Hey, xiaodi1 I agree and disagree for the bunny disguise and block counter idea. I agree with having the bunny disguise but I disagree with the block counter on the GUI/HUD. The reason why I agree with the bunny disguise is because bunnies are really adorable. Also, it will be an excellent addition to disguises collection. However, the reason why I disagree with the block counter on the GUI/HUD is because it will cause lag due to lot of mining. Plus there are already a /blocktop is shows the top ten most mined players. Also, there is /stats and you can check how many blocks you had mined. Overall is a +1 for the bunny disguise and a -1 for the block counter on the GUI/HUD and have a good day or night.
Hey hey xiaodi1! I think a bunny disguise would make a good addition to the disguise lineup on Prison. Concerning your suggestion about a block counter; if a block counter was implemented on the scoreboard, the scoreboard would have to refresh extremely quickly. The quickest a scoreboard can update is 1 tick (1/20 of a second). If you and other players were mining lots it would certainly cause some lag (as Raptor said above). Have a nice day! :)