Updates/Maps For Minigames

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wan Yeet, Nov 30, 2019.


What minigame needs a new addition to maps the most?

  1. Survival Games

    0 vote(s)
  2. Skywars

    0 vote(s)
  3. Team Skywars

    0 vote(s)
  4. Capture The Flag

  5. Yeet it, all of them!

  1. Wan Yeet

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hey guess, Xetriax here. I kust wanted to make this thread to touch up on base with map submissions. But before that, I want to just run by my main points in this "argument" (I guess?) to just make those points clear (you might be in for a long ride).

    Topics to be Evaluated:
    • Long updates/upgrades periods
    • Denying map creators & the point of forums
    • Minigames hype
    • Benefits for MCC
    • Then lastly, my own evaluation (mostly on CTF)

    These five topics are just to summaries up what, I would assume, most players of minigames would all like to know/want.

    1. Long update/upgrade periods
    Normally, when people ask me how long I've been playing on MCC for, I normally tell them for only 2 years, but honestly I been playing for over 7 years. Sure, I didn't play every single week (like I do now), but I was aware of when most of the updates for the server would happen. And what I would say about those updates and stuff... Not so great. Let me explain. In the beginning, updates were actually pretty find. For example, many minigames got newer shop items and different maps to play on so that players would have a good time exploring new mechanisms to the minigames. But, as of late, the minigame community has had nothing new to explore. When the update a few months back happened, I was ecstatic to find out what we would get in minigames. But alas, we didn't get much than seeing more toxic hackers than we ever did before (touchy topic, IK). Thats why I do think that the server should at least regularly (ever 1-2 months) just to add something into the minigames to spice them up.

    2. Denying map creators & the point to forums
    Currently, there are roughly 15 - 20 map submissions from map creators on the Map Submissions forum. So many map submissions in just the course of 5 months! Thats more than two submissions each month from creators wanting thier maps to be on the server. And what do they get? No conformation by anyone that actually deals with adding maps to minigames (yes, we do get some staff members to point out some stuff to us, but they always end the reply with "hope this map gets added in" or "I would love to see this map in the game"). I speak from reference, our team added a submission to the forums in August and all we really got back were some feedback from players. Though I know our map wasn't perfect, I felt that, compared to some of the maps already in that minigame, ours was still good to play on. If the team that deals with map creations gave us critical instructions to follow and not just friendly advise, us map creators would give a bigger push towards making the maps as perfect as possible. Also, some confirmation on if our maps would be added and when they would be would be nice aswell. Map creators don't want to submit something then wait a whole year till it actually gets added without any notice.

    3. Minigames hype
    Well, this goes without saying, but minigames do not have the hype that they all used to have, so it's pretty much a losing agrument to say that there is still a ton of people playing all the minigames (this is why the Arcade games all got removed). But, to counter that arguement, there are still players that do play most of the server's minigames. The games that I would say that are still really "popular" (using it moderately) are SG, Skywars (and Teams), and Capture the Flag. Occasionally you'll find some players playing Champion Builder and Murder Mayhem, but not on a regular/competative basis. CakeWars and Speedy Walls are basically dead, so no real updates for those minigames are really needed. But for the first four that I mentioned, also being the only four you can submit map ideas for, are the ones that people still frequently play. One some holidays, there are as many as 500 people alone playing on these minigames. This peoves that it's not just that minigames are boring and nobody is playing them, but just that most of us cannot/don't have the time to play every single week on the server period. To be honest, the only sub-servers I have ever played on are Prisons, Survival and Creative (but Creative kinda doesn't really count). Everything else are minigames, and I know (/really hope) that I'm not the only one that does this. So as much as minigames are viewed as non-existant and not played, minigame players will be left in the dust.

    4. Benefits for MCC
    Now, for this topic there is much more to say than: ADDING MORE INTERESTING THINGS TO MINIGAMES WILL GET MORE PLAYERS ON THR SERVER. Like, it's a simple math equation. Adding more updates/maps to minigames = get the veteran players a new experience. Advertising these new additions on the server/websites = new and old players get to have the same simple advantages; being fair to all parties. Players coming to play the minigames = more players to see the sub-servers to play on thoses too. Getting more people to play sub-servers = $$$#CashMoney.

    5. My evaluation
    I know this probably does sound a bit repetitive and tiresome to hear, but the people in minigames do like playing on this server. For some of them, they were kids and only really played the minigames all day (though they did have homework :p). These minigames are precious memories for them and myself as well, and it would be nice if we got to see those games flourish for years to come. But honestly, if this same money-grabbing business for the staff is still going to be in place, than the only thing that MCC will have anymore in the next year or 2 will be the sub-servers. And to be fair, I do understand their logic. Minigames = no opportunities for tangible profit, Sub-servers = some opportunities. It makes sense which one you should update each month or 2 based on price. It true, MCC doesn't have the 10,000 players that used to play on it from a few years ago, so they do need to get some money to keep the server running, which isn't easy to do. However, the server still (technically) hasn't given up on minigames yet. They have not official said that their will not be anymore update/map additions to the minigames anymore, they jsut haven't been doing any. For the past 3 years. And for most of the people that do play minigames, they are gonna get tired out of play the same maps over. And over. And over again. I've been somehow playing the same 12 maps on CTF over and over and over again, I could probably play on Clash Vally and Seclusion with my eyes closed. CTF alone only had two really big updates: when they added the new maps in and when they took them out (along with shortening the players in a game). Just remembering when they added Construction and Asteriod Field fills me with joy, and I would love to feel that feeling again, as of many players would like, to keep pushing on.

    (Also, if you don't keep the minigamers happy, they will strike and leave the server, which would be worse than the current situation)

    Welp, my hands are tired from typing (I did this all from my phone D:), so hopefully y'all reading this did open a few suggestions and maybe a spark to push forward into making our minigames great again (I'll be funny and do a #MOMGA) and hopefully we can get some positive feedback from staff to see if the ball can start rolling.

    That being said....
    • I tried as hard as to get some of the facts right, though this whole thread is mostly opinioned based, so don't feel as if all these ideas I brought to light are the only things that need or should be changed.
    • These are not only my ideas. I've spent the last year trying to really grab a lot of opinions from minigamers on the server, so not all of these compliants are mine alone
    • Please don't kill me if I get a date wrong or whatever the server is doing is wrong. I can't really know what is going on in the server, so this is what it kinda looks like on the outside and with dates, that how long ago these updates happen, so not everything is pin-point accurate.
    • I tried not to be toxic to the staff in anyway; I understand that the staff's have lives other than MCC, but I still do feel as if its more ignorance than anything toward minigames since most of the sub-servers are getting resets and new updates by the month.
    Anyways, thank y'all for reading! I'll post my Discord if anyone wants to contact me more on this topic at all. Cheers mates!
    • Discord: PlainO'leLoft#4975

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