We Want Survival Resetting!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HarryIsADuck, Aug 30, 2020.


Do you want the Survival Server to be reset?

  1. Yes

    14 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  3. Or Yes

    5 vote(s)
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  1. HarryIsADuck

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Hey Folks, I'm starting this post for all of Survival to comment on. The reset has been long overdue with the Survival Economy being broke. Now is the time to make your voice heard and tell the owners that Survival shouldnt just be pushed to the side. #ResetSurvival
    Alice Miller and 01001110 like this.
  2. pangf

    Mar 27, 2020
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    please it's so boring lmao
    01001110 and HarryIsADuck like this.
  3. 01001110

    Jan 7, 2020
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    This needs to happen ASAP. It's been too long and there is nothing left thanks to the economy being destroyed by hackers. #ResetSurvival !!!
  4. Alice Miller

    Aug 30, 2020
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    We've been together for ten months
    What, it's been nine months!
    Ten months
    In fact, we almost survived a year
    -Falsettos (the trill of first love)

    please we really need a reset
    I went on a break for 5-6 months and came back expecting a new start but it wasn't, I really hope you guys rest survival soon
  5. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I’m quitting for 2 months. If I come back and Survival isn’t reset, that’s just sad.
    Alice Miller likes this.
  6. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The fact that survival has a smaller playerbase than most of the server slows down/decreases the number of resets, since
    1) the economy won't float as fast as on other subservers
    2) quests are unlimited
    3) not a lot of players would be affected
    Subservers such as prison (upcoming reset) have a limit (reaching z9) whereas on survival there isn't much of a "goal". Therefore, even though seasons will eventually get boring, there will always be stuff to do.
    I'd take a wild guess and say survival will reset in late september / early october. I may be a little bit off but that's my expectation
    Have a good one
    puposaurus and httpmeme like this.
  7. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Survival seasons are the longest and usually take longer and run longer more than the others. As Guih said, there's always something to do on Survival since its not like Prison, Factions or even Skyblock.

    The server's last reset was in November so I'd say we have another month or two. Instead of protesting and demand it reset instantly, suggest ideas for what can be added or what the Owners can do to fix everything and make it more fun.

    I understand everyone's frustration but try to play on another sub-server or play on another server or get as many keys as possible for the next season. :)

    Have a great day or night ! <3
  8. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Lmao what if we just get hundreds of ppl to delete all their stuff gg dev team
  9. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Survival's reset is overdue indeed. This season is already 10 months old (with no set date to reset), which makes it the 3rd longest season ever since Survival was introduced in March 2014. It lasts longer than all other seasons except for seasons 1 and 2.

    This season had a great start and had lots of players during the first couple of weeks, but as time went by, the flaws in the economy as well as some other issues started to show, and grinding quickly became boring and pointless for many people. The season was quiet but still fine until the duping happened. The duping really harmed the server. It damaged not only the economy but also people's motivation to spend time on the server.

    Also, the past three seasons had an average length of 7 months, so people started to expect a reset in June. It is natural to feel disappointed after waiting for a reset for 3 months especially when the server is very quiet.

    It is very likely that the owners had considered resetting Survival in July, since it was about the time and no server reset in that month other than factions. The reset didn't happen, and some of the possible reasons are: they were working on something that would benefit the entire server, they were working on something that had been postponed for a while, or they thought the new season wasn't ready.

    Starting a new season before fixing some big issues (like duping) or planning it out thoroughly is not something good to do, and a new season with some of the same issues we have in this season will possibly reduce the popularity of Survival even more. It is better to wait longer than to have a new season with a similar economy and the same problems.

    While waiting for the reset, we can take some time to go over the problems this season has, and try to find solutions to them. I wrote a Survival Mega Thread a while ago, and I bumped the thread today so we can gather more ideas and suggestions there. With more ideas and suggestions, we can improve the upcoming season 8 together and have a more exciting season we all look forward to.

    Survival Season 8.0 Mega Thread: https://mccentral.org/community/threads/survival-season-8-0-mega-thread.96923/
    pangf, puposaurus, Vervain and 5 others like this.
  10. HarryIsADuck

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Hey, thanks for the comment! Survival had a huge player base but in the recent months has slowly dropped to almost nothing. A month ago a group of hackers came onto survival and gave around 1 billion worth of items and money out of players some of which hasnt been removed, our top player has most 1 Billion in IGM. Survival is replayible but
    If you played Survival a lot you'd know there was a suggestion board made 2 months ago for ideas related to Survival. Survival Seasons last around 8/10 months and we're about to go into the 11th month. Its overdue people are bored and i dont know how many times i can do quests over and over. Yes survival is very replayable but after 11 month it gets boring.
    pangf likes this.
  11. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    I just got started playing Survival just this season but it's already difficult with everyone having everything so having a reset next would be best honestly
    pangf and HarryIsADuck like this.
  12. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Harry i may be a little late to this thread but still wanted to give some of my input. I myself was a little disappointed when i saw a ping in announcements thinking it was about survival only to find out that it was about prison especially since prior to the announcement I had been saying things like "survival reset last november and its likely for survival to reset before prison last prison reset was on the longer side and dragged out a little bit it wouldnt shock me if they do that again for season 7 if they drag out season7 longer it could mean theyre working to make season8 not as bad as season7 came out to be" and "seen as theres been a pattern that prison resets around these times since its usually the timing. while the season6 timing was pretty awful being 10months or something and getting a worse version after it [season 7].. you also have to take in other subserves into consideration. like how factions resets monthly and sb seasons are a little shorter than prisons and then survivals do tend to be dragged a little longer than prison as it [survival] doesnt make much money compared to prison and the player base is a little smaller". But also for the reasons guih pointed it out it makes sense that they reset prison before hand, i think when it comes down to the server in a big picture its the monetization and how a bigger sub (not only by player count but also the things you can buy for prison) like prison would bring in more money they even added more booster options likely so more enjoyment for players and more money can be made for prison.
    from someone who has played both prison and survival since season1, but also lwokey throwing sruvival out when they added eco in s3, i think it's okay that prison gets a reset before survival. since prison 7 had a few issues (like p1 being down first few days of reset and some problems from the beginning not being fixed til season8, and poor planning on prisons eco with 5+ Z9s) at least now they can finally end that season and give a better season for prison players, and maybe it (season8) wont be as rushed as season7 seemed to be and the prison eco can be fixed and won’t be so much of a clown show as some prison players like to make it look like.

    while survival still is not reset, sometimes it's better to value quality over quantity. survival being pushed back/dragged out to almost 10+ months (like prison's season6) can be turned around into a positive point. since maybe they’re trying to fix pvp and make the eco actually useful and not just some numbers causing drama (i’m looking at you aduq)... A possible other reason for survival to be pushed back a little more is since there was big changes made at beginning of season7 while a lot of them were good there were a few flaws when it came to the community's opinion, and also since there was a lot of changes this season theres also a lot of options of where some areas can be improved and if so which way.. but anwayyss
    kinda already mentioned, but- survival is prolly pushed back since it doesn’t make nearly the amount of money prison does since a.) it's not really large player base b.) prison has boosters and more reason to buy keys in mass loads when sale comes.

    anyways have a great day! waiting for survival to reset with ya' :D
    pangf likes this.
  13. KatQueen

    Sep 11, 2019
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    They will look at this with the amount of support they might just do it so im all for this!
  14. cisean

    May 1, 2020
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    I would really like to see the reset, but I do agree we should probably wait another month.
  15. DressCodes

    Jan 7, 2020
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    Hey Harry!

    I think survival is in need of a reset and a revamp. I think most players on this server know survival is dead. If anyone played in the early days of MCC, survival was SO much fun. I think they should bring it back to what it use to be and listen to what players have been wanting for a while. I know personally, my group of survival friends have all quit because of the new additions to survival. Alot of things ruined it, and they added alot of stuff for no reason (since the survival server was already amazing).

    I think they should make it go back to 1.8. Players don't want to switch versions just to play one sub server and even though you CAN play survival on any verison, it is very laggy for 1.8 players.

    I think it would beneift MCC to reset and bring back how survival use to be, because the community use to be so big. I miss the old survival days.
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