Guide to Survival [Season 8]

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by CatBoyFable, Dec 16, 2020.

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  1. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hi! I've noticed no one's really done a guide yet to the new season, so I've decided to do so. I hope this can help!

    New things that have been added:
    ↬ Job Amplifiers (can be found in crates)
    ↬ New "Top" Commands(/jobtop, /dragontop, /eventtop, /mobtop, /blocktop, /questtop)
    ↬ 1.8 combat in /warp pvp

    ↬ Sitting on Chairs (stairs)
    ↬ /hat command

    Announcement in chat when ender dragon spawns

    If you'd like to see more, check out the changelog!

    Whenever you first log on, do /job. This command will pull up a screen similar to this: [​IMG]
    To select a job, left click on the desired job and go off! If you want to switch your job, just click on another tool.



    (Also, if you fish up bows, fishing rods, saddles, nametags, leather, etc. it will not count towards the job).


    Everyone starts at Level 5 and from there you can go up to level 495. You can upgrade each job till it's maxed out at 99. So 99 levels x 5 different jobs equals 495 total job levels. To level up your job, you have to get your level x 100 EXP, and you have to pay a certain amount of money. You gain EXP by doing your job, so by mining cobble, farming, fishing, etc. You'll gain a certain amount of EXP based off of your level as well. Each time you level up a job, you get more money and EXP than originally. So for example: At level 5, mining stone gives you $1; however, at level 41, mining stone gives you $1.42. To actually level up, do /job and right click the job you can upgrade or you'll have a notification in chat saying you're eligible to upgrade your job!

    Chest shops are profitable stores where you can sell/buy items from. This season, there aren't necessarily a good reason to have a shop since there's other ways of getting money; however, people still have them!
    /cstoggle - toggles chest shop notifications
    /chestshop list - shows all the chestshops you have set up
    Click here to see how to set up a ChestShop
    Kit Building Command
    Obtainable: Ancient Key
    Usage: /kit building which provides tools/blocks for building, can use every 24 hours.

    Keep Items on Death
    Obtainable: Mythical Key
    Usage: Your items will stay in your inventory if you die in the overworld, nether, or the end. (Doesn't save your items in /warp pvp)

    Virtual Private Chest

    Obtainable: Ancient Key
    Usage: 2 Private Double Chest that's accessible from anywhere. /chest

    Claim Up to Three Plots

    Obtainable: Mythical Key
    Usage: Claim an extra 2 plots

    Increased Auction Limit

    Obtainable: Ancient Key
    Usage: Ability to list up to 15 items in the Auction House

    Twenty SetHomes

    Obtainable: Mythical Key
    Usage: Ability to set 20 sethomes

    Bottle Command:

    Obtainable: Ancient Key
    Usage: /bottle to store exp in a bottle.

    Disguise Command:

    Obtainable: Mythical Key
    Usage: /disguise into any mob desired
    Warp PVP:
    Events: Envoys
    Description: 1.8 Combat pvp enabled at /warp pvp

    Warp Boss:

    Events: Boss
    Description: Players fight to kill a boss at /warp boss. PvP is enable after a few seconds and you spawn in with enchanted full diamond, enchanted diamond sword, bow and 8 gapples. If you kill a player, you'll get a strength pot.

    - pulls up a GUI of all the warps
    /ah - pulls up the Auction House where people can sell items (hold whatever you want to sell and type /ah sell [amount])
    /quest or /c - pulls up the quests available

    If there's anything I should add, please add me on discord and let me know what! fable ☾#1528

    #1 CatBoyFable, Dec 16, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    Swaggle, deleteduser, Darenn and 9 others like this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    yesss queeen pop off!!! one concern i do have is that if mcc can’t bring attention to /warp tutorial, i’m wondering how helpful a form post can be which is nothing related to you or your amazing arse post.

    give your fingers a rest, they prolly tired from you typing and relax.
    again, amazing post, very helpful. 10/10 would recommend

    gn <3
    pangf, httpmeme and CatBoyFable like this.
  3. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Amazing Guide good job very nice!! **Clap Clap**
    Many Thanks for Effort.

    -9/10 Guide.
    However you forgot to mention in the "Chest Shop" section that /p h Buy&Sell is an example of an amazing shop and is the best shop on server with 300+ shop signs and everyone should shop on it sooo... yeah
    CatBoyFable likes this.
  4. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    we love to see helpful guides survival, especially since this season is much different from the last
    ne ways tysm u amazing being, keep up the great work <3
    pangf, puposaurus and CatBoyFable like this.
  5. CoolElla

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Wow , this thread is just Amazing!!!

    I’ll make sure to send this link to anyone who doesn’t know what they are doing on survival from now on as this is a really helpful forum post.

    - Ella
    pangf and CatBoyFable like this.
  6. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    It's great to see an updated guide for Survival and this guide is amazing! Thank you so much for the hard work <3
    pangf and CatBoyFable like this.
  7. fouffy

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Congratulations on this sticky :D
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