nobody sees my report

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by someonewhodoesntlikeyou, Sep 9, 2019.

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  1. someonewhodoesntlikeyou

    Sep 5, 2019
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    I made a report of a hacker many hours ago and nobody has done anything yet ,
    usually take too long?
  2. kookdood

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Hey Nina, if you made a report with efficient evidence then the staff members will for sure ban the hacker but it may take a while since the staff members are busy with other things and irl things
    - kookdood
  3. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    When recording and reporting hackers, you can't expect it to be accepted immediately. You have to think and realize that the staff have Lives around MC as well and may not have the time or might not have looked at it yet. If you be patient, then the report will be checked and accepted or denied based on the evidence included. You can expect the longest time a staff would check a report would be a day. Other than that then you can message around, but making a thread about would not make it go any faster.

  4. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    Pretty much what they said, the mods are busy so just be patient.

  5. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Your report(s) will be looked at within a day or two. Sometimes, the staff team can get busy, but it does not usually take that long. It'll all be done in due time :)
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Honestly, it shouldn't be taking this long in the first place. An hour or two would make sense, but when you're waiting 4+ hours, all the way up to a few days, that's just unacceptable. Especially for a sub team that has almost as much members as there are hours in a day. And don't start with the "tHeY hAvE oThEr ThInGs To Do". They chose to apply for the reports team, they need to accept the responsibilities that come along with it. That entire sub-team is handled poorly if you ask me, but I'd rather not go into details and start leaking staff related stuff.
  7. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    He didn't say the exact amount of hours when he reported. Plus it's like the break of morning and most people have school. I see where you are coming from, but nothing can be changed from what you are saying. The best thing to tell him is that it would get done when it gets done. I remember one of my reports being done. In around 6-7 hours or more and I didn't complain.
  8. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    While you do make a point, keep in mind that a lot of older reports team members have resigned and/or left the staff team, and some new promotions are taking place. I would expect a slowdown in reports at this time, but that should be resolved within a few weeks or so.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    many hours ago = more than 1 hour ago. Probably more than 4.

    Like I said, there is almost as much members as there are hours in a day. There should always be someone available to do reports, unless the entire subteam is all from one time zone, which I seriously doubt. There's plenty that can be changed, they just need to be willing to put in the effort to make that change possible.

    No, it's not the best thing to say. Especially in minigames where hackers can literally fly now, they need to be dealt with ASAP. Not in "6-7 hours or more". By then they've probably already made at least 100 people quit as well as left themselves, which makes banning them next to useless.

    The report requirements are the same for both new and senior members of the reports team. They should start doing reports as soon as they're accepted and have gone over the guidelines, which takes not even an hour.
  10. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I have reported a lot of hackers in the past few weeks/months and i understand where you are coming from completely. I have never stood up and complained like you are doing currently but, i have also seen some of my reports pend for over 12 hours at maximum.
    What you mentioned about, 'the staff team are most likely not all from the same area', is sadly true. I am EU and i would assume that there is only about 2 or 3 fellow EU players, that are staff members on the reports team. There is only about 1 or 2 AU reports staff members too. The server is based in the USA (as you obviously know) and almost 90% of the staff team are american.
    I have seen an insane decrease in the amount of blatant hackers recently (over the last 3 day) but that is no excuse for the reports team to be less active.
    I agree that ever staff member (Moderator+) should have a tiny bit more extra training and should all have the ability to accept/deny reports.
    Overall, I am not agreeing with you or disagreeing with you but i just want to say that i have also noticed what you have noticed too!
    Thanks and have a lovely day!
  11. someonewhodoesntlikeyou

    Sep 5, 2019
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    I made my report 20 hours ago
  12. FFandF

    Aug 28, 2019
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    Yes, what other people said above, when you take into consideration the anti-cheat and all the players, you start to realize how busy it can really be. They are not ignoring you, they most likely are backed up with reports and are trying their best. Some time soon they will get to you! Have a great day!
  13. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    That's even worse than I thought it would be to be honest. :joy:

    That is definitely unacceptable. 6 hours would be understandable on a school day, or even 8 for getting a good night's sleep, but 20 hours??? @Sativa @Zonafer do you really expect me, or anyone for that matter, to believe that they're "just busy"? That is literally 4 hours short of being A DAY. For a team of 20 people, this should not be tolerated.

    Why would that be sadly true? Having staff from multiple time zones is a good thing, means there should always be at least one person available to do reports.
  14. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    I just made a report an hour ago and it got accepted in a hours time. Sometimes the proof or recording you got of the hacker or player is not significant enough to make a ban right away so they get other players opinion on the matter. They are definitely not ignoring you and I doubt they are backed up. Sometimes, some reports take longer than others based on the recording and proof.

    I have seen a significant change in hackers the past few days and noticed that there are not as much. This might be to a new update to the anticheat or something else. But they are not backed up as my report got accepted in the first hour I submitted it.

    Honestly, the best thing you could do is be patient and let them handle it when they get to it. They do not ignore that report. Nothing else can be done and would be done and just telling them to hurry up is not the greatest thing as staff do have a life besides MC.
  15. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The requirement was actually removed so that we can recruit more members into the team.

    Keep in note we all have school and irl jobs. Last month I got 3.1k reports done but since school now started, I had to take a LOA.

    I just checked the reports page and only half a page are open. I think we are doing fine and we also lack staff in AU and EU time zones in general. We already have an active AU reports member and multiple US. It just depends if they are home or at school. At the end of the day, this is still a game and a report taking a few hours to get answered is not a big deal

    - Locked
    ImConcerned likes this.
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