What if YOU owned MCCentral?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TrippedUp, Aug 26, 2019.

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  1. ballo

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I said most not all u dumbo and don't tell me what to do most staff are trash and they need to be demoted
  2. Repo

    Aug 16, 2019
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    I'll get a better anti cheat and better mini games. Really all I would do to this server.
  3. Pathetc

    Jul 22, 2019
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    In all honestly I would probably work on the Minigames first. Mainly just Skywars and Survival games are still two popular minigames that people still love to play. But again, if we would have a revamp then we definitely need an actual anticheat since nowadays players are just flying.

    Besides that I feel like on Skyblock and Prison spawners ruined the gameplay. It's no challenge to get a lot of money or upgrade if you just get some spawners and afk. Personally I would either remove spawners from one subserver like prison and sb 2 or just remove it in general.
    AZXG likes this.
  4. Aymere

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Didnt read any of those all too long and boring anti cheat blah blah minigames blah blah

    I would remove all blacklists and chat rules fuck the kids
  5. Bob50

    Jul 22, 2019
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    If I was owner I would most likely just add in a massive mini game update.
  6. Tarheelkiwi

    Sep 6, 2019
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    I would create some original minigames. But also add hide and seek!!
  7. A_Greedy_Dragon

    Aug 2, 2019
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    There used to be Hide and Seek a few years ago! You can see what the lobby from of it looked like on the server banner at the top of the page!
  8. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    First off, this current AntiCheat would have to go. Using a public AntiCheat that anyone can download is just asking to be bypassed. I would re-instate the developer team, and would put more of a leash on them so they don't leak plugins again. Would make signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement required to join the Developer Team, so that they are legally not allowed to leak the plugins. I also would pay them for their efforts. The developers were never paid, or even acknowledged for that matter, getting nothing more than a measly "Developer" tag on the forums. It's not hard to understand why they may have been upset with the way they were treated.

    Second, I would completely revamp the staff team. I am on friendly terms with a lot of the staff members and I don't mean this in an offensive way but most of the staff nowadays have no clue what they're doing. There's players getting false banned almost daily, which is pretty unacceptable for any large server. I would also revamp the system they use to test moderators' abilities to spot hacks. While I won't share too much relating to this, I will say that the hack settings they use to test staff are rather blatant and don't really test their abilities to the fullest. I would also make it so all staff are required to have video evidence for hacker bans. Could possibly use some of that server income to make an uploading system where staff members can upload their evidence to a server, which stores it for 2 weeks, then deletes it. That way storage wouldn't be a concern.

    In relation to before where I mentioned re-instating the developer team, I would also hire developers to make new minigames, and update the old ones. For example, MCC has been around for over 5 years, and staff STILL can't teleport into ongoing minigames. This is rather unacceptable in my opinion. This means if there's a hacker in a game with you, unless they die to pure bad luck, you're pretty much screwed. Removes the point of even playing at this point. As an additional side note, I'd like to update the maps more for ALL minigames. They've been getting neglected for a long time, with no new maps at all in over a year. Even looking to the community, there are hundreds of experienced builders who have submitted maps to MCCentral, but they never get implemented. There's no point in having a Map Submissions subforum if you never use it am I right?

    For ideas for new updates and features, you can always look to the server ideas subforum. There's a lot of suggestions in there that are actually pretty damn good. It just helps to build more of a community and make them feel involved when you actually listen to what they have to say instead of just assuming they don't know what they're talking about.

    Not really as important but I'd maybe make some changes to Champion Builder's voting system, to make it more fair. At the moment pretty much everyone just votes 1/5 on every single build. I've had multiple games where I was the only person to actually follow the theme, as well as build a dope af creation, and yet I didn't even get into the top 5. Could change it to something where voting badly too much will start to affect your own build's rating, or the game tracks all votes cast so staff can view if someone is abusing the vote system.

    I would also like to add Minigames Staff, which is something I've been wanting for a while. Not just as a sub-team, but as an entirely separate part of the team, like Factions Staff. Reason being, there's just not enough staff members playing minigames, and the minute requirements to play them are nowhere near as demanding as they should be. There's also a lot of minigame players who would like to apply for staff, but they don't want to waste their time doing minutes on subservers. A lot of people say that a Minigames Team is unnecessary, but it really isn't, especially with the swarms of hackers. Minigames needs staff to play it more than ever now.

    Lastly, I'd completely revamp the punishments system, mostly for hacking. As it is now, you just get banned for 30 days no matter what hacks you were using. It would be a permanent ban for the first offence if using obvious hacks such as BHOP, Speed, and AntiKB. The rest would be 30-60 days first offence, then permanent ban next offence. I would also make automatic IP-associated account bans, as in if someone banned for hacking tried to log in on a different account it would ban that one too. However this would require us to develop an AntiProxy plugin that actually does its job, instead of just occasionally blocking players who aren't using VPNs. You could argue that false bans are a thing, but like I said I would put in extra steps to ensure that the staff team knows how to properly detect hacks. I would also like to make it easier to appeal these punishments, in case a false ban DID occur. If the evidence given for the ban was unclear or didn't depict them blatantly hacking, they could be unbanned. If someone is appealing a ban for hacking, chances are they're not just some hacker switching between countless alts. If they were hacking, and they appeal after 1-2 months with an honest, sincere apology, they could be unbanned and given a second chance. If they would be banned again, though, that would be it. They had a second chance and they blew it.

    Also just to add onto this, I would start disciplining staff for false punishments, to discourage this "leap before you look" mindset most new staff seem to have, and to encourage them to look more into the situation before just banning them and forgetting it ever happened. Maybe have a system kind of like staff infractions, where staff get a point every time they issue a false punishment. After 3-5 points, they would gain infractions and lose their ability to ban until they can successfully pass an advanced hacking review, proving they can properly detect hacks.

    I'd say @AlexMarkey could take a thing or two from this thread, but I feel like it will just be ignored, like any criticisms made against MCC. He's more than welcome to prove me wrong though, and in all honesty, I hope he does. It's been a pain in the ass watching my favorite server slowly die over the years.
    ImConcerned, AZXG and A_Greedy_Dragon like this.
  9. Tarheelkiwi

    Sep 6, 2019
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    Ah man, that is my favorite Minecraft minigame. We need to petition to bring it back!!!
  10. cammdden

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I've had this talk, and I think it's best if I'm not server owner. I'd probably ban people I didn't like or who were mean to my friends. You guys have really good ideas though.
  11. Dayks

    Aug 25, 2019
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    I would first of all upgrade the anti-cheat! (It really needs an improvement!)
    And second of all I would bring back some old arcade minigames, because i really miss them :cry:...

    Of course it easier said than done but i would love to be an owner of such an important minecraft server in the MC community. This server has always been a major influence when you talk about subservers and minigames!

    Have a nice day/night!
    - Dayks
    MarkitoXD and Lukas24 like this.
  12. idcbenny

    Jul 28, 2019
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    First of all...

    Get a better anticheat.
    Staff team.
    Update SG that you can't be in a team no more than 2 people.
    Make the discord look better.
    Actually care about the server.
    Departition_ likes this.
  13. Adalicious

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I agree with this post <3
    ImConcerned likes this.
  14. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Firstly I’d hire a team of developers, not for the website and forums as they’re both prefect, but for a better Anti-Cheat, and prevention of hackers, I’d also maybe add and advertise some new or improved game modes and update the Duel, SG, Skywars, eg. Maps to be bigger, or upgraded.
    Then, I’d probably just retire through people purchasing Immortal and get a Yacht.
  15. SplatBerry

    Sep 8, 2019
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    im not sure. Maybe the staff requirements.
    SplatShop likes this.
  16. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Jesus, you’re shooting some shots.
    sophi and SplatBerry like this.
  17. Lewklo

    Jul 22, 2019
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    make it so you have to paypal me $5 in order to join the server : )
    ilavau, sophi and brandnew like this.
  18. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I just realized that this thread is about a month old, and it is 1 view away from being the highest viewed thread in all of Off-Topic. Glad everyone was so intrigued by my thread!
    sophi, AZXG and Advolton like this.
  19. Advolton

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Consider that 1 View now processed.
    Congratulations bud! <3
    AZXG and TrippedUp like this.
  20. JustBeChill

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Congrats Vortexed!
    You have my view! <3
    Have a wonderful day!​
    TrippedUp likes this.
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