Updating the CR System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zonafer, May 2, 2020.

  1. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Seeing as the minigames and server anticheat are undergoing a complete revamp soon, I decided it would be fun to discuss some changes to the chatreport system on MCC. While not as important or requested as the minigames and anticheat updates, making changes to the CR system would help the community just as much, if not more.
    Removing the cooldown:
    Most of us who use /chatreport know the headache of seeing multiple people breaking the chat rules, and having to wait multiple minutes to report them all. The 60-second cooldown on chatreporting players only blocks good-intentioned users from chatreporting rule-breakers, and those who wish to cause trouble are largely unaffected.

    Deny message: When a chatreport is denied, you don't get a lot of information. You are told the chatreport was denied, the report ID and given a link to the rules. Report IDs are useless for regular players, and even staff members can search for reports using a player's name. The chatreport denied message would be much more useful if a reason was also provided. This would also discourage players from reporting gameplay offences using the chatreport system, because they are specifically told they can't report players using this method.

    Ability to check chatreports: At this time, players need to ask a staff member to check their chatreports. This process can be lengthy, and it may take time for the staff member to respond, if they do respond. It would be much easier to allow users to simply check their own statistics. This has been done before, with /minutes shifting to /playtime, and I hope to see it again with /chatreport.

    Report database: Right now, report IDs are useless. As I said before, it serves no use for players, and it's only used to deny or accept reports as a staff member. Asking a staff member who denied your chatreport, in order to discuss what happened, can be very messy. Of course, you need to ask a staff member to check, and they can still deny your request. A database similar to the punishment system should be implemented, where a report ID can be entered and the following information is returned: User chatreported, reason for chatreport, accepted/denied, who accepted/denied, and detailed reason if denied. For example:

    Zonafer : Spam : Denied by Rocketman430 : Not spamming

    Clarify reportable offences: Many players use the CR system to report explicit names, skins and gameplay offences. The big problem; these offences can't be reported with /chatreport. I would love to see a warning message appear when you are about to make a report on a player, confirming the report and informing the player what offences cannot be reported via chatreport.

    Extended chat logs: Make CRs record the following chat messages of the reported player (upto 5 minutes); if a player says something more damning after the report is created, this way it is also recorded and the player can be punished appropriately.
    Thank you for reading my post. If you have any questions, concerns or other ideas, please let me know! Have a lovely day :)​
    iZyro, kuieren, abbzyy and 3 others like this.
  2. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Zonafer!

    Honestly, i’ve been waiting for a post like this one to come out lately! I find it very frustrating as a community member and having my chat report denied without having any more information on why it was denied etc. And if i really wanted to get more info, i’d have to go through who checked that cr then being able to talk to them about it. For the cooldown, I couldnt agree more with you on this. When spam bots join the lobby for example, it is very annoying to not be able to report more than one due to other players being able to chatreport them and you, having to wait 60 seconds.

    Overall, this is a +1 for me and I really hope all of this gets added in the future!
    Zonafer likes this.
  3. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    A while ago I suggested adding a /reports command, which pulls up a GUI menu, with both a green and a red glass pane, aesthetically placed if need be, when hovered over, it shows the total accepted for green, and in brackets the amount from that month, and over the red, the same for denied. In the top left and right corners should be a nether star (or any item) which when clicked shows a list of the player’s recent 25 chat reports, with the reported IGN and reason, and next to it shows red denied, green accepted, yellow pending.

    This is a big suggestion, but is good practice for future staff members, and means staff don’t need to be bothered when we want to see out cr stats.

    happy reporting!
    beeankah and Zonafer like this.
  4. xBenz

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The first few suggestions you said were a thing in the past, but not anymore.
    When CR first came out, it would list who denied it but that caused problems (People would message that staff member or even spam them). I disagree with bringing that back for the reason I stated above, and the report database is also not well. There are already a lot of chat reports coming in, it would be time-consuming to now have to put a reason for denying it.

    I do agree with possibly seeing a /reports stats command for regular players. (Just how the minute's system was updated)
    Kane and Lxyne like this.
  5. Lxyne

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Hey, Zonafer.

    I feel like all of your suggestions are a matter of who'll be receiving the benefits of these being added in. Will it benefit the players or the staff team? I feel like the current chat report system is benefiting the staff team rather than the players.

    The cooldown can be problematic now and again. I do agree sometimes you'll encounter multiple players breaking the rules all at once and the 60-second cooldown does get in the way. As you said, this blocks the "good-intentional" players from chat reporting multiple rule breakers at once. However, on the other hand, if the cooldown is removed it may cause the players who cause trouble to cause even more trouble for the staff team. No cooldown means a troublemaking player could very easily spam chat reports endlessly until a staff member realises. Whereas, when there's a minute cooldown it of course takes longer to report and I guess could be considered a bit of a deterrent or waste of time for the troublemaking players. Good-intentional players can always use the forums to report more players. Who's this currently benefitting? The staff team.

    I do agree with a deny message for chat reports. That would be very helpful for players that don't have a good knowledge of MCC's rules or even knowledgable players when a chat report of there's gets denied for a reason they don't understand. Unfortunately, like xBenz has said this would just cause staff spending even more time on chat reports than they already are. As we are both ex-staff members I'm sure you can understand where Ben is coming from. I'd like this to be added in as a player but as a staff member definitely not. Who's this currently benefitting? The staff team.

    I'm in agreeance with you about a /reports command so players can see their chat report statistics. I don't see why this can't be added in. +1. Who's this currently benefitting? No-one.

    I like where you're going with a report database, however, if you add in the few points from the other paragraphs in my message this wouldn't work out. This could be something the /reports command offers. A list of their chat reports and whether they were denied or not but that's all they'd have to offer. Who would this benefit? Players.

    Another point that I'd like to quickly add-in. Like Ben has said above, if a staff members IGN appeared when a chat report was denied this would just cause mayhem for that staff member. They'd constantly be getting asked why the chat report was denied but I guess if staff were to give a reason to why their chat report was denied players may not have to take this action. Cause then it would be no different to forum reports, would it? So, I guess this would just be a comparison of what's the better option. Who would this benefit? Hard to say.

    I like your point about clarifying reportable offences. A possible option could be a basic detector system could be added in. For example, if a player puts the chat report reason as Inappropriate Skin, they'd get an automatic reply saying "This is not a reportable offence via chat report. To report this player please use our forums *link*." Similar to when players try to type a blacklisted word in chat. Yes, this can be bypassed, of course, but it may stop some players from reporting gameplay/client modification offences via chat report. +1. Who would this benefit? The staff team and players.

    Lastly, for the idea on extended chat logs, in theory, this is a good idea, however, in practice, this will just create more work for the staff team having to sift through more messages than they already have to. Who would this benefit? Doesn't benefit anyone, it just may cause the reported player to be punished more severely.

    Cheers, Lxyne.
    Zonafer and iZyro like this.
  6. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I do agree it would open the floodgates for troublemakers to start spamming reports, but I also feel the cooldown needs to be at least relaxed a bit. In the case of bot attacks, players flooding chat together, or just multiple rule breakers in the same place, something has to be done quickly before the situation escalates. Perhaps a 30-second cooldown would be better for the server as a whole? It would still be somewhat of a deterrent for those looking to cause trouble, and let honest players chatreport twice as fast.

    I see what you mean, but at the same time, it's not really a concern. I understand things have almost certainly changed since I was staff, and the server is much busier than usual, but it's not too much trouble to add in a quick "not spamming" or "hackers cannot be reported with CR" after the command to deny a chatreport. It is a bit more work than before, yes, but it would ultimately lower the volume of reports coming in as players better understand what counts as a chat offence and what does not.

    I feel like there would only be a select group of players who would cause such issues. I understand it would be an extra burden on the staff team, but at the same time, I don't know of many people who would add a staff member, then rant in their DMs and risk getting muted over a single chatreport. As you also said, the reports team denies reports every single day, but it is very rare for someone to come to them and start complaining about their report that was denied; even when they do ask, it's almost always for a polite second opinion. It is a concern in theory, but in practice I don't see many people actually following through.

    In terms of forums report tickets, the chatreport system was added in order to encourage players to report chat offences, as most people decided the trouble of creating a forums report was too much trouble for a spammer. I feel like asking players to just use the forums if they can't chatreport is a little unfair, because they're already helping the server. Telling the playerbase no changes can be made just because discourages people from wanting to help in the first place.

    I also see where you're coming from with this one, but I also believe it is not a major concern in 90% of cases. When a player is chatreported for something blatant like spambot or explicit convo, most of the previous messages are more than enough evidence to prove they did something wrong. In some cases, the player says more explicit or damning things after the report has been created, and as we all know, players cannot be chatreported for 10 minutes after a report was submitted. This sort of "proactive" logging would allow staff members to catch these later messages and punish for them, if they even need to read that far into the CR data.

    Thank you for your replies. :)​
    Lxyne likes this.

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