Why are people presumed guilty when banned for hacking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Inj3ction, Aug 9, 2019.

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  1. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I wasn't personally banned for this, this isn't a complaint thread.
    But, why is it up to the person that got banned to have proof they were not hacking?
    Shouldn't the staff have to provide proof on appeal to the contrary?
    People say the staff don't have time, but the helpers do it fine,
    and how hard is it to turn on a recorder while spectating?
    All they have to do after is label it IGN:Date and put it in a folder for a few days.
  2. eyan

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Moderators have a lot of hackers to ban, and it would be extremely inefficient to have to record and label every single hacker they ban. Moderators are promoted after earning the trust of the rest of the staff team so that they don't have to save evidence. The only reason helpers have to save evidence is because they are new and they are not entirely trusted just yet.

    There's just no efficient way for a moderator to save evidence, and it's a huge hassle after spending all that time after earning the trust of the staff team.
    Zonafer likes this.
  3. Phraze

    Jul 22, 2019
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    To add on to this, moderators also go through a series of tests to prove they are able to distinguish hacks from a legit player. I believe if a current mod does bad on one of these they have to save their evidence for a certain period of time. Senior Mods have also gone through more of these tests in order to receive that promotion.
    Zonafer likes this.
  4. commes

    Jul 28, 2019
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    just gonna say it: even staff who get promoted to mod can be incompetent when it comes to banning for cheats. I've been false banned twice since 2016, (1 from spectating, 1 from VOD), and both times I was playing completely legit.
  5. Phraze

    Jul 22, 2019
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    You can't expect them to be perfect. 2 bans in the span of 3 years isn't even that bad compared to some players. If you were banned the first time and you know the staff are "incompetent" surely you would think to record if you have an idea there's someone who might report, or staff watching. It's also pretty easy to get your punishment reduced via appeal without evidence if you can't prove it false.
  6. commes

    Jul 28, 2019
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    my bans were in 2016 and 2017, I then stopped playing because the server was dying and getting false banned for a 2nd time. I should not have to record 24/7 just so I don't get banned. This also is impossible if its from a report, as how am I supposed to know where it was from when sr mods don't even have to supply proof, and who the hell keeps weeks of gameplay. Also the amount you got hackusated if you are even HALF decent on mccentral is crazy, so saving all of those clips is impossible too *and you wont know who you got reported by most the time*. This is like saying that it's my fault im not armed if i got shot at by someone.
  7. Hey!

    Helpers have to go through a lot of practice banning until they are given the opportunity to be Moderator. These moderators are highly trained and know what they are doing. They usually only ban when the hackers are blatant. If not, they will go through screen sharing which, if clean, the user will not get banned.
  8. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    This post kinda makes no sense. I had a hacker report denied because i didnt have "sufficient evidence" so they dont just do it whenever. In order to get a hacker banned you have to send a report with a video of them hacking or if they are flying then perhaps a picture is enough. They dont just randomly ban because someone is thought to be a hacker.
  9. commes

    Jul 28, 2019
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    yes they do bruh moment
  10. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    they really dont but whatever u say
  11. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I did a little test.

    It took a grand total of 19s to take a file out of my recordings, rename it, and put it into an evidence folder.
    Even if mods each banned 100 people a day it would only be 1/2 an hour a day spent on orginization.
    It's not that they aren't trusted, it's that mods false ban a lot of people.
    we just need a better system
    The staff when they spec someone
    Do infact ban when they think someone is hacking​
  12. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Heu N3urotox1n,

    I would say this is controversial and there is a lot of things that I agree for both sides.
    In real life, most constitutions and legal systems have a rule where it says that if someone isn't proved to be guilty, then they aren't guilty or something like this. What this means is until there is proof of someone doing something wrong, they haven't done anything wrong and not the opposite. So basically I can't just file a lawsuit on someone for robbing my house without proof that they robbed it and win my lawsuit.
    If we took this system then before punishing any player, staff should have proof of what they did wrong or they shouldn't be punished.
    But on the other hand, imagine having to store proof of every single time you would punish someone.

    Helpers are always required to have proof of every mute and warning they do but mods don't.
    The big difference is that an image can take up 2MB, a video can take up to 2GB. Of course, it depends on how big the video is, but isn't that still a lot. Just like everyone else said, Mods are trusted. They go through multiple interviews and months of training and being a helper. Usually, when Helpers are promoted to Mod, they were a helper for at least 2 months before promoted. During these 2 months, they go through reviews. These reviews test there skill to identify a hack and their knowledge of hacks. A lot of the times, these helpers would go through training reviews before doing a review and a review is typically every 2 weeks. In other words, they are worthy of not lying. I would say it is easy to simply delete every file after you banned them and just put it on YouTube privated until you need to use the file again but then imagine having to look through hundreds if not thousands of files to find the right video. It's simply too complicated to record every single hacker. Staff are also just humans, not robots. Sometimes they might make mistakes and it's fine to make mistakes from time to time but if a mod always false bans. Imagine how many people would staff report the exact same person.

    On top of this, I'd like to say that staff members are volunteering there time on the server. I highly doubt that the moderators get paid irl money to be a mod. So don't take this topic to seriously. I hope you don't get offended by what I say as I just want to share my opinion on this. Thanks for reading this long, long text.
    Zonafer and Inj3ction like this.
  13. Yogi

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I was actually a little surprised myself when I heard just how "trusted" moderators and higher ranked staff were with their rank.

    Uploading a video with the correct title (IGN, Ban reason) with proper information in the description, isn't difficult. You can go off on how hard it is to be a staff member and that they don't have the time to record every single hacker and sure, I can understand that for the most part. However, it's a lot more expected from staff for most situations to be recorded. One of the requirements for even applying to be staff is to be able to record at all times. I don't understand why that requirement would suddenly become completely useless once you go up a rank or two.

    I 100% agree that you should protect yourself from unfortunate situations such as a false ban by recording as often as you can but I find it very strange that the same isn't imposed upon staff members. Appeals should never be a he say she say moment, there should always be reasonable cause for suspicion and sufficient evidence. Lack of proof for ban situations reflects poorly upon the staff members and the implicit trust that's supposed to justify all of that is just not enough. I hope this doesn't come across as me demeaning the role and importance of staff members, I actually quite like everyone here and I appreciate what they do, but this particular trend within the staff team is something that should probably see some alterations.

    Inj3ction likes this.
  14. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    2 false bans in the span of 3 years doesn't seem like a lot, but sev. 3 client bans you only get 3 chances. So that's 2/3, next time would be a permban.
  15. Inj3ction

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I understand staff make mistakes, that's not why I'm going around saying the staff team is bad or they always false ban or they should be better. I'm simply asking for a better solution, so appeals are not all hearsay and completely up to the staff. Also, the proof guidelines for us is a 3m maximum video. That would only take up maybe 100mb. The staff could delete these recordings after a week or so.
  16. Personalisation

    Aug 7, 2019
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    I totally agree with what you have written. I've been reporting a lot of cheaters recently, and if I would follow your steps then it will only take up 20 seconds of my time to upload a video with the correct title and reason. Also, staff members with good computers can record everytime whilst playing without having technical issues or what so ever. I don't face any issues whilst recording a video when I'm playing, and it's really easy done with OBS.
  17. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As I said previously, files can always be helpful. Especially when a player appeals and then a lot of the time, the player will file a staff report because they think it was unfair. The easier solution is to just simply leave it be as it is now. Although I do agree, it isn't perfect, there isn't much more they can do except for recruiting more staff which is currently happening. There are more mods then there has been ever in the past year and as some people leave the staff team, more people come in and now especially because of the rise of MC again.

    There are multiple things I'd like to say here.
    1) Not all staff have good computers. As this is obvious but good computers are expensive and not everyone can afford them. Always recording isn't the most ideal thing.
    2) Obviously, you can give a name for every video you make but just as I said before, you might have hundreds if not thousands of videos. Do you think someone can really think of all the names? Not only that, but it is common that staff ban multiple 10's or sometimes even hundreds if the accounts are bots per day. Logically, it might make sense but in practice, it will show complicated. And again, I get where you are coming from
    but it's just not that simple, to be honest.
  18. Personalisation

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Oh okay, I'm sorry. You have a point there, but can't staff members just upload the evidence and then ban the hackers with the evidence link in the reason of the ban? (Just asking) or do you think that that's too complicated and hard to to achieve?
  19. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    They could just simply have it left on their pc instead and only used the video if the player banned isn’t convinced they are cheating
  20. Yogi

    Jul 31, 2019
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    How is naming a youtube video something difficult at all? You only need to include the persons name, ban reason and realm. The description can then include timestamp and pieces of other information. I run a very dull 2012 Macbook pro. I've been consistently uploading an upwards of 8 ban reports a day, with all of them being separately named, timestamped and described. I review them a bit before I'm completely sure I'm right and then I proceed to upload it to YouTube so it doesn't clog up space plus it's easier to access and manage. This is all done in the span of 5-10 minutes. I've helped ban a few hackers from the server at almost zero expense to myself. It wasn't hard in the slightest and I found no "stress" added to my day because of it. Heck, I'm even answering this thread while uploading 3 right now.

    If somehow a player appeals this ban, they can thus be linked to my video which has all the proper information included. This is how every ban on this server should work, with the exception of Watchdog-esk bans, which are automatic and completely unrelated to the staff members. I've said this before but I'll re-iterate it again :

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