Voting leaderboard

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by TeddyPrice, May 7, 2020.

  1. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Hi this month I have felt encouraged to vote because I want to earn the 25$ gift card that the top 5 voters receive, but I have noticed something strange and I think it would be better if this was altered. At the start of the month I got to the top of the leaderboard very quickly, but as others started voting I noticed myself always being last for the number of my votes. My first reaction was that the leaderboard must have been on an alphabetic order because I was always last and my username starts with a "W". I asked a staff member about this and they said that the order was randomized when 2 or more people have the same number of votes, I do not know why I am always last because the chances of this always happening are very slim. I think it would be better if it was based on whoever voted earlier, so if someone voted 5 minutes before me, they are above me. Thanks
    #1 TeddyPrice, May 7, 2020
    Last edited: May 7, 2020

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