What are your thoughts on the current PvP techniques?

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by iTrypt, May 16, 2021.

  1. iTrypt

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Hello everyone! I used to play prisons back in 2018 or 2017 not really sure, but the PVP style [rodding] was alive back then and still to this day. I personally love to rod PVP every once in a while, but it sometimes gets exhausting when you go up against a rod spammer. I was wondering what the community thinks about the current PVP technique and if you guys think it needs a change. (I do understand there are other sub-servers for this reason, but I just mainly love playing prisons and enjoy it as a whole.)

    Quick Summary: Do you guys like the current PVP style? If so, why? If not, what would be a new and improved PVP method?

    [I believe this is my first proper post, so please feel free to provide constructive criticism.]
    abbs likes this.
  2. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Okay so i have a few things to add on to this thread;

    I have an extreme hatred for crapples.

    For starters people are 100% scripting them, if you check /ah you'll no what i mean. People sell them several stacks at a time and i doubt they wasted apples to make them or waited 15 minutes over and over again to get them. This is an example Of what i mean;

    Say you're fighting some random guy and doing a lot more damage than he is, your easily winning based on damage but then he pearls away and crapples and suddenly it looks like he's the one doing better. If you personally don't partake in crapple pvp you'd be forced to gap way sooner than you should have.

    Also from what i've seen these people never end up low on health so its not the easiest to quick drop them. I also just dislike them as they're too free in my opinion. There's no work put into getting them and that kind of annoys me since prisons kinda meant to be about the grind.


    Oh my god the amount of people who closet cheat is ridiculous, I'd say at least 25% of prisons pvpers are auto clicking and or reaching. I wouldn't blame the staff for this though cause some of these crafty little fucks are just extremely good at hiding it ( I'm looking at you people with the .04 extra reach, low kill aura and aim assist. I won't mention names but y'all know who you are -.- ).


    I personally can't rod, i'm horrible at it so my opinion on the matter probably isn't the best. Rods can get annoying if they're a spammer, if they have bad aim though it'll make no difference since most of the time they'll miss anyway. Props to you if your good at rodding & can infinite rod. All in all rods are only really annoying if your good at it.


    Oh my god if you want them to add pots i literally hate you. Prison is gap pvp, pots have no place there.

    Congrats on your first proper forum thread, Maybe try checking out the fonts & colours available for future threads :D
    #2 abbs, May 16, 2021
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
    lavoova the grape likes this.

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