I had an account from like 2014 and it had a bunch of posts that were like fucking memories and Id look at them every once in a fucking blue moon and now this shity new one is fucking my style up yknow
mcc has switched forums sites. with enjin, they couldn’t have as much control... mostly with walls and filters n’ such. the old forums is still up... it’s just not in use... link to old forums: https://mccentralarchive.enjin.com/forum
Hello, Minecraft Central, has switched to Xenforo (the new website software). The old forums is still there, but nothing was linked, since it was a new website. The old forums, wasn’t too good, it was very floppy, and it didn’t run to the extent of what was needed for the new players. We decided to switch to XenForo, for a cleaner look for the forums, and to look more professional.
Hey! MCCentral switched from an Enjin based system to a Xenforo based system. Basically the reason for the change was because Xenforo is newer and is getting updates regularly. On top of that, there is more control and plug-ins which are Xenforo specific. All other major minecraft networks are on Xenforo.