Why the hacker problem will never be solved.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pherb, Aug 30, 2020.

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  1. Pherb

    Jul 8, 2020
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    Its simple, a vast majority of casual players aren't going to take 20 minutes out of there time to come on the forums to report a fly hacker that will just hop back on the second they get banned. If you really want to help yourselves and your server, make a /report.

    I've been banned once on my main, unbanned now. Funny thing is i was using slight reach on vape, and oop i got banned quick. That fly hacker that is still running around on the server? Nope. Nada. Not mad about my ban, just mad you would go through logs to ban me, but not use your eyeballs to ban fly/bhoppers. Do something about it admins, im not plugin genius but there has to be a /report one. Do everyone a favor.
  2. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Obviously the hacker problem is annoying, but I have a few responses.

    Firstly, forum reports don't take 20 minutes they take less than 5. Secondly, I agree that a /report would be nice, but as that currently is not implemented a good thing to do is go on the support channel of the MCC discord and report hackers there. When staff see a lot of hackers in SW they come en masse and do a good job of cleaning it up to make it more playable.

    About your other main point, I think I have a slightly different view of how damaging hacking can be to a server. Sure, fly hackers are annoying, but they're easy to spot and if a mod is in game they will get banned before the game is over. On the other hand, sneaky hacks like the slight reach you mentioned are much more problematic to the competitiveness of a server. Hacks such as slight reach can go undetected for long periods of time, meaning hackers such as yourself get more illegitimate wins and kills than any fly hacker could on one account. Bemoaning the fact that you got banned using slight reach doesn't really make sense as an argument.

    Yes, hacking is a problem, but as has been said many times there are a things you can do to help (not hacking would be a good place to start).
    ectratr likes this.
  3. stampyrhodes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The guy has a point you can say there could be a mod in the game or it only takes 5 min to report but that just doesn't matter, i'd say 95% of the hackers in minigames blatantly hack and know they're going to get banned and have hundreds and hundreds of alts come back and vpns with hundreds of locations to change their ip so them getting banned after hours and hours doesnt really matter much since they have alts . Reporting on the forums doesn't do anything if I'm honest because they could hack for hours and not get banned until a couple of hours later in most instances unless a staff sees it or gets tipped off by another user, ik Alex isn't going to do anything but a /report would help tremendously on how quickly staff can ban cheaters. Other people have also talked about how minigames aren't a huge moneymaker but if the game modes were a priority mcc would have a better reputation more players instead of being known as the server with no anti-cheat but a better anti-cheat is a MUST.

    - stampyrhodes
    Departition_ and Marco5py like this.
  4. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    *sigh* hello, I would like to say, that, well, yes, the hackers are annoying, and taking, wait, 20 minutes I read? No, only a few moments really, to report a player, either have discord open and say the name of the player on the support area, or, have YouTube ready to upload a video and the report forums open with all but the name of the player and description empty, so all you gotta do is upload a quick thirty second video, paste the link and name of the player And send, k?
    Also, to get the thirty second video, press the windows button, alt, g and it will record a video clip, then when in YouTube, pressing the upload brings you to the files where your captures are kept, there, you search in the search bar at the top right Minecraft and the first results that come up, the video on the left is the newest one, press that one and put it into YouTube, and your all good!
    Easy as pie, thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
    Your friend- Alansar_trignot
  5. stampyrhodes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    that's not a point 95% of all the hackers have hundreds of alts blatantly hacking for their amusement, so there needs to be a better anti-cheat so they get banned quick, a report system in-game and make it so staff can tp into minigames since they currently don't have perms to, I think the second option itself a in-game report system would ban them much quicker then sending a report on the forums since it takes time to reply the amount of time it takes to make one is irrelevant if it takes 8 hrs to reply
    Raqueese likes this.
  6. Alansar_trignot

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Yes, it’s true that all the hackers have alts, but guess what, it takes them more time to change their up or Shit then it does reporting them. I have noticed that after reported a fair amount of hackers, that the numbers decreased, I saw less and less per game, I could actually PLAY with out a hacker most rounds, and anticheat, it might not be updated, but that is NOT needed, you know why? Because we ourselves as the players can become it, it seems long drawn out fucking process to report hackers, but guess what? It’s fast, plus, do what many others on this server do and just say the name of a player And then @staff member on the support area in discord and boom Your done! A staff member will be there as soon as you send it, ok?
    So, if you do not like reporting, then we’ll, not my problem, you can play with as many hackers as you want, but I think spending only a few seconds from the game won’t kill you, eh?
  7. 27JAS

    Jan 20, 2020
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    Hi pherb,
    You said that no one would take the time to report a hacker on the MCCentral Website, and that may be true for some people, but for the people who really care about making this server better, they will gladly take the time. Also, if you dont want to take the time to report them, you can go onto the MCCentral Discord and in the #support channel, you can ask a staff member to come and ban the hackers. The discord doesnt take up as much time, and the staff team are great at responding to questions and they almost always come to the game with a hacker immediately.

    MCC Discord - https://discord.com/invite/9jzwQDQ

    Thanks for reading!
    Alansar_trignot likes this.
  8. Lieger

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Uhhh... you can report hackers to the staff members since they are actually insane at taking care of all of the hackers on the server!!! They are really busy, so banning hackers may not be there first priority, but when they do, they do an excellent job. You can report players right here -------------> https://mccentral.org/community/forms/report-players.2/respond to make sure they get banned or go to the MCC discord and go to the support channel! Have a good day/night!
    Flarinbeast and NourJr like this.
  9. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    lmfao just gtfo this forum and delete your account
  10. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    As a mod I know it's frustrating when we can't be online to help ban hackers. I know what it's like especially when I was non staff applying since I'm AU timezone. Less staff online = less staff able to ban hackers. But that's the thing about fly hackers, a 2 second video is all you need, so when a reports team member is online and available, they don't need to sit there for 20 minutes, gather opinions from other staff and what not. Its just "oh he's flying" instant ban from the report. I see the issue is that there are not a lot of reports team members as well, so reports are often left open for a while, but once you've reported, if someone is saying "omg stop hacking" etc, they will most likely log off. It's not the best thing to do if a staff member is trying to ban them in person, but if no staff are online and you've reported, nothing bad can happen. A /report command would be great, but there would still be an issue when no staff are online. This is something few people seem to understand, and there is not a lot we can do about having more staff on in quiet timezones. We can't just make people staff if they aren't applying, and we can't make people interested in becoming staff either.
    Either way, forum reporting does not take 20 minutes, especially if it's just a 2 second video of someone casually walking in the air.

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