What is a Harvest Hoe?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nikki_, Aug 19, 2019.

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  1. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    For those of you who are unaware of what a harvest hoe does, this thread is for you!

    Recently I've seen many players asking what harvest hoes are, so I created this thread as a little guide. First off, harvest hoes are diamond hoes enchanted with Fortune 3, and hoes are un-enchantable for this reason. A player can not make their own harvest hoe, as that would make them less rare. Harvest hoes can be obtained in Survival, Skyblock and Factions. They are rewards from keys on all three, and on skyblock go for roughly 700-900k, on survival around 200k and factions 1mil (I believe).
    What does a harvest hoe do?
    Since harvest hoes are equipped with fortune 3, they are great for farming. On skyblock, they are the best for potatos and netherwart, on survival for wheat carrots and potatos and on factions for carrots. When using a harvest hoe, unlike a normal hoe, the crops harvested automatically go into your inventory and are replanted straight away. This is why harvest hoes are so valuable.
    How can you get a harvest hoe?

    Since HH's are so valuable, they are a reward from Mythical/Ancient Keys. Their rarities are listed below:
    -Mythical Key rarity: 3x Harvest hoes COMMON
    -Ancient Key rarity: 1x Harvest Hoe COMMON
    -Mythical Key rarity: 3x Harvest hoes RARE
    -Ancient Key rarity: 1x Harvest Hoe RARE
    -Mythical Key rarity: 2x Harvest hoes RARE
    -Ancient Key rarity: 1x Harvest Hoe RARE

    HH's are indestructible, meaning they take no damage, and can also be a reward from event keys (Boss Battle on Skyblock)

    Hope this answers any questions! For any help related, add me on discord to message! NIkki_#8127
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    howdy hey nicholas! i can find this post very helpful for players that are completely new to skyblock and survival n’ don’t know how mcc works n’ all that. adding the rainbow text just makes it 10x more appealing.
    i applaud you for taking the time to write out this post and helping out the community.
    -back when harvest hoes were introduced into survival i made way too many hooters jokes :flushed:

    have a loverly poopooday day
    Nikki_ likes this.
  3. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I love these types of posts! I'm glad to see more player help in the community!
    6hb, Nikki_ and puposaurus like this.
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