Please start new prison season!

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by miritelm, Apr 13, 2021.

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  1. miritelm

    Jul 26, 2019
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    The prison season I believe is around 7 months old now, which is a really long time. What negative effects does this have? Well, there is a huge gap between players starting out and players who have been playing since the season started, which means they will have advantages over anyone else new coming to play. This also means that the economy is very inflated. It has gotten to the point where tokens aren't even bought anymore because no one cares. The server is only played by a lot of PVP players and thats about it, anyone else may be still grinding, but I haven't seen even 100 people on the server in about a week. The server is undeniably dying, and a server reset would be highly recommended by me so that we can have prison be fresh again.

    Think I am being unreasonable in anyway? The evidence is there! Try selling prison tokens on the server, no one is buying them anymore, and anyone with selling signs have had empty balances for awhile now. Not to mention, many people who come on the server ask when prison will be reset, or why the economy is so inflated. So please, take this into regard.
  2. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    micunmuted and AlexMarkey like this.
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