Howdy All! I haven't been *that* into prison this season, but now that I'm getting back into it, I have a few questions about the upgradeable pickaxes that have been added; -How do you check how many upgrade points you have? -Can you rename it with rename scrolls? -What happens if you die with it in PVP? -How does upgrading work? Like, is mining at /warp as effective as mining at /warp dmine? -Do certain blocks contribute more towards upgrading? eg diamond = 2 points, cobble = 0.5 Thanks, Nikki
hiHi nikki! 1. i’m dont think there is a way to check the exact amount of blocks left to mine, but there’s a progress bar when you hover over it, and in muel’s guide, he gives a chart of the amount of blocks needed to mine to go to next level (picture given below) 2. no, you can’t rename upgradeable pickaxes. 3. you lose the pickaxe and would have to start over (/kit pickaxe) 4. letter mines and dmines don’t really make a difference between “efficiency” it’s really just that you can’t level up your pickaxe from breaking things on your plot 5. no hope these help and make sense! the first one, i could be wrong or somthing like what you described could be implemented soon or next season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ HAVE A GEEAT DAY :) heres’s that preview on muel’s guide: