Ways to avoid being scammed

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by iiMystixX, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. iiMystixX

    Apr 23, 2021
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    Here are some ways YOU can avoid being scammed
    Over the years I've been playing on MCCentral Prisons, I've noticed the rise in players (mostly new players) being scammed. Though this is allowed (NOT IRL Scamming) I think it's also a good idea to place some ways to avoid being scammed, newcomers or veterans. Here are SOME ways I thought of.

    1.) Chat Scams
    Chat. The #1 hot-seat to attracting customers to your shops to sell and buy items. If a person in chat has good sales at their plot. Be weary! Always place your items in an ender chest or within a chest at your plot before going there.

    2.) TPA Requests
    Usually done through private messaging you in chat, you should always ask follow-up questions to what they are offering and WHY they are wanting you to teleport to them! If it seems really shady to you, go with that instinct.. If possible ASK THEM to tpa to you at a secure area such as your plot or a public space.

    3.) Sell Shops + Plots
    If a deal at a shop or in chat looks too good to be true, IT PROBABLY is! You should always read the signs at the shop before selling. If you're confused as to what the signs may indicate, do ask a HELPER or Higher-up.

    Here are some of the ways you can avoid being scammed.
    This was made from my own experiences and a few great people on the server who have been scammed themselves. If there are any other threads like this, that's great! If you think this helped, do let me know. Feel free to add anymore that YOU think are good here!
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    luvbri and iiMystixX like this.

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