What needs improving ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Desiqn_, Dec 5, 2020.

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  1. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    Hey people,

    Was just wondering, what do you think needs improving on MCCentral. I get that minigames revamp will be a big topic but I was wondering if there is anything else?

    Would love to see your suggestions =)

  2. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! In my opinion the main thing which needs improved is the anti cheat on this server. Even though there are a lot of good staff members, its hard for them to keep up with the hackers. If the anti-cheat was improved, it would stop a lot of hackers coming on the server since they wont get away with flying on sky wars for example. Also, after a hacker gets banned they just come on different accounts. If the anti-cheat was improved, they wouldn't bother keep coming back as its harder for them to hack and they wont get away with blatant stuff like bhopping and flying.
    abbs likes this.
  3. KingKottlewing

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Agreed, this should be the priority. After that, I think the games in general on MCC need to improve, any minigames or subservers. The number of players has dropped significantly and I believe that improving this will boost the player numbers notably.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i would perosnally like to see improvement in the simps and their simpness level. i feel there's been a lack of simps, minus daniel, for a while. would like to see it pick up again. holidays season coming up. oop who's under the mistoletoe...
    jokes aside, i'd like to see some improvement in skyblock since i feel it's in between being traditional and branching out to have the cool features like hypixel and skybounds. huns run skyblock with confidence. i believe in. you.
    another thing i'd like to see improve is survival, but i could run on that for a whike.
    ** i think prison sub could use nice refresh. rather than every season they fix what they couldn't in the previous season some new features and gameplay (maybe been SoL tingz) could be a nice change to prison. maybe even implementing some type of advertising preventative other than client anti spam options and /eignore since staff can't ignore people and it can make it harder for them to see chat rule breakers or even private messages since chat moves fast (moreso in beginning and middle of season) (SoL). I thought mining backpacks were such a nice addition this season, maybe build some more up on them if anything can be built onto them.. make apple cutters/sheers deadass kinda cute and useful, theyr'e kinda silly and i would rather just farm apples the vanilla way than the sheers..
    i think for kit, i'd like to see the gap between rookies and donators to be filled and even putting up some default kits for rookies that isn't shitty *** gold armor and potions. as well as new maps, maybe dion or swaggle could make something stellar :woozy:. something i;ve seen on invaded lands is different kits with dif abilities... yeh that's kinda gay, but what if there was just better default kits. kit weekly is nice, but it doesn't last long and it doesn't really feel like kit. it just seems like who's in most credit card debt or who's mommy doesn't know where their credit card is.. :eyes:
    damn i love creative
    for minigames, this is a p popular opinion. REVAMOP MInigAMES. anticheat is a little whack and there's some ssw maps that suck arse and some that are stellar stars. i remember some of the map submissions from enjin were kinda dope looking, if those are archived somewhere other than there or whatever... but the ones here have some p dope gems. a revamp on sg would be nice and maybe even taking away the compass from bedrock, and make wolf egg purchaseable so it doesn't seem so p2w despite how the wolves are shit..

    anyways.. gn..
    KingKottlewing likes this.
  5. nuveau

    Oct 4, 2020
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    As mentioned by others, I really think and support the idea of improving the server's anti-cheat. Hackers present a considerable problem on MCCentral; although many staff members still help to this issue by banning players with modified-clients that aren't allowed in the server, the trouble still seems to continue and grow, which then causes many players to stop playing the server due to the amount of difficulty hackers bring to them while playing a game. The implementation of a considerably strong enough anti-cheat on the server would have a huge and positive impact not only on how players of the server play games, but also on the popularity of the server. Having a good protection against hackers sounds like a great suggestion and I think it should be a priority since it would be appealing to players that had previously stopped playing due to this problem and it would also encourage current players to keep on playing since mini games and sub-servers would be fairer for everyone to play on without having to constantly report hackers.
    siidechick and meana like this.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    1) Minigames revamp

    2) Minigames revamp

    3) For the love of god just revamp minigames already.
  7. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Anticheat :weary: :weary:
    Mingame revamp :weary:
    Decent staff :weary: Harry for staff 2k20
    More strict rules
    Better ping and hit detection
    More egirls i mean what
  8. Fates

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Improve? There are many things, one of them is the Staff, who does not know how to analyze an OBVIOUS hack, I can understand when they cannot analyze with a hidden hack, what can I do? The human being is like that, but this Staff doesn’t look human, when I report a hidden hacker, who needs a lot of analysis, they refuse, OK, they didn’t know how to analyze, but this is a lower level, but imagine you "Denied" in a report with a video of a player using Scaffold, ABSURDELY clear in the video he is using, but the staff says "Denied"

    The player makes a bridge, straight, does not sneak, does not stop, just walks backwards, at normal speed, and puts the blocks. Imagine you, pressing the S on your keyboard, ONLY the S, looking down with the camera, and making a bridge in that way, just in that way, you would have to hit timings for thousandths of time, something that the human being is not capable of to do, so stop saying that this is normal and honest, just STOP.

    These players are mainly those who usually fall a lot from bridges, or they fall alone, because they go beyond what is allowed, and they don't succeed, or they do it without paying attention, and someone is always knocking this player down, tired of always falling during matches, he download a Hacked Client or a separate Scaffold, and start using Scaffold because hr can't take any more falling, so it bridges in a absurdly fast way, don't you think this is a little too obvious? Or do you happen to need hard evidence of everything? Learn the mechanics of Minecraft and learn what human beings can and cannot do, and then you will be able to ban many more players like that.

    With this intelligence, you could clean a lot of players from the server, if the server is going to be empty, it is better, because it is not positive for a server to fill just this way, so stop choose at ScreenShare, because this is the worst way to know if someone is using a hack or not, look at this Staff, some Staff members of this server uses a hack, but you will NEVER notice.

    And taking advantage of this topic, nothing better than showing who in the Top 75 of Skywars is using a hack or not, I will not make Top 250 because it has not been many days for many players to have played several games, so, I will show you who in the Top 50 is clean or not.

    Red: Hack
    Orange: Hack not yet discovered, but the Win rate has already made it one.
    Yellow: I'm not sure
    Green: Clean

    1 ghmodified (Reach)
    2 aimbotszz (KillAura)
    3 cutegirlakhu
    4 cutegirlvic (KillAura, Scaffold)
    5 fajoszz
    6 ImZezinho
    7 1tr

    8 _vinisz (KillAura)
    9 SimpForMora
    10 lucasszz
    11 DaddySxmuel
    12 voidszz
    13 enantiomorph

    14 Aomine_DSM (KillAura)
    15 Luegaas (KillAura)

    16 Aeacides
    17 zimBOBBwayy
    18 69Nasa (KillAura)
    19 Mr_Ultron
    20 LahTenchOP

    21 aManDuH_
    22 Rohsz (KillAura)
    23 paporeto (KillAura)

    24 Cutegirlele
    25 matheusszz (KillAura, Reach, AntiKB, Scaffold)
    26 Yukuzi (KillAura)

    27 uaiei
    28 YouKnowAboutThat (It's Me)
    29 Unquestionably
    30 kurcmi
    31 Thundrez
    32 qwxs

    33 Lipestmh (KillAura, Reach)
    34 worpz (KillAura)

    35 BlazingPotato
    36 flameszz
    37 Mik_u
    38 Enchantys
    39 crocszz

    40 ChimozuFu (KillAura)
    41 Muniez (KillAura, Reach)
    42 EhOVinni_Ta (KillAura)
    43 ImJustMeh (AutoClicker)

    44 Sweetnys
    45 Cowty
    46 IssaBih
    47 issc (KillAura)
    48 cuteboymarie
    49 Itrxsh_
    50 rejeitinq_ (KillAura)
    51 Yuannian
    52 Sr_Clock (KillAura)
    53 HePlaysGames
    54 Hitnedd
    55 Nii_Mayumisz
    56 SrJake
    57 xokait

    58 GabrielMartins_
    59 Lottify
    60 kisuhampi
    61 ItzLightFive (KillAura)
    62 s0cial_
    63 egurlariana

    64 RevelPatrao (Scaffold)
    65 pios
    66 relogszz_BANNED

    67 JustBeChill (KillAura)
    68 refoils (KillAura, AutoClicker)
    69 LON3R (KillAura)

    70 smellyfartt
    71 MrOcelotcat
    72 maaaya

    73 siliconadaszz
    74 Newnicorns
    75 Balaio
    TwinBlade likes this.
  9. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    We’re still waiting for you to post clips of those kids hacking on ur wall. If you can prove it we will stop shittalking you, other than that get ready for wave 2
    HePlaysGames and puposaurus like this.
  10. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think MCC should focus on what it has instead of what more it can get; in other words, make current things better before adding more things to maintain. Like others said, I would love to see a new anticheat and an update to the minigames, which definitely feel ignored compared to the subservers. Adding new features to the minigames (like perks to CW and MM) and more maps would be greatly appreciated, and they feel very overdue at this point.

    I would also like to see a command to check your most recent chatreports and CR ratio, instead of having to ask a staff member.
    puposaurus likes this.

    Jan 5, 2020
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    Ok so Im an old player who got ss'ed 2 times and i was clean, u still trying to prove your point that i scaffold and kill aura???? Like i think most of mcc community know that i dont hack and they r right, i dont understand your point of hackusating half of mcc community and hope u have an awesome day!
    guih likes this.
  12. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Vic has been around for roughly 6 years (close to 7 I’d say). And you still have the balls to say he cheats. Get your facts right lol
    SANZUOFORCE likes this.
  13. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    amanduh hacks wtf. please fact check your own "facts"
    also.. didn't ask.... report the hackers / back up your claims
  14. DeathFromAbov3

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I definitely think the minigames could use a little spice added to their life to make everything all nice, but what really needs to be worked on is a working anti cheat. Throughout the years of playing I don't think I can safely say I've seen MCC with minimal cheaters. Always went through minigame lobbies with someone walking on water, head snapping like their Jesus or just about anything else you can think of that a client has to offer.
  15. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    - Thread locked to prevent further arguments -
    Desiqn_ likes this.
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