How TO combine two chat codes in a game

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by X_JoshyBoyo_X, Feb 21, 2020.

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  1. X_JoshyBoyo_X

    Feb 9, 2020
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    So you all were very helpful with showing me the color codes and all that good stuff but Some people on the server can enlarge there chat but make it a different color somebody plz tell me how to do that

    Thank You,
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! i’m not quite sure what you mean by “make different color”. but as far as enlarging goes, you can make the ‘scale’ of it larger and also play with the focused and unfocused heights in your minecraft settings (esc>options>chat). if that’s what you mean..
    for the color thing, i’m assuming you mean something like laby or blc where you can customize chat a little more....?

    hope this helped.. sorry for not really understanding what you had meant..
    have a great day

    edit: if you mean having multiple colors in one message, it’s same as one color.
    for example if i wanted to say “puposaurus” in rainbow colors, the code would look like this: “&cp&6u&ep&ao&3s&9a&5u&dr&cu&6s” kinda choppy and hard to read since it’s a lot of color, but some of the simpler things like “Hello! what’s your favorite color” can look like “&bHello!&e what’s your favorite color”
    #2 puposaurus, Feb 21, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2020
  3. Kane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Click here to view the color codes. If you are asking about how to make a text bold, then do &l. If you want the text to be blue and bold, for example, type &b&l text. If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.

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