Why /coinflip should be removed from prison

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by UmNick, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. UmNick

    Feb 17, 2020
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    Hello, my name is nick, and I am a mcc prison player, i mostly play it for the community, and cf. Recently i’ve came to the realization that you guys are starting gambling addictions. I’ve had multiple friends quit due to coin flipping, and I think that it should be removed from prison. It’s caused me to impulse sell spawners trying to win my money back etc. It causes toxicity as you can see in the image linked. I also think that it ruins peoples moods, and overall has the power to make people upset. My point is that /cf is an addiction, and you guys at mccentral including ALEX MARKET are causing players to become addicted to gambling. That screenshot about toxicity is just one example trust me there's been MANY MORE.

    For example we have our fellow player tielerman, otherwise known as the man who works at dominos, and spends every dime he has on irl deals. He views cf's as IRL money rather than in game money wHICH IS EVEN WORSE. This man here is an example of someone who is majorly addicted to coinflips.

    iluvu, Cassowo and MoKTaV like this.
  2. MoKTaV

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I second this opinion. it is highly addictive and I have cried myself to sleep multiple times. It isn't a funny thing and it hurts me to know I am addicted to them. It also doesn't help when I get bullied into going all in or peer pressured into doing something I know I am going to regret. I don't want to feel this pain and I don't want to cry anymore because of it. REMOVE IT!!!!!
    UmNick likes this.
  3. Cassowo

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Very true nick very true
    MoKTaV and UmNick like this.
  4. Cassowo

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Yeah cuties yall should remove cf its caused many of my friends to quit :o
    MoKTaV likes this.
  5. SverreDH

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Yea, I agree, I have been coinflipping for a while now too, and never profit :P. Coinflipping has made me rage and rage quit many times, because losng millions in a few seconds is stupid. Not saying cf should be removed just because I lose a lot, but because some people aren't careful with gambling and lose days of progress with a simple coinflip. If cf would be removed more people would be playing right now, because multiple have quit mcc because cf losses. The comunity would be happier overall and less toxic.
    MoKTaV likes this.
  6. Cassowo

    Feb 8, 2020
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  7. Tielerman

    Sep 5, 2019
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    i like losing 100mil cfs
  8. Perforations

    Feb 10, 2020
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    I also agree with this. The feeling when many days of progress get wiped out in a few minutes is extremely demoralizing and has lead many players to quit. I have also lost many cfs and most of the time I feel like quitting. This is not just isolated to me, as many people have quit due to heavy losses to coinflip. As such, in order to preserve the current playerbase, cf should be removed.
    UmNick likes this.
  9. kuieren

    Sep 26, 2019
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    I agree that Coinflips should be removed, though I personally don't do cf's I've noticed that a lot of people seem to get addicted to it, and, even though not likely, that could even lead someone to have IRL gambling problems. I also believe that all features on the server should positively influence all (or most) of the players in-game experiences, but CFs have been causing a lot more misery than joy, with players raging/quitting because they've lost days of work in a matter of seconds by trying to gamble their balance further up.

    Another problem that CFs bring is toxicity within the community, I mean just look at this thread, people just keep arguing about something so unnecessary... This overall behaviour that this has introduced into the server leads me to believe that removing CFs would be a lot better for the server, bringing a healthier community and reducing the amount of players quitting the game/server because of their losses.
    Definitely a +1 for me.
    MoKTaV and UmNick like this.
  10. Yefhfcjghbnn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Teaches kids not to gamble -1
    Departition_ likes this.
  11. UmNick

    Feb 17, 2020
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    No it actually encourages it
    Departition_, kuieren and MoKTaV like this.
  12. MasterChheda

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I fall under the boat as a person with a gambling addiction. I went one straight day of /gamble and /cf and lost over 30mil, and since then I quit gambling because it made me feel sad :(
    Simply withdraw all your money and put it in a chest, or try to realize you're inevitably going to lose. Only a select few people have the lucky talent of winning CFs. I kid you not I am the unluckiest person on the server; I lost 8 3mil /gamble's in a row and 8mil in CF's in a row. Tell me the odds of that lol.
    They're not going to remove CF just because it causes people to lose money. The entire concept of gambling originally revolves around making a little to then losing a lot. You have to personally stop. There won't be a CF ban added to help those with addictions, and they won't remove CFs because there's no real need to. Yes it can get children into gambling addictions that could carry on IRL, but MCCentral is a business and in reality the example provided (in sad truth) helps MCC. All other sub-servers have it as well (except Creative), so it would be weird for specifically Prison to have it removed.
    If you suffer from gambling addiction, stop. Watch Youtube videos of how your life could be ruined. Imagine all the money you lost and quit now before you lose more. Sure Youtube videos are of real situations, but they can relate to some point in your Minecraft life. @Muel_ knows I watched videos!
    Quote me and say I'm wrong if you want but I'm just stating the facts. MCC won't remove CFs. MCC won't add a CF ban (you request a ban to stop gambling). You need to stop gambling!
  13. HH_Captain

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Hi Umnick!
    I see you have a well evaluated point there but there are some errors including that only the minority of people dislike CFs and the others including Tielerman enjoy CFs although they can lose. When you win a big CF you are obviously happy but when one loses a coin flip they will not be in the best mood, but losing this money is good for the server as you may have lost but the other person won meaning either one is sad and one is happy. If you lose a cf and lose all your money it may encourage you not to cf again or to grind for money to win it next time.

    Also although you lose a cf it still feels like a fun experience and all in all it is a block game with in game money that could be used for real money but it is the owner of the moneys choice to do a cf. A way of getting rid of your addiction is to lose as it shows that when u lose u do lose everything you put into the coinflip.
  14. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    I feel like this idea can go both ways.

    -While a lot of people dislike coinflip and say it is a waste of money and time, others frequently enjoy it and play Prison for it. It's also a really fun experience, and also somewhat replicates gambling from real life. This can seen as a life lesson.
    -However, coinflip does cause a lot of unneeded rage and results in fights between the community. However, the toxic parts of the community aren't caused by coinflip alone, and could be/usually is a personal issue.

    TL;DR: Coinflips have pros and cons, removing it will cause anger, keeping it will keep the current amount of anger.
  15. iSloth

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I agree. I think coin flips are a nice touch, but people need to limit themselves and be responsible.
    Hypnosis32 likes this.
  16. Pxggles

    Feb 12, 2020
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    I can't tell if you're joking or not but people should have self control and know when enough is enough and to stop coinflipping. Coinflips can either teach someone to learn when enough is enough and accept your wins or teach them that they have no self control. I don't think that they should remove them from the game. I think players should just act and play smarter, and if they are actually gonna be upset if they lose, then they shouldn't gamble. Remember, you shouldn't gamble money that you wouldn't want to lose.
    Granola likes this.
  17. Chkns?

    Jul 25, 2019
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    +1 Removing it will make people grind more for money instead of relying on luck to be rich. I will admit, I have a cf addiction which has costed me millions of dollars.
  18. HowToFaction

    Jan 19, 2020
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    Hello UmNick!

    Personally, I don't see why CFing should be removed, I mean I, of course, understand why you and other people are so outraged on people gambling their whole balance away just to try to win their money back. But, from what I believe it is simply apart of the game. I believe that people should have the maturity and self-control to know when to stop. It's just like a casino in real life, no one is stupid enough to gamble their whole worth away just to have a chance to hit the jackpot, would they? No one in the modern-day actually would. Because at this point it is common sense no matter how much you spend there's almost a zero percent chance you'll win. People only gamble in Casino KNOWING they will lose all of that money and knowing that money is easily replaceable and they won't suffer from the loss. Although this is just my opinion and maybe a bit biased towards the fact that I won so much from gambling on factions. In conclusion, it is a -1 from me but it is my opinion on this subject so please don't be offended. :)

    Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day/night!

    - Jen/HowToFaction
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  19. WorthyRedPanda :D

    Aug 14, 2019
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    Yes, it should be REMOVED
  20. BigShaz

    Feb 12, 2020
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    Hello Umnick,
    I've taken the time to really read your post and read other fellow MCC players comments and I have to say I'm a bit baffled. I don't feel as if CF's in MCC will transfer to people gambling outside the game. There's a major difference between gambling in game currency vs IRL money. Myself as a player, being as I am over the legal gambling age, do gamble IRL and in game. It's one thing to gamble with in game currency as it does not matter in the real world. Its a block game. I don't feel that coin flipping has made me addicted to gambling in any way, shape, or form for one reason; Self Control. Sure, I coin flip in game. It adds a different fun aspect to the game. Many people like yourself feel like your addicted to the coin flipping aspect of the game and my comment to that is one simple response; Don't do it. Nobody is forcing you to do it. Nobody is holding a gun to your head saying you have to take that coin flip. You can easily just not do it. its not hard. There are other ways to make money on the server than that. For this, I'm going to have to -1 this post simply because I don't feel as though this is a big issue. If people quit because they lose money, fine. As bad as this may sound, There are other players who will continue to play whether they lose or not. If you really quit because you put your entire balance on the line in a 50/50 chance, all well. At the end of the day, It's still just Minecraft, and you are still a person. As far as the toxicity in the community. I feel that coin flipping really has little to do with the fact that if someone is going to post some derogatory comment in chat about losing coin flips, that's their choice, nobody is forcing them to say anything toxic. I understand you may be addicted to coin flipping, and for that, I'm sorry. But just because a handful of people in the community cannot control themselves doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the remainder of the community.

    thanks for taking the time to read my post. Sorry its so long, just giving my two sense. look forward to everyone's thoughts. Have a good night.

    ~ BigShaz <3
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