I am also Kaboom_243 I am currently banned because i "Griefed" But I didn't, if you're talking about the Creeper spawners NoChanceM8 left and took his spawners back. I don't know if RBK_OpticZZ griefed us I don't know because I am banned which was a mistake, If my island is griefed it wasn't me i was offline and rbk was online, i can't appeal because the login is not working for me it says "User Kaboom_243 not Found" If our island is Griefed, it wasn't me and what kind of Leader would grief there own island?
I don't know why how I am banned, "grief" If your talking about the SB1 island well i own the island and why would i grief my island? I am trying to appeal but the login is broken for me "user Kaboom_243 not found" i also tried my email still said the same thing, I hope it will be fixed and i can be unbanned.
heyo bucko! if you believe you were falsely banned or whatever, you can appeal here. you can explain the situation like you did in an appeal ticket. talking about your punishments in forums general chat is usually something that gets looked down upon.... anyways.. hope this helped! edit: i’m not sure what you mean by “User Kaboom_243 not Found” have a great day! ~pup
Hey Freedom! Like puposaurus said the best way to get unabnned if this is a false ban is to appeal on the forums. If the appeal isn't working message a staff member and they will direct you to the member who banned you. If you have any other questions or queries don't hesitate to message me or any staff on the website or on discord. If you don't have the discord server link you can join at this link https://discord.gg/9jzwQDQ Have a good day! Thread Locked