mass-exp gathering. Someone would have to get over 30 levels just for one item of p4.
      Also you would have to give /kit immortal a boost in some other way (causing mass protests among other ranks).
    • Killing mobs for tokens: Hmm...
      Well, increases token supply, but token prices will go through the roof. The demand for tokens is so high that people will raise the prices.
    • Beaconing: Hmm...
      Listen to everyone else!
    • CE recycling: Hmm...
      Watch that you don't allow people to basically destroy the economy by recycling for tokens. This would also push up the value of custom enchants, which would be incompatible with your other changes.
    • New Booster: Good
      Time to mine! (Gives an incentive).
    Those are just my views of the proposed changes.
    I also have a few suggestions of my own:
    1. Make enderpearls something that can be a drop from an enderman spawner.
    2. Change the shape of the PvP arena and make it more than just a flat space (e.g. trees that people can climb etc.)
    3. Give an option to disable fly in your plot/plots.
    4. Make advertisers more limited in what they can/cannot do (e.g. make advertising within 10 mins a severity 1 mute, but allow people to /msg each other with shopnames and whatnot).
    Have a nice day everyone! :D
    #46 BlockyBeach, Aug 4, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
    abbs likes this.
  7. Tcay

    Jul 23, 2019
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    remove p4 from kits? no this isnt facs or kit where you can do /fix all so you can keep p4. this is prison p4 breaks quick. we need to keep it from kits?

    ADD BEACONING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Great idea. Maybe we could also make it so all /gang commands are enabled while combat tagged?

    Another great idea. Perhaps there could even be different tiers?

    You had some good ideas but this is not one of them. This would literally ruin pvp because all someone needs to be unkillable is unbreakable armor and a shit ton of gaps.

    The problem with this is that the only meaningful perk that distinguishes immortal is getting p4 in kits. I think the only way to justify this change would be either modifying the kits (remove the other useless protection enchants) or adding a plugin so that the p3 kits can be combined to make p4 and giving the immortal p3 the unbreaking3 enchant as well. All that being said, I don't think this accomplishes anything, and because of that I believe kits should stay the same.
  9. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Also add back beaconing.
    Another suggestion would be bringing back /rename. I'm not sure how many people remember it but theres no reason it should have been removed. (except so alex could make more money ofc)
  10. Raqueese

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Clearly you don't play prison. Not to be rude but I don't think you have any business suggesting random bs like this. $5000 is nothing and will ruin pvp.
  11. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Wow! I love all the ideas! Though I do have a question, how would you obtain the better upgradeable pickaxe? I was thinking making it a legendary in the voting keys, and idk for the other 2 since I can never get them...

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