Hey everyone, is there a rule against someone coming to ur warp to many times? like if someone warps to your island, then the owner expels them, and they do this over and over again. Is there a rule against this? Thanks, 27JAS
Hey, I do not believe so, if they continue to warp to your island you could tell them to politely stop. If they continue you can do this command /is ban (player). This command allows you to ban that certain player from your plot! Have a nice day! -FourNut
I would do /is ban (player) but then they ban me from their island, and they arent even the owner! is there a way around this?
There is no rule against constantly coming back after being expelled, since you can /is ban them, however if they are spamming your warp, you can /chatreport them for command spam. If they ban you from their island, that's a shame, although island members are able to ban and expel players. You could talk to the person who banned you or the island owner and ask if they can unban you, however the decision is ultimately up to them, and they can keep you banned if they want. They might have banned you because they got offended that you banned them, maybe they were just trying to have some fun. You still have a right to ban whoever you want from your island, though. Being banned from an island isn't the end of the world, it just means you can't go to that island. Hope this helps, have a nice day!
wait i have another question. Say someone is command spamming /is warp <player> but that player is also command spamming /is expel <other player>. Do both people get punished for command spamming or just the first player?