Prison Season 8 | Mega Thread

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by KierenBoal, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Prison, a subserver for mining, PvP and scamming.

    • More profit to make!
    • More blocks to mine!
    • More gang wars!

    This Mega Thread is a detailed list of things that I believe could/should be added for when Prison season 8 becomes a reality!

    If you think of any tweeks, or have any disagree with any suggestions I've made, please make a comment - I'd love feedback, the more feedback the better!
    Please also feel free to comment on this thread to post your ideas and opinions!

    Below is a list of primarily my ideas and suggestions.
    please take them with a grain of salt. Just because I'm suggesting them doesn't mean it will happen or is going to happen.
    They are simply suggestions!

    Default Plot: (Medium)
    Change the default plot - no more grass!
    The default plot on Prison has always confused me - are we in an open field, or a prison?
    Changing the default plot to a simple schematic, with hardned clay floors, a crafting bench, chest and bed would make the plots feel much more like a prison cell.

    By having 3-4 different pre-set plots, and randomly rotating them, the plot world can look diverse and more prison-like, rather than a colorful green field.

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    Add more 'toplists': (Easy)
    In the same way that Skyblock now displays /croptop, /mobtop, etc at /spawn, we should add more toplists to spawn to celebrate various acchievements!

    /baltop (Top Balance)
    /ranktop (Prison Rank)
    /statstop (Most Kills)
    /mobtop (Most Mobs Killed)
    /minetop (Most blocks mined)

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    Add new top metric, 'Bribe top': (Medium)
    Another metric to try attain other than getting the best rank! (Or in conjunction with)

    Bribetop is a simple system where you give money to a guard NPC.
    Theres no physical item returned or anything, you are simply bribing the guards.
    Whoever spends the most money bribing guards will be on the /bribetop list.

    Add a rule/plugin for advertisting plots: (Easy)
    Prison chat is quite ugly. Players are greeted with walls of adverts when they login.

    Players often spam 2 chat messages every minute; as this technically means they aren't spamming.
    However you get cases where multiple advert bots are spamming at the same time, and the chat just becomes an unreadable mess...

    Theres three options to solve this:
    1) Add a rule to allow no more than one advertised message to be sent per 10 minutes, with the punishment being a Severity 1 mute.
    2) Add AFK detection, and dissalow typing when a player is detected AFK.
    3) Make a plugin to dissalow sending similar messages. (IE: Check your last 5 messages, and the must be somewhat different), which would stop bots spamming the same messages over-and-over-and-over again.

    My personal preference is for option 1, as AFK advertisment bots are important for spreading the word of your plot! However they simply get abused by too many players setting up too many of them advertising too frequently.

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    Create an 'Enhanced upgradable Pickaxe': (Medium)
    I'd like to introduce the 'Harvest Hoe' equivelant to Prison. In a similar way to getting a Harvest Hoe on Skyblock, the Enhanced upgradable Pickaxe would fill this niche.

    This item would be a reward from the treasure chests.

    Almost identical to the current Upgradable Pickaxe; however with a few 'better' features.
    -Upgradable 'Double Drops' (Chance to double ores mined) - Stacks with Miners Delight
    -Upgradable 'Auto Sell' (Auto sells drops)
    -Upgradable 'Treasure Hunter' (Chance to find things like P4 armor, Golden Apples, God Apples, S5 Swords, etc while mining)
    -Default comes with Fortune III

    The above features would NOT be avaliable to the regular 'Upgradable Pickaxe'

    Add /gang target: (Easy)
    In the same way that factions has /f focus \name\; we should add /gang target \name\
    This would allow ways for Gangs to coordinate a player.

    Another thing to consider would be /gang targetgang \name\ where all members of that gang would get a target, allowing for Gang Wars!

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    Add plot border: (Easy)
    Until you reach a certain rank, confine players to the plot they are on using the world border.
    This would simply be a way to make new players feel confined to their plot.
    (They can still do /p h \name\ to warp to other plots)

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    Replace Quests with 'Black Market Tasks': (Medium)
    Rather than daily/weekly/monthly quests, players should be given one random unique quest.
    They can't get a new quest until they complete that quest, or pay a fee to get a new quest.
    These could be called 'Black Market Tasks'.

    The quests should be thematically based around prison and come with some appropriate dialogue.
    -"I've got a bounty. Murder 1000 Villagers and bring me their remains for a juicy reward!"
    -"I've got a dealer on the outside ready! Bring me 2000 of the most premium diamonds"
    -"They call me crazy for hating Pigmen. Kill 500 of them and I will reward you handsomely!"
    -"I want to see you suffer! Drink 10 potions of weakness and come back to me"
    -"Prove your allegiance to the prison. Slay 10 players in the wilderness and bring me their heads!"

    There should be a /tasktop to list the top task completions.

    Make tokens slightly more common: (Config)
    Tokens aren't too hard to come by early season, but bloat out super expensive as the season progresses.
    Making tokens easier to get would assist with this; as new rookies would get and sell tokens.

    A simple fix would be to award tokens at a HIGHER rate when someone hasn't collected tokens in a period of time.

    For example, if a player hasn't obtained any tokens in 5 minutes, make their next token much more likely to obtain.
    This would mean players very quickly get their first token, and would also never get on a 'dry streak' as you'd almost be guaranteed a token after 5 minutes.

    Naturally, this method wouldn't be exploitable, as you could simply mine normally to get more than one token every 5 minutes.

    Remove 'Dropping mobs for XP': (Config)
    Currently if you punch and drop a stack of 1000 mobs, they will drop 1000 mobs worth of XP.
    I know this makes obtaining XP easier; and thats the problem. XP becomes almost worthless when you can so quickly obtain vast quantities of it.

    This would mean you'd need to actually slay mobs for XP, not punch and drop mobs for XP.

    Add /block command: (Update Plugin)
    Add the /block perk from Skyblock to allow crafting Ingots into blocks for easy selling.

    Re-balance weights for Bar Gamble: (Config)
    The highest level gamble only has a 35% success rate.
    Some of the higher level gambles should have closer to 40% success rate, and the earlier level gambles closer to 45% success rate.

    That way the house is always in favor still; but has a better chance of winning!

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    Add new common treasure item 'Supermassive chest': (Medium)
    If it can be done with an actual chest, it'd be awesome! Though, most likely would need to be done with a playerhead in the same way holoskulls work.

    Supermassive chest is a block that can be right clicked to be configured. You can configure exactly ONE item that it will accept.

    This chest would need to be integrated into the chestshop plugin to allow it to be used.

    This chest would hold an almost unlimited quantity of that ONE item.

    This would allow sell shops to reduce down from thousands of chests and signs to just a handful of Supermassive chests!
    My poor framerate will thank you!

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    Add new treasure item 'Apple Pickers': (Easy)
    Shears but instead of getting leaves, it destroys the leaves for a increased chance of a Apple, and rare chances of Golden/God apples!

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    Add XP requierments to Custom Enchants: (Easy)
    Rather than just tokens, Custom Enchants should requier both Tokens and XP, giving mobs a reason to be grinded once again!

    Add new Custom Enchant 'XP Magnet': (Easy)
    XP is automatically given to a player when a mob is killed.

    Add new Custom Enchant 'Smelter': (Easy)
    Automatically converts Iron Ore and Gold Ore into ingots when mining.

    Add new Custom Enchant 'Loot Magnet': (Easy)
    Loot is automatically picked up when grinding mobs.

    Add new treasure item 'Unbreakable': (Config)
    A custom enchant that applys the 'unbreakable' NBT tag to an item. This item literally becomes unbreakable and takes no durability damage.

    This custom enchant would ONLY be obtained via the treasure chests, to keep it somewhat rare.

    This item would most likely be used for PvP armor to make unbreakable God sets. This might be OP?

    Add '/toggles': (Medium)
    Add a command /toggles that brings up a interface with all toggles.
    No need to integrate the toggles to display their state, as clicking on a toggle outputs text usually anyways.

    EG: Clicking the chest will run the command '/cstoggle', which would toggle your chestshop messages.

    This will save players from needing to remember all the commands for toggles.

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    Update /pay: (Easy)
    Either add a command /trustpay [name] to never get /pay confirmations, or after you pay a person once add them to your list of trusted players you /pay.
    This would stop us needing to type /pay twice; as we'd only need to do it once for a trusted person.

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    Implement 'Simple Shop Signs': (Easy)
    A simple command that generates pre-loaded signs.

    Hold an item in your and and type:
    /shopsign sell 64 5000 (this would make a sign to sell 64 of that item for $5000)
    /shopsign buy 5 1000 (this would make a sign to buy 5 of that item for $1000)
    /shopsign buy 5 1000 sell 64 5000 (this would make a shop sign to sell 64 of that item for $5000 and buy 5 of that item for $1000)

    This would remove the need to find item IDs, as you could, for example, hold a token and type /shopsign sell 1 1000 - which would make a shopsign to sell tokens for $1000 ea

    I've already made a plugin similar to this in the past, simply gives the player a sign with the text1, text2, text3 and text4 NBT values set.

    This could also be done with a nice GUI too.

    Add /kit pvp: (Config)
    At the spawn warp, add a sign that you can click for /kit pvp every 10 minutes.

    This kit contains:
    • Diamond Helmet
    • Diamond Chest
    • Diamond Legs
    • Diamond Boots
    • Diamond Sword
    • Bow
    • 32 arrows
    • 1 Golden Apple
    • 8 Steak

    Shorten large numbers to be more readable: (Medium)
    All displayed numbers over a certain threshold should be displayed in a more simple format.
    Rather than having $152,532,123, it should be displayed as $152.5m
    /bal should still output your raw balance.

    Remove P4 from /kits: (Config)
    Change P4 to P3 in /kits. P4 should come from crafting, not from just opening a kit.

    Killing mobs should drop tokens: (Update Plugin)
    Add an alternative way to obtain tokens, by killing mobs manually!

    Add 'Beaconing' back to a SECOND PvP Arena (Suggested by various community members): (Easy)
    Read the original thread here

    To allow people to choose wether they want to deal with beaconing or not, add a second smaller PvP arena on a different side of /spawn.

    This would allow to OPT in to either use beaconing, or not.

    A second PvP mine would be placed here to encourage people to split between beacon PvP and non-beacon PvP.

    Allow 'recycling' of custom enchants: (Easy)
    Allow custom enchants to be sold back to the CE shop for 50% of the tokens back.
    If its a level 2 book, 90% of the tokens should be returned.

    Add new booster 'Upgradable Pickaxe speed boost': (Easy)
    A 30-60 minute booster that would increases the speed at which upgradable pickaxes level up (and enhanced upgradable pickaxes, if added).
    This would add a new booster that can only be benifited by manually doing an action.

    That's all for now! Leave comments below with what you like, dislike, or would change!
    All opinions and suggestions are welcomed and valued!
    #1 KierenBoal, Jul 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
    OriAlfi, khoah, tayhlor and 22 others like this.
  2. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Another great thread, I agree with most of the ideas. I love the ideas that will make prison feel more like prisons. I don't think the unbreakable tag should be added to armor but that's just my opinion.

    Along with a rule for the bots advertising i think we should make a gui where ppl bid for advertisement spots. But we put limitations how long you can have it up there so others can put theirs too.

    We cant stress this enough but the more feedback and ideas we get from prison players the better we will know what the community wants changed/added.
    #2 Unadvised, Jul 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
  3. _prometheous123

    May 16, 2020
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    as a prison fan i will totaly accept this :)
    Xermes and Louie like this.
  4. Tasc

    Aug 26, 2019
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    In my opinion, I think they should make the upgradable pickaxe like a hh in skyblock, putting it in treasure chests is a better idea and making it rare to get rather than just doing /kit pickaxe. Also prison is already OP and adding these commands like /block and adding new enchants will make it even more OP. I mean 3 people have already made it to Z9 which is really crazy.. Also the advertisement bot shouldn't be allowed as it really makes chat boring and confusing. Also color chat makes the server look cheap and annoying. Basicaly make prison less OP and not a pay2win.
    jellt likes this.
  5. 1handy

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Hello sir KierenBoal,

    First of all i wanna say some of ur points are looking really good and interesting.
    I am playing prison for a long time now (prison 1 and prison 2) and one of the biggest problem is the PvP map, its boring and too small.
    Prison got a huge PvP community and we all got bored of the PvP map after one or two months already.
    In the past maps we were able to climb on trees, mushrooms, go in water or shoot people into the void.
    Maybe not all of these points were fun all the time but every single map was better than the map we got atm, you just cant do anything.
    I am just trying to represent some of the PvPers in Prison and maybe you are adding some new things into the PvP Area, because PvP has never been this dead.

    Tasc likes this.
  6. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Its interesting because i've heard the current arena is too big and that its too easy to kite via bow boosting and pearls. I do think making a small arena that you cant escape and having a larger arena the possibility to escape would be a good balance.
  7. Aussierules123

    Aug 18, 2019
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    I really loved most of the ideas here especially the upgradeable pickaxe speed booster, supermassive chests, and the apple pickers. Not sure how I feel about the plot border and the removing of p4 from kits.
    We do absolutely need more ways to get tokens, it takes me hours of mining to get 50 for just 1 spawner.
    I feel some things like /pay are fine how they are now and don't necessarily need to be changed.
  8. Twizz

    Jul 26, 2019
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    As a player that have been playing this for a very long time, i agree with Unadvised saying that unbreakable items would be overly powerful given the fact that with that armor people would never die. IF it were to be added into Prison it would need to come with a gapple delay forcing players to use crapples. Basically wearing the unbreakable armor a risk.
    I wanted to pick up the beaconing subject since i feel like its an important discussion given the fact that some people dont like it which is why (if it were to be introduced) i get the idea of having 2 separate PvP areas but im afraid its gonna be like season 3 where there was a boring little hole that nobody used for anything. If people are aware that they can get beaconed in the alternative area they simply will not go there and that was the same thought for the people back in season 3. They had in their minds that if i jumped down into that hole i would be dead engaging a fight against a beaconer considering he either will kill me while beaconing or since it was so small (which im thinking it wont be this time if it were to be added) they would get ganged on by more than 1 player. What i am trying to say is that adding a second area for pvp where there only will be beaconing allowed will only make the area unused in my opinion, i dont see why people would go down into a hole where theres a chance you get dropped in seconds other than just going out into the ''wilderness'' area and basically be safe from beaconing. And on top of that i believe that taking away the p4 from kits is a really good idea since it makes p4 harder to get, back in season 2 it was considered rare until immortal was introduced with a kit including p4. I have an additional idea to the immortal kit, since removing p4 might be an option i think adding a sharp 4 sword to the kit will be necessary since both bedrock and legend have it. Basically giving the immortal a bit of a standout other than just the basic protection 3 sharp 3 principle.

    Adding /kit pvp would be a huge downside for pvp since hackers have a lot easier ''supply'' compared to how it is now or how it has been for a while that they need a ranked account of some sort or a friend with a ranked status to get gapps armor swords etc but adding /kit pvp basically gives the hackers all they need to jump down and kill someone in p3 and get more gear. Hackers are a huge problem i must admit and im certain a lot (and i mean a lot) of players can agree, there are cheaters everywhere and adding an anticheat (the current one is so bad and its like its not there) is needed since staff members cant be on every sub server and every minigame 24 hours a day which out of experince i can say that prison rarely has staff members playing it and hackers come and go really often, ofcourse there are actions being taken such as a while ago u could and still can dm staff members in their official discord server in the support room but theres not always staff members on there either, and i can say that because as a person from sweden playing on an American server the majority of the staff members are AU/NA atm.

    Also about the bot spamming, coming from a player who has been playing prison since its early release i can definitly say its been annoying.
    slick, Swaggle and QuaSee like this.
  9. Twizz

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Also /sethome should be enabled in pvp :)
    slick, Raqueese, Nacy and 5 others like this.
  10. jellt

    Jul 28, 2019
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    The unbreakable enchant would ruin pvp as a whole. A player could have an unbreakable set and come in with 1000 god apples and not die for weeks or so if they got in a fight? That would be a terrible idea. But I do agree with the adjustments to ore sell shops and the nerf of chatbots which are ruining the chat.
    Raqueese, Nacy, Xermes and 2 others like this.
  11. jellt

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I think the main issue is bow boost bows. There are some players who I look at like im about to fight them and they hit 5 bow boosts and wont fight me. Every 1v1 that someone “loses” by running out of prot4 or gaps turns into a 20 mintue chase with bows. I think epearls with a cooldown is the way to go because you can still fight someone who has pearls but when someone has a punch bow you have little to no time to stop bowing behind them and swing at them. At that point you have to either be a lot better at bow boosting than the player or hope their bow/enough armor breaks. I have probably spent 30% of my time in pvp chasing people with bows endlessly in circles.
    I agree that asmaller arena could solve this problem, but even with a small arena people can still spam their bow to the point where the fight is extremely unpleasant. The main issue i have with the map is the shape. Its a big permiter of spawn and it is very easy to use the massive spawn in the middle of it to hide from any fight you do not want to take. I would like a smaller, more open map,if that makes sense, with the removal of bow boosting.
    Tasc likes this.
  12. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I feel like hellforged should be added as well. That would make life for people who pvp easier. Night vision & water breathing ce’s are useless therefore I suggest removing them (as nobody barely uses them). A shortcut for /gang commands such as /g would also be cool.
  13. Tasc

    Aug 26, 2019
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    10000000000% agree!
    jellt likes this.
  14. Tasc

    Aug 26, 2019
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    But like the unranked people cant get proper armor to pvp in so /kit pvp is a good idea and not many obvious hackers go to prison maybe like twice a month a bhopper comes in but other than that about everything u said makes sense and would make everything better
  15. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    This is great but the only thing that I really don't agree with would be unbreakable being able to be applied onto gear. It would be okay to have on pickaxes or swords but if someone comes into pvp with an unbreakable set and tons of gaps it would ruin pvp lol
    Spiriten and jellt like this.
  16. Spiriten

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Could we add a death top? It'd be quite interesting to see who has the most deaths, especially since theres a whole group of people who work on getting the most deaths
  17. Twizz

    Jul 26, 2019
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    im not talking about bhoppers, im aiming at the more indirect blatant cheaters basically the ones who blatantly cheat without bhopping
  18. Twizz

    Jul 26, 2019
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    ruins pvp as a whole, this means that they will have to remove all getaway tools cus people would just start running to regenerate their armor and then keep fighting again which basically is the same as having unbreakable armor
    guih likes this.
  19. Twizz

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Chasing someone without a bow is practically impossible, theres no way to catch up to someone whos running at the exact same speed, and even if u have pearls they will have to extend the combat tag by atleast 10 seconds which would be extremely annoying, keeping bows is the way to go :) (for me)
    Raqueese likes this.
  20. TeddyOreo

    Aug 2, 2019
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    Hey KieranBoal,

    I absolutely love all of these ideas. I think a few of them could be tweaked to become more balanced but overall I like most of these suggestions.

    In terms of lists, I think 'Blocks mined' and 'Mobs killed' should be added to /gang list when you hover over a players info. Not all gangs revolve around PvP so this is a easy way to tell what gang member is doing the most in terms of grinding/getting money.

    For the 'enhanced upgradable pickaxe', fortune 3 isn't a lot for quick and fast mining. I think this pickaxe would be better if fortune can be upgraded (to a limit) so loot can be gained more efficiently. This also can increase the usefulness of Auto Sell.

    About the unbreaking custom enchant, I do find it extremely overpowered when applied to armor as it would just prolong PvP fights and not make fighting worth it. A solution to this, like roadmanguih said was to add a Hellforged custom enchant. To balance it out, xp or tokens will be taken from the player's inventory to repair armor. Also, the repair rate shouldn't be faster than the rate armor can be destroyed to make armor breakable.

    I feel like the unbreaking custom enchant should only be able to be applied to tools. This can encourage new players to get their hands on an immortal pickaxe, apply unbreaking to it and mine all day. On the other hand, this can also ruin the idea of upgradable pickaxes as they are already unbreakable. In the end, the main use for this CE would most likely be for axes and shovels.

    With the 'Simple Shop Signs' I think it can be very useful to those shop owners who have a massive ore shop. However, this command/items can be confused with shop sign macros which can sometimes set off anticheat alerts. It also kinda takes away the 'grinding' aspect to prison because for the longest time players would type out each sign by hand. To balance this out, there can be a cost to use the command such as tokens or money depending on how many signs are being used.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my feedback to this Mega Thread.
    #20 TeddyOreo, Jul 14, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
    BlockyBeach and Tasc like this.

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