Your server isnt attractive, its full of soulless people

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RieseLangee, Apr 29, 2021.

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  1. RieseLangee

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I just lost everything to a tp bug. It was supposed to tell me if someone was in combat, but nay. I got tped and lost my pickaxe and my 15 robot gems. And if it couldnt get worse, the scammer killed me and took literally everything I had. Everything. This game is full of toxic people that dont welcome you there and I spent a fortune just so I could keep up. Your prison server, your CTF server, every server. Its all garbage and full of people that have nothing to do but ruin peoples days. Im Sorry if this wasnt your intention, but it is what it is. And if you your server never changes, neither will the people in it. Good day to you.
    TwinBlade likes this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good Afternoon,
    It sounds to me like you were playing prison when this happened, and in this case it sounds like you were scammed. I created a helpful guide to encourage players to avoid getting scammed, so I would suggest you have a look through it. I do apologise that you were scammed, as it's very frustrating. I'm sorry that you feel this way about the server! If you've got any questions or anything feel free to DM me on discord.
    abbs, Alansar_trignot, fattr and 2 others like this.
  3. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey RieseLangee,

    Just going to jump in here, despite the thread being locked - it should be known that what players do have no reflections on what the server is aiming for.

    Whilst we implement fail-safes and preventative measures to stop players scamming/cheating/abusing, it's a "cat and mouse" game, where no matter how hard we try, players will just move onto some sort of other methods of scamming/cheating/abusing.

    Especially in Prison, where the rules intentionally are weaker to accommodate the 'feeling' of being in a ruleless prison.

    If you have followed any of our actions in the past, you'd see that as every season progresses in every subserver, we add more and more features to assist with either stopping scamming/cheating/abusing, or we implement systems to allow us to log and track player activity to better support following up on any of the above.

    So whilst we are actively adding methods to reduce chances of 'bad things' happening, players will simply find another way to get what they want; Which we have no control over.
    TwinBlade, abbs, RieseLangee and 4 others like this.
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