Make rules apply to msgf

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    So you probably know they changed the rules so that now you can only be punished for sev3 offences on /msgf. Let me explain what this means you can do if you add anyone as a friend.
    What you CAN do:
    - Disrespect them
    - Call them racist/derogatory terms, eg. ni***r
    - threaten to slaughter their entire family in front of their eyes
    - say literally ANYTHING YOU WANT that isn't a sev3 offence.
    What you CAN'T do:
    - Say Hypixel's ip

    "But the player is responsible because they added them?"
    Obviously no one adds someone as a friend expecting them to do anything listed above. Unless you just killed them and they sent you a friend request to trash talk. And imo that's like 90% of what msgf is used for at this point. And you just made that 1000x worse. This just makes more problems and solves none of the old ones. Even if you remove them they're just gonna go do that to someone else.

    Also on the flip side, if you can break rules in msgf then why not party chat? Why not guild chat? I mean, the player made the choice to join the party/guild did they not? And taking that a step further, it's the player's choice to have their chat enabled isn't it? So shouldn't breaking rules be allowed everywhere? Honestly the worst argument I ever heard.

    So my suggestion is, make it like party/guild chat was previously; only punishable if reported. That way you can still screw around with your friends, but if someone else is getting bullied they can do something about it. And if someone would report you, then why are you in a party/friends with them. This way the blame falls on the person who is bullying, not the one being bullied.
    #1 Ankh, Sep 11, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020
    CatBoyFable, Sinclare, 89p and 8 others like this.
  2. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I agree with this thread 100%. What is msgf different from msg? +this is a source of fights between players. I think it can be really helpful to the community if you added this, it can limit some toxicity. Overall that’s a +1 from me.
    ThorKingOfAsgard and puposaurus like this.
  3. Isa


    Apr 15, 2020
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    The difference between /msgf and /msg is that /msgf is cross server. Meaning that if I was on Kitpvp and you were on Creative I could message you with /msgf but not with /msg. /message is only on that certain server/lobby. Hope that makes sense haha
  4. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Their entire argument behind removing the rules for msgf was that it's the player's fault for accepting the request in the first place. Which if you think about it can be applied to literally any chat that requires player input to access, including but not limited to: plot chat, island team chat, faction chat, guild chat, party chat, and msgf. And this even extends beyond chat rules too. Is it now the player's fault they got death trapped because they sent the tpa request? Is it now my fault that I got DDoS'd because I made some sweat cry by killing him in skywars? Honestly seems like they just wanted to shift the load off themselves, the logic behind this change is actually retarded.
    TheKingOfTurtlez and OriAlfi like this.
  5. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hello Ankh,

    While I agree with your general sentiment that it is a little backwards to be able to say anything you want to someone in /msgf (barring sev 3), I wanted to clarify something which is pretty important to how this suggestion could be considered. You claim that Sev 1 and 2 chat offenses are not allowed in /gc and /pc, but I was told that with the rule change these were now not punishable in /gc and /pc. I'm fairly certain of this, but if staff could clear this up that would be much appreciated.

    Assuming I am correct for the sake of argument, I think that the rule kind of makes sense for /gc and /pc. In guilds, people are generally all friends with one another, so giving leeway for some banter that is not appropriate for public chat makes sense to me. If someone is genuinely harassing another guild member, this would hopefully be dealt with by guild leadership and if not, as a last resort one could leave the guild, which would not be beneficially for the guild. In short, I think self-policing of /gc is a logical and adequate way to go.

    As for /pc, it's possible that someone parties another player just to talk trash and be toxic, but if this happens someone can leave party with no real issue, so again, allowing freedom to speak more ~colorfully~ with friends in /pc seems to make sense.

    Where I do agree with you is in /msgf; I think at least sev 2 offenses should be mutable. Yes, you don't have to accept a friend request from someone and can remove a player if he or she is being toxic to you, but you should not have to tolerate someone calling you a slur or telling you to kill yourself just because they are on your friend list. I'm of the opinion that the n word and the f slur should be more sever anyway, but regardless, where you get a +1 from me is that Sev 3 and Sev 2 chat offenses should be punishable in /msgf (I'm okay with Sev 1 not being punishable in /msgf).
    ThorKingOfAsgard and puposaurus like this.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Was using that as an example, as of right now it's only allowed in msgf.

    Literally the entire point of having a staff team is to moderate the server. It shouldn't be on the players to moderate the chat. And it doesn't matter if you unfriend or kick them after, they still said what they said and got away with it. Which on a server that claims to be kid-friendly should not be the case.
    TheKingOfTurtlez and forgranted like this.
  7. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey ankh i totally agree with making it punishable
    i don't see why since theres an option of "removing the player from friend" suddenly makes it alright to say suicidal and threatening and disrespectful things. like, yeah you can remove them from friend, but they still said those words and who knows if they'd tell another person or get more out of hand and should be punished.
    and if admins dont want to make msgf punishable then make ALL threats/suicidal encouragement (i.e. "ima about to find and murder your family" and "i hope you find some rope and hang yourself") sev3 so it does become punishable and more severe for anyone saying those messages as i dont think anyone should be receiving messages in a block game. as these type of things in general are a little :flushed: and all.
    you can break sev1-2 rules in pc and gc even if staff are in your guild or party u can flood the n word and they wont do anything but maybe tell you to stop but cannot warn nor punish and if someone CRs it'd get deneid as its not a sev3 punishament

    good day.
    #7 puposaurus, Sep 11, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
  8. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hi hi. I’m not going to add a lot just bc I really don’t feel like it. But the mindset of the rule is very victim-blaming. Like, why is it my fault if I added a player as a friend and then they tell me to go commit aliven’t. I know I can just remove them but that shit just isn’t cool lmao. I feel like some of the rules are okay to break in party, guild, and msgf like chat flood/spam. I think that maybe there just in general needs to be a whole revamp/clean slate to work with but that’s probably not gonna happen lol
    ThorKingOfAsgard and puposaurus like this.
  9. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Lol I meant rule wise, still ty
  10. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    CatBoyFable likes this.
  11. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Guess they already went full retard then. Had always thought it was only punishable in gc/pc if someone reports it.
  12. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    it was a semi-recent rule change in july or something
    and yeah. it’s not mcc’s highest. but i like to at least try to think that they did it since there was issues in the guild/minigame community where people were cr’ing in pc and gc and they were all trying to make it not punishable or smth as it was something prolly suggested by the “community” or too many angry appeals. idk i’m not gay
  13. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Well obviously if you're gonna break rules in gc/pc do it with your friends, not some salty kid who's tryharding for helper.
    Just when I thought MCC couldn't fall any lower, a sinkhole appeared. @Unadvised since you're that strongly supportive of this change, mind telling us your reasoning? If it's just because you need to add them for them to msgf you, I already explained why that logic is idiotic.
    puposaurus likes this.
  14. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Still haven't gotten any staff input on this thread, kind of disappointing.
    Nikk likes this.
  15. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Agreed. I feel like they should be more aware of this. The severity of actions and general about of players in msgf should be at the very 'least' looked at by a staff member or taken action against for doing a sev2.
  16. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    In my opinion the best bet would be to make it like party chat was previously; only punishable if reported. I get that friends like to screw around, I do it all the time, but at the same time completely removing it just makes things worse. Now no one is protected, literally anyone can say anything they want and tbh adding someone as a friend is like 90% just to trash talk then remove nowadays.

    And if they would report you, then why tf are you in a party with them.
    guih and Nikk like this.
  17. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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  18. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Updated the OP with a new revised suggestion.
  19. forgranted

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Unfortunately just seeing this now, but 100% agree. You put it perfectly. "It's the victims' fault for getting bullied and harassed? No. That is just plain stupid considering that the server can see these happen through reports, and then say, "WeLl JuSt cUz IT haPpeneD in /msgf, means it is oGeY." Other servers punish for chat offences regardless where they happen(i.e. hypixel) it's extremely dumb that I can just straight up call someone the N word and a fa**ot without punishment. I am curious as to what staff have to say about this though because you bring up an extremely valid argument where I see next to no ways to just say "It should be allowed still" kudos to you for that
    puposaurus likes this.
  20. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I don't want to be super formal and I know im gonna get a lot of hate for this reply, but if you have a player on your friend list who is constantly harassing you and spamming you, are they really the type of person that you want to be friends with? I'm not trying to victim blame, but it's really easy to /friend remove them if they are bothering you, and you won't need to put up with it anymore. (like I said please don't hate me for my opinion, you asked for a staff opinion so that's what im giving). Friend list is supposed to be for people you like to have conversations with and have a friendly chat with, so if there's someone on that list who is spamming you and being annoying, remove them.

    (low-key changed my perspective here)
    I would like to add that I have had a lot of horrible things said to me, so victim blaming is the last thing I want to do. I think a better idea rather than just making all chat offences punishable would be to make it Severity 2 chat offences as well, because I understand that it's not nice to have someone tell you to kill yourself, and then just get away with it. Doing so will make a more positive environment for players, because I can tell you that it absolutely sucks to be told to die irl, especially over a game. I will do my best to encourage this change, but please don't be disappointed if the admin team sees it differently, as only they are able to explain why this will be added or not.

    nik <3

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