Forums donator appreciation.

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Elecctricc, May 14, 2020.

  1. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Morning, afternoon or evening all!
    I was doing my nightly check around the forums when I came to the idea of this thread. Often I see players that I question whether have a donator rank or not (completely random I know right) and so I thought that creating a banner type system, quite like the staff one would give the donators of the server a little appreciation on the forums. This is just a simple quality of life suggestion, nothing major and nothing that I intend to be added to the forums for the short term future. Like all my suggestions I will get into the benefits of this after I show some of my iconic visuals:

    Current staff banner as reference:

    It's clear that the staff members need to be represented on the forums; chaos would ensue without a tag, with people just guessing who's in charge.

    Current player banner as reference:

    The current player presentation UI is simplistic; nice however lacks the potential of showing an official donator tag for players and staff alike.

    Possible designs:
    Screenshot_4.1.jpg Screenshot_4.2.jpg

    My designs here are in no way a finished product (thankfully) however would still subtly give the appreciation to donators who support the server. In my mind, I would only have legend and immortal ranked players as the personal who get to obtain the banners as to reduce the potential spam from all the different ranks throughout the server.

    It is clear to see the difference between a staff member and a player from the icons next to each players donator rank.


    - Selling point for potential customers on the store.
    - Hopefully a very flush and professional looking banner for donating players to wear.
    - Donators have a perk on the forums that sets them apart from others.

    Again, this is just a minor quality of life update for players on the forums and I don't believe that this is a major update however still a nice idea that could be taken into consideration. :)
    Lemme know your thoughts!
    - Elecctricc.
    #1 Elecctricc, May 14, 2020
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
    Quixxo, Yoloswsg247, stiva and 4 others like this.
  2. 6hb


    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hey Elecctricc!

    I love this idea and I love the effort you put into designing some custom tags!

    I think this would really encourage more people to buy donor ranks. Having a custom tag really sets you apart from others and I believe that It would be a huge tipping point if someone was on the fence about buying a rank.

    I really hope to see this added soon!

    6hb (jake)
    Elecctricc likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hey! this was brought up when forums first switch to this, and if i remember correctly, it was turned down/since it was mentioned so long ago and it’s still not added :flooshed: :eyes: (here’s that thread: here).
    | personally i’m not opposed to it, but also i can see why it would be turned down since there’d have to be something made for players to link or for “/link” to be updated or smth, and some people might find the dif colors ugly/in consistent/ugly (i think variety wouldn’t be bad, but also it can turn into some p narrly rainbow mess too). also, if players change ranks and blah blah.
    I think since majority of players tend to be legend and immortal it wouldn’t make a huge difference since most tags/banners would be similar to other people and kinda make the tags almost useless. already by themselves they don’t really server a purpose except for looks whereas staff it’s for some reason like “more authority” or smth (obv more to it, but on surface level).
    enjin didn’t have this feature, what would it make for the new forums, yk?

    anywyas, these are my thoughts... i’m not fully on board and also not fully opposed, more in the middle +0
    have a great day
    ArtGuru and Zonafer like this.
  4. pirte

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Honestly, this could be a great new addition. As 6hb said above me it could encourage more people to buy donor ranks.

    However, I disagree with the fact of only Immortal and Legend getting the banners. As your basically just throwing everyone else out the window. Now it's not like that with the staff because it would be important to know who is staff or not, but ranks not so much.

    I agree that this could be great addition to the site, but my only addition would be having a banner for all ranks not just those 2. Even then for those who don't have a rank banners could still be made for them. Like if they have been a member of the server for a while they can have a "Senior Member" banner.

    [ p r i t e ]
    Elecctricc likes this.
  5. Sarrrcasm

    Jan 28, 2020
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    I like this idea however I agree to the statements above. I think it should be for everyone with a rank. Just like in their discord.
    Elecctricc and puposaurus like this.
  6. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Hey there Elecctricc!
    While I really like the way it looks and I love your designs, but I'm a little on the fence about this idea. As previously mentioned many times, it should be equal for all players to have access to it, since even coal ranked players have donated to help the store in some way, so I think it would be great for all players to have access. In saying this, I feel that it could cause arguments and issues, mainly for staff members who have a low rank. I've seen people in the past arguing in chat saying "LOOL Staff1 is only Coal rank, what a noob!" and such, and I can see this being an issue on here if your suggestion is added.(If it were added for all ranks)
    The simple answer to solving it is to just Make it optional, like a way to toggle on or off, if you'd prefer not to show your rank publicly. This would make players more comfortable and feel free to decide weather or not they want everyone to see it. Other than that, I love your idea and would love to see it added!
    Peanut Butter
    Elecctricc likes this.
  7. FourNut

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Elecctric!
    I love this idea! I absolutely love this and it would be a great addition on the forums to have Forum Tags regarding the different ranks. I believe that you should make it toggled in your settings, or it should be restricted to Bedrock+ ranks? I like the toggle option better, but if it is added a Bedrock+ forum tag was be awesome as well.

    As @Nikki_ said above, players could bully staff members with lower ranks, and they could be abused and I believe that staff members should keep their staff rank. Staff Members should leave their normal rank alone, for in-game they are a staff rank! This could be easily fixed with a toggle, but either or is fine!
    1. Make it optional or toggled
    2. Keep it restricted to certain ranks like Bedrock+ or Legend+
    3. Do not add it at all.


    Have a nice day!

    Elecctricc likes this.
  8. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    What an insightful response! Thank you:) I think that it could create quite a mess with colours however maybe the banner will take the rank with the highest authority, for example, you could be immortal and a Moderator however the Moderator tag will only be shown because the staff rank has more authority compared to the donator rank. Just an idea:)

    That's true in saying that including everyone is a good idea, however in my eyes I would see just a mess of colours from all these different ranks - my idea of having 1 banner that will be shown, and that 1 banner will be the rank that presents the most authority could help subside this. Rest assured I do agree with you in saying that everyone should be included! :)
  9. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    This is a good idea and could possibly be implemented similar to how you can link your Minecraft account to the website... If there is somehow that by linking your Minecraft account to the website can automatically find your rank and respectively promote you to it, that would be cool.

    However, this is kind of just an extra thing and doesn't NEED to be added. There was never something like this on the Enjin website, so don't expect them to add something like this any time soon.
    Elecctricc likes this.
  10. Cornjoe2

    Jul 27, 2019
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    This is a unique fresh idea, I like this and give this a +1. If not ranks they should have some sort of rank in the forums of how many likes you have or forum posts. kinda show how reliable you are.
    Elecctricc and Nikki_ like this.
  11. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    As a Bedrock Rank myself, I could care less about the tag on forums. It was nice of them to give tags on discord, but truthfully it doesn't add to the value of what you're posting.

    Stay Well-
    Elecctricc likes this.
  12. Prismane

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Just like @Firebal676 said, if there was an easier outlook to adding this by just doing /link im sure there could be a possibility of this addition. But, for now just like on the old idea about this, the staff said even they have to give other staff the tags manually so it would be impossible to implement the idea without an easier way into it.
    Elecctricc likes this.
  13. ThorKingOfAsgard

    Oct 19, 2019
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    Hey, @Elecctricc I totally agree with adding a custom banner is a wonderful idea. The reason for this is that it will show appreciation to MCCentral donators. I think it should be activated when you do /link in the lobby. If you got a donator rank you will receive your banner so admins do not have to constantly give players the banners. I personally think it should be all the donator ranks to receive a forum banner. I also think your design looks epic for a donator banner. Overall it is a +1 for me for the donator forums banner idea and have a wonderful day or night.
    Elecctricc likes this.
  14. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I feel like in the future (month or two) they should (Im pretty sure they are dealing with a lot rn with server changes and a bunch of angry kids/teens talking about a new anti-cheat). We put our money into this server, it would be nice if we get showed appreciation like we do in game.
    Elecctricc likes this.
  15. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Electricc!

    I am half on board, half not with this Idea. Let me explain the pros and cons to this.

    • This Idea will look pretty nice on the forums display and I guess just be a shortcut to find out their rank.
    • This will help deal with situations revolving ranks like say someone is Coal rank and can’t work out why they do /Ec and doesn’t explain there rank, it would be easier then having someone ask their rank and then responding.
    • It could be hard to set up. I understand Discord has a #role-claim chat to make yourself a donator but that’s only one quick command to type in chat, this you may have to edit the users settings. Not to mention it’s a lot more work for staff. I am not sure if there is a way to do it with /link, that might work.
    Good Suggestion!
    If it is possible, I give a +1
    -Me :)
  16. Wolfscare

    May 24, 2020
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    I personally love the idea of the banner - hypixel has already got something similar, and this could be enhanced to also give rewards to those active on the forms - what if your crossed swords on either side of the name were "experience icons" and the more active you are on the forms, the more icons you "unlock" that you can pick from?

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