minigames group

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bratphobic, Aug 24, 2022.

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  1. bratphobic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    hi! im sure most if not all players have noticed how silent minigames is nowadays, yet i know theres a lot of players that are always looking to play them! but it proves to be very difficult getting a game started, especially SG or skywars. CTF does sometimes have games going which is cool to see. and i know there is a discord server set up to ping those interested when people are online. with that being said, i was thinking of maybe starting a new server to hold players that are interested in playing SG! same concept, pinging when people are online or if u are wanting to start a game! let me know if anyone of u would be interested! -bratphobic
  2. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    I do agree. The minigame "update", or really its just a deletion of stuff made minigames terrible. Like MCC staff come on, add like Murder Mayhem like it was before. Yall are focusing too much on Factions and Prison that all the other stuff are just being ignored which is not good. And if you are too busy, then get someone else to do it, you have loyal staff right? You dont have to do all of the work your own self Alex, get teams set up to do certain stuff.

    This will be my last message possibly for a few days, I think I'm too active in forums that staff might think I am just spamming forums lol
  3. Josh

    Jul 22, 2019
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  4. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Your point?
  5. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I pretty much just explained the same concept in this post,but I'll sum things up;

    Absolutely correct the Admins and Owners focus on Prison, Skyblock and Survival more than things like Minigames and Factions etc. This is why we removed them recently. We could easily add murder mayhem, but for the time it will take to implement it and such, compared to the expected 'turn-out' of it, would simply not be worth it. Even if we were to just re-add the old Murder Mayhem, (which we would need to somehow update to fit the new mini games levelling system etc), it wouldn't change the fact that there would rarely be a game going.

    As I explained in the other post as well, it isn't confirmed that these servers have been removed forever, so it is possible that if they make a return, we can think about ideas like Murder Mayhem OITC etc.

    lavoova the grape likes this.
  6. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    But you know why it would be hard to get a game going? You know why its dead? Because you are focusing too much on the other stuff. You cant use that as an excuse. Because you are focusing too much on those things this is dead, because you wont do anything but just get rid of it entirely and wont do anything to make it better, its dead. That is why its dead and it would be hard to get a game going, dont you see? Its dead because of yall focusing too much on other stuff and saying, oh well its dead so there is no point in updating it. Thats a terrible excuse and really is not one. There are full on reasons why its dead and it would be hard to get a game going, because of what you said, because you are focusing on Prison, Skyblock, and Survival and some other stuff like Factions. You cant leave anything out, if you are going to make this a better server then focus on everything. Back then yall had huge huge staff team that I KNOW could have done multiple things at once, you dont need 50 people on one thing. Thats how I see it. You cant make the excuse of saying its dead, because its because of yall
  7. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Last year the Admins and Owners focused a lot of time on Minigames, and completely re-worked it. Changing the levelling system, cosmetics, friends list, party chats etc. This was a LONG process, and I can assure you during that period the majority of the focus was on Minigames. Despite all of this effort and such, Minigames still lost activity and players chose to play other subservers or whatnot. I heard last year a lot of people claimed the Minigames Revamp was 'too late' and should've been done much sooner, but even when it did happen, there was little interest, which over time worsened.

    As for how the large staff team helping out, I can actually tell you first hand, we did help. Although the Admins and Owners are the only ones who have the ability to implement things into the server, we were able to help with a variety of things involved in the revamp. Unfortunately I can't necessarily get into the specifics of what we were doing to help, however please don't think we just sat back and do nothing.

    Essentially, there was a heavy focus put on mini games which turned out to do nothing helpful for the activity of the mini games themselves. The staff team were helpful throughout the course of the mini games revamp, which again didn't keep it active for long anyways.

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