By AlexMarkey on Aug 3, 2019 at 1:49 AM
  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:

    Another 8 weeks has passed, which brings our current season of Factions to a end. Congratulations to all the winners, I will be contacting you over this weekend via Discord to sort out your prizes. Whilst we get everything in place for the upcoming season of Factions, we will be having 1 week of downtime like always (no one will be able to join Factions during this period).

    Season 17 Information:
    Next season of Factions will be our 17th Season. The season is scheduled to launch on Friday 9th August 5pm Central Time. A live countdown for the reset can be viewed Here. The live countdown will also convert the reset time to your timezone to assist with planning! We will be giving out $2,500 USD worth of prizes next season of Factions. For a full breakdown of the prizes, please view this thread Here.

    Upcoming Changes:
    Like always, with the reset we will be pushing as much new content and fixes as always.
    One of the more vital changes to expect next season is the way FTop works (Value now goes up over a 24 hour period rather than instantly. This is to prevent players from placing value just to claim prizes). A more detailed list of changes will be posted in the server changelog closer to the release date.

    Cannon Speeds & Buffers:
    As Factions start to plan their bases, I would also like to let you know next map will be 20 chunk buffers, and 4 second speed limits. If you are new player to MCCentral Factions, I highly suggest joining our official Factions Discord and reading over the Factions Rules. Any future rules changes will be posted in the Factions Discord! Good luck to everyone competing next season! As always, have fun!



Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexMarkey, Aug 3, 2019.

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