Trying something new

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by beeankah, May 4, 2020.

  1. beeankah

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Hi all! I hope everyone's keeping safe and clean during this kind of time.

    Now, this thread is mainly for all the people who play minigames, so if you already play a sub server this thread probably isn't for you! It's mainly just for those who play minigames that are interested in trying something different but maybe aren't sure what to try.
    But before I continue, I also understand if you just don't like sub servers and that's fine.


    Skyblock: I think this subserver is perfect for players who can last 20 minutes in an sg game - why? because in my opinion from what I've learnt about skyblock, you need lots of patience and time. You have to wait for things to grow (farming) and then have the patience to farm all of it efficiently.

    Prisons & Factions:
    These subservers are good for really competitive players and even for short-patience people. Personally I think there are a lot of very good PVP players in these two game modes and if you're a competitive player who wants to work on your PVP I think this would be a good place for you.

    Survival: I suggest this for UHC players maybe? It's reasonably similar because both UHC and Survival have the same purpose only thing is UHC is time-limited but Survival is never-ending (until it resets) and you have more access to more things. But then again, lots of UHC players enjoy PVP so many Prisons or Factions would be good for them too.

    Creative: This one is a bit more for specific players. In SG there sometimes seem to be players who take the game not that serious and honestly just chill around mid or even just move around lobbies and talk to people but not play. Creative is a small but reasonably active community of talkative people (but to admit, sometimes it can get toxic) and I think it would be good for those players who play minigames but don't play competitively.

    Kitpvp & ArenaPvP: I don't think I need to explain who suits this game mode, honestly just anyone who enjoys PVP and as far as I know lots of minigames already practice on Arena too. :)

    So that's all. If you disagree with any of them or think they would suit different game modes or left one out, let me know below!
    iZyro and CatBoyFable like this.
  2. Cornjoe2

    Jul 27, 2019
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    I like how categorized they are able a quick explanation of what you are describing for people who particularly aren't sure what the game mode consists of!
    beeankah likes this.
  3. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Now while I do play subservers, I do spend majority of my time playing minigames and while reading this I see how much this could benefit players that are new to MCC's server playstyle but also new players to Minecraft hub based servers in general! And like @Cornjoe2 mentioned, the synopsis for each subserver makes this better than the typical wall of text description (I am very guilty of this hehe) and therefore making it very user friendly c:
    Thank you @cryingtears !
    beeankah likes this.
  4. HarryIsADuck

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Hey cryingtears, i'd just like to add something to the survival thing as a Survival/minigame player myself. Yes Survival was like UHC but now we have updated to 1.12.2 so the subserver is no long pvp orientated. we are more like Prison/creative as its more focused on Plots and shops (Economy).

    But thanks for categorizing all the Subserver's this will definitely people bring new players from all corners of the Server.
    Harry :D
    beeankah likes this.

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