A Guide to Avoiding Prison Scams

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Feb 23, 2021.

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  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    This thread is intended to help you avoid getting scammed on the MCC Prison Sub-servers, however please keep in mind, scamming is not punishable on Prison. This guide is here to give you a brief description and examples of the most common scams which are quite easy to fall for and will show you the best ways to avoid them. You may also see a few things to do if you are unlucky enough to get scammed.

    IRL Deal Scams: (VERY IMPORTANT)

    There is a reason why we recommend staff middleman, which is to prevent a scam from occurring in a deal. If you use a staff middleman, it is a smart idea to record the trade as well, that way if something goes wrong, you have sufficient proof of what happened so that the player can be punished. Please remember that if you are doing a gift card deal, if you tell the staff middleman the gift card is real and they give the person the in game goods, if the gift card was not in fact real then we can't really do a lot. Most staff who middleman a deal will ask for a screenshot to make sure it's real so that they aren't reliable for anything, however if you tell them it's real that's the end of the story.

    Definition: IRL scamming refers to a deal in which one part of the deal is a MCCentral Store purchase, in exchange for in game items or money. IRL scamming is the only form of scamming that is punishable on Prison (and factions). The punishment results in a permanent ban from the server.


    Auction house scams:
    Auction house scams can come in a few different forms, however the most important one people tend to fall for is ranks. The only way to purchase a rank is from the MCC Web-Store. Buying it in any form off auction house or elsewhere is a scam. It's as simple as that. Next auction house scam to avoid is banknote scams. People often try to sell a 100k banknote for 10k or something like that, so the best way to avoid this is to just not bother with the banknotes on auction house. By doing so, you won't risk losing your money and it is much safer for you in general. If it's too good to be true on prison, it probably is.

    Banner Scams:
    Banner sign scams seem to be the most common type of scam on prison, and the easiest way to avoid them is to think about it realistically. If someone is offering free spawners at their plot, it's most likely too good to be true. Before going to their plot, it's smart to withdraw all of your money into a banknote and store it safely, that way if it is a scam and you do accidentally click the sign, you won't lose any money. If it's too good to be true on prison, it probably is.

    TPA Death Trapping:
    There are two main ways of avoiding TPA death traps. The first and easiest way to avoid them is quite simple: don't accept the request. If you don't know them, and haven't heard of them before, what reason do they have for trying to /tpahere you? If you assume every tpahere request you get is going to be a scam aside from your friends or people you actually know, then you can never possibly get death trapped. The second way to 'avoid' them is to clear everything out of your inventory, remove all armour and everything, and store it at your plot or in your enderchest. By doing this, in the event that you do get killed, you don't actually lose anything, which essentially means nothing happened. The same goes in this situation if you are trying to teleport to a player yourself.

    Button Game Scam:
    As the name suggests the idea is that you are going to win money or items etc if you press a button, however since the sign that sells you (useless item) for (insane amount) is in the way, its physically impossible to hit the button without clicking the sign instead. Similar to the first few scams, just remember if it's too good to be true on prison, it probably is. There is no possible way for you to earn money or get spawners or whatever it is that someone is offering you, simply by pressing a button. That's not how Minecraft works. If someone is advertising this, it's most likely going to be a scam.


    What if I got scammed?
    If you were unlucky enough to get scammed, the first thing to do is not get too frustrated. By spamming the scammers name in chat saying "Nikki_ scammed me watch out!!!!" over and over again you aren't going to get anywhere except most likely muted. If you did get scammed, the best thing you can do is just forget about it and start again. Begging in chat is going to make people get angry at you, as we all know its annoying to have people begging for money especially in your DM's.

    If you have any further questions feel free to DM me on discord: Nikki_#3250 and if I missed any key information don't forget to let me know!! Hopefully this thread is able to help you all.
    #1 Nikki_, Feb 23, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
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