North says: Idea #1 Blackmarket When you hit a prestige 1(could be higher just an example) you unlock /blackmarket you are able to purchase specific items with tokens ex: eff100 pick with fortune 15 unb 8 (just example), or protection 5 armor sharp 6 sword. Idea #2 Quests Mining quests -Mine 50000 blocks (daily) -Mine 250000 blocks (weekly) -Mine 10000 gold ore (daily/weekly) -Mine 50000 diamond ore (monthly) PVP quests -kill 10 players (daily) -Mine 10000 blocks in pvp mine (daily/weekly) -kill 50 players (monthly) Grinding quests -Kill 100 zombies (or other mob) (daily) -Obtain 10000xp (weekly) -Kill 1000 mobs (monthly) Idea #3 Custom enchants It would be really nice for prisons to get custom enchants for example: -Explosive - randomly explodes blocks where mined -Cubed - mines in a 2x2 3x3 5x5 7x7 etc -Efficency Upgrade - upgrades the level of efficiency up by 1 -Fortune Upgrade - upgrades the level of fortune up by 1 -Speed - gives speed based on level of speed enchant etc speed level 1 gives speed 1 speed level 2 gives speed 2 -Haste - works like speed but haste -Jump Boost - works like speed but jump boost -Lucky - increases your chances of finding tokens (could also increase the chances to proc for other custom enchants) (if you add crystals could also increase the chances of finding crystals) -Jackhammer - destroy the layer of the mine the block that was mined on -Autosell - sells your inventory when full or procs randomly -Nuke - destroys the whole mine but has a very very low chance to proc -Reforged - fixes the pickaxe based on blocks mined etc fixes the pickaxe every 10k blocks mined or you could just put a /fix sign idk -Money chance to find random pouches money while mining. Idea #4 Reset blocks based on %mined not based on a timer Idea #5 /Blocktop we have /prisontop and /baltop it would be nice for /blocktop Blocktop shows the top 10 players who have mined the most blocks and how much blocks they have mined. Idea #6 add /rename perk found in mythical or ancient keys as of rename scrolls are a waste of money. Idea #7 Add chunkloaders to mythical keys or ancient keys please do not want to break pc to play minecarft. Idea #8 Pickaxe levels - could be based off of blocks mines with that pickaxe. Idea #9 Prestige/level colors - Colored brackets based on prestige level because there are little prestiges a1-a9 Idea #10 add more prestiges make difficult based on the level of prestige so like a1 costs not as much as a2 etc Idea #11 /Gangtop to include richest gangs aswell not just based off of pvp if so could just be a different command /rgangtop for example. Idea #12 /fly perk for plots add in mythical/ancient keys. Idea #13 /keys on prisons so you dont have to wait to open all your keys that you spent money on.
hello hello! black market: -1 // since there’s already high fortune + eff. pickaxes that are obtainable from keys, i don’t see a big need for this especially since they do get put in ah often and it would (1) begin to defeat the purpose for keys, not really but also sorta.. and (2) is kinda already a thing from other players selling their pickaxes. for the unbreaking, i feel like unb.8 is way to high kit pickaxes are eff10 and they last a good while and a thought the normal donar (unb3) do break some-what easily you can always repair them with tokens and even then they last a good amount of time. p5: i’ve seen this get suggested before i & it got major downvoted. timpali has said that he felt like it most likely would not get implemented. as well as, with gaps, fights already last a hella long time, adding p5 can just drag ‘em out longer which isn’t a bad thing persay, it’s just be more annoying. especially since it could be something that’s easy to buy from a shop and not from a key or something. s6: no. i feel like this can defeat one of the reasons for removing beaconing. quests: +1 unadvised made a post, maybe check it out. (here) resetting blocks based on %mined not timer/ +1 I know in p1 especially with boosters that’s kinda an issue. i’d +1 if it is possible /blocktop: no. since in order to prestige you need to have mined a certain amount of blocks, you can easily just use “/prisontop” then use /stats.. although, this defeats what you are suggesting, I do not see a need or use for this leaderboard to be added. /rename: this was a perk a while back, and then was removed in 2017. I do not see this being added back as rename scrolls have been added: and although they are kinda useless and people dislike them, I don’t see “/rename” ever coming back. chunkloaders: plots are really not that big, and it’s not like skyblock where you have 250x250 to build on. I get what you mean, for afk’ing spawners n’ such especially for players with multiple plots. however, it has been able to be done in season3 w/o loaders.. and season 4 and 5.. as well as, you can always get alts. pickaxe levels: this seems similar to the mcmmo plugin.. although this kinda does sound cool: i can see this breaking prison in a way.. since in season5 when players began to start afk’ing their blocks mined with cobble gens, I can see players beginning to do this to level up their pickaxes and then it really wouldn’t be a fair game of ‘em getting leveled up. prestige colors: i have seen this behind suggested i’m neither +1 or -1. i think it could be something cool but also make tab lost look ugly. i personally think kit tab looks ugly with the vomit of color.. but anwyays UwU gangtop: i do see where you’re coming from especially since I’ve seen gangs kill alts or be allied with other gangs and just exchange kills so they can be on top.. however, prison is more of a pvp-based subserver than economy.. except for mining idk. i think including this would be nice, but i still think rather than basing gabgtpp on amount of kills, rather have it weigh more on KDR then quantity of kills. to avoid exchange of kills n’ wot not. /fly perk: no. i’ve played on servers where there’s option to buy fly perk, then buy a rank separately; like, you could have the highest rank and not have fly perk unless you payed for it separately. what i don’t like about this idea for mcc is that a fly perk is already included with other ranks, making this become its own perk 5+ years after it’s release could mess up the system just a tad bit. also, this perk could make it easier for fly hacking to become more common since theoretically a rookie could fly. <<and even if there was a prefix to indicate a rookie had the fly perk, that still wouldn’t help since prefixes don’t show in gamer tags. Also, something else that’s flawed in this idea is that many users already have emerald rank or higher so for them it wouldn’t really matter all that much. this can also lead to more people not buying emerald rank (35usd) and just buying fly perk (tbd usd) which can make mcc lose money n’ such. also also also it could really only be used in 4 subservers, and maybe lobby. soo.... overall, i don’t see this idea being implemented ever in the future for reasons listed above. /keys: i think getting to see what other people get in chests n’ keys or whatever is something cool. and keeping it the way it is would be amaze balls so -1
Thank you for your feedback. although you disagreed with some of the ideas i don't think you got the full ideas of some of them. /blocktop would be a nice command to add because alot of players want to know the specific amount of blocks needed and or that someone has mined to get to there prestige. The plot size is not what matters about the chunk loaders its the ability to afk, most people cant keep there computers on 24/7 and alot of parents wont allow this and it also has negative effect on the computer itself. Pickaxe levels yes this is a new idea and bugs/exploits can be found with it but means that they also can get fixed to stop players from gaining unwanted levels just remove the cobble gens and only allow pickaxe levels to gain in the mines. i do see where your coming from its nice to know what people can get out of the keys but at reset there is 250+ players trying to open keys on the same treasure chest and it can be annoyingly hard to open your keys therefor /keys is a command that brings up the same icon as the treasure chest and allowes you to open your keys without other people standing in the way.