Undercover staff

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ahnxious, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I think this is self-explanatory, but to the people who don't understand let me explain.

    When I say undercover staff I mean both on discord/website/Minecraft. They will need an alt account so they will not get recognized. This can even be a new staff position and then there will be no need for an alt account.

    How this would benefit staff:

    1. Help catch hackers faster (without hackers realizing staff is on)
    2. Help players in-game chat and getting the full story (without staff coming in and players words changes)
    3. Being able to manage discord conversations/calls easier on the mccentral discord

    How this might backfire:

    1. Players may find out who the undercover staff is

    Resolution: Undercover staff will not have a title next to there name, and the username will change as much as possible. (You may need an alt account for this, or just hire this as a separate staff position) Though they may not be able to receive recognition on the discord staff list/ website, they can always receive rewards. (Gift cards)

    2. Time-consuming/too much effort

    Resolution: Being staff is already time-consuming, but this will make your job twice as easier. I guess you can hire players for this staff position individually. This would be as normal as hiring staff as they normally would do.

    Let me know what you think?
  2. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there,
    As part of the staff team, it is an issue for us to catch hackers who know our igns. Fortunately, it doesn’t happen frequently. However, there are some cases hackers know the igns and it makes things a bit difficult. I’m not saying this is a bad idea; it’s just something the staff team already sort of does. Some staff members have alts and if a hacker knows who staff are, we’ll just hop on an alt and catch them that way! If there’s a staff member who doesn’t have an alt, we usually just ask another staff member who has an alt to spectate.
    As for undercover staff in discord and forums, I don’t really believe it’s necessary. A lot of staff members usually have a good eye on the discord channels, maybe not always the voice channels, but if an issue is happening, we join asap! Along with that, the forums page doesn’t really need an alt account in my opinion just because it’s not really needed. No one on the forums can really “hide” or try to break rules without having a staff member notice.
    Overall, it’s not a bad idea; it’s just an idea we already sort of do.
    I’m curious as to what other people say though! Have a good one :D
  3. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Having /nick instead of all that stuff added should do the job. And it’s way easier/more simple to be done, so it shouldn’t take a while to code a brand new plugin
    Random nicknames for staff = cheaters will never find out whether the person is a staff member or not [because on the punishment screen it will say their actual ign, not the nickname]
    Xermes, mcrcus, nouhs and 1 other person like this.
  4. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Haha I agree 100% my idea was slightly complicated.
  5. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    It's not hard to add so having /nick would be optimal for staff use. It's used on many other servers and even is part of a donator perk on another server so it makes sense to have it for staff only use here
    Ahnxious likes this.
  6. Firebal676

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Instead of adding a /nick command, there is probably a more simpler way to come about this.

    A command like "disguise" or whatever the server would want to call this feature could simply just change their username to something random and give them either a Steve/Alex skin or a random skin. Instead of going through the process of /nick, which we know is a nickname changer, won't necessarily change the staff member's in-game name on, for example, the tab menu.

    Just my thoughts. The majority of bigger named servers already have this as a feature, including for "famous" ranks (YouTuber would be MC-Central's case) which is helpful with countering targets, screen snipers, etc.
    Xermes and Ahnxious like this.
  7. seekingattention

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I personally don't see the point in "hiring" people to become "undercover staff." At that point they may as well just join the actual staff team. I'm assuming these "undercover" accounts will also have banning perms? Because I don't really see the purpose in "hiring" people, and just having them report videos of cheaters to us, because reporting is something that's already done. You may as well just include them on the staff team at that point, and have them go the normal route like everyone else. If we're giving them a tag of "undercover staff," if it's known that we have this type of position on the server, I feel like it won't be that effective because people are gonna know it's a thing so it's not really undercover if that makes sense.

    A disguise feature would be nice, yes. I'm not going to comment on if that's being implemented because that's not something I'd know about, just personal advice here, I would take every rumor you hear with a grain of salt. As for alting and catching hackers, it's easy for us to just get on an alt account and find cheaters that way. I do this all the time in SG, as a matter of fact at this point I probably play sg on alts just as much as I do my main, not only because it's more fun but also because it's easier banning cheaters. If i run into a hacker, it takes 2 seconds to get on my main and ban them, it's very simple, so I don't really see the meaning in giving my alt permissions, if that's what you mean. Yes, not every single staff member has access to alts, yes, not every staff member is gonna go through that trouble, but it isn't something that hasn't been done before.
    Ahnxious and nouhs like this.
  8. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    The point of the /nick command is purely to change the ign of the player, which applies to tab. I think having /nick added would be simple and even the name could just be randomized for a staff so they can do /nick new and have a random ign. Could be helpful.
    Ahnxious likes this.
  9. httpmeme

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Although in some ways this could be helpful, I don't see it as much as a big problem. A lot of staff already have alts either in game or on Discord but in all honestly, only in game where it's a problem vs the forums and on Discord. Senior Moderators+ have access to logs on Discord and there's player's in game and from the forums who report players that break rules in which a certain staff member couldn't catch them. Not a bad or terrible idea, it's just there's already a lot of ways behind these problems.

    Have a goood day or night ! <3
    nouhs and Ahnxious like this.

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