Hey, Me and my friend are trying to make youtube videos. We need help with ideas that would be entertaining to watch. Pease leave suggestions on what would be funny to watch, or what you would like to see. We will try to get a video up soon. But, we want the video to be funny and entertaining. Thanks, -iluvhotmoms discord: hotmoms#7489
Hey there! I personally find videos of people playing minigames wrong quite funny, like trying to win a solo skywars game without using the starting loot, trying to win survival games with no sword etc. These are just what appeal to me, but it depends. Thanks, Nikki PS: this whole time i thought your name was "iluvtomatoes" and I just realised i-
Hey! I really enjoy watching team based challenges/games! I feel like watching two players work together can be quite entertaining and funny. You could try some challenges in team skywars. Here are some chalenge ideas: Only allowed to stay on your island No armour No food allowed Only snowballs/eggs No bridging allowed (only epearls) No swords No enchants Hope these helped, 6hb (jake)
Hahaha, Im waiting for name change. I got this name from danny duncan shirt, I am a big danny duncan fan. I don't literally like hot moms.