True story about how I found a nether portal in real life and almost got trapped inside the nether

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by StupidBlockBoy, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. StupidBlockBoy

    Sep 10, 2020
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    Hello beautiful MCC players, today I'm going to tell you about how I found a nether portal in the forest and almost got trapped inside the nether forever.
    So it all started back in 2016 when I was still a horny teenager who had just been rejected by his crush. Like any teenager, I wanted to flee my reality, so I went home to play some Minecraft. It didn't take long until I realized that I couldn't play Minecraft without thinking about my crush, so I smashed my monitor and ran outside.

    I was so lost in my agony that I didn't watch where I was going, so I ended up getting lost in the forest. After coming back to my senses, reality struck me. I was lost in a big forest. I started to cry like a little baby since I realized that I might not get back home alive, and all this because of some stupid girl who didn't even like Minecraft. After wandering in the forest for several hours, I heard a strange noise. I know you think I must just have played too much Minecraft but believe it or not, it was the sound of a nether portal. I don't know why but for some reason I felt a strong urge to go explore the source of the noise. you can only imagine how shocked I was when I saw the purple light glowing in the dark forest. My expression when I saw it was straight from a horror movie. it can be compared to a child's expression when they see Santa stealing their gifts. I was so scared that I couldn't think clearly, so I ended up stepping inside the portal. What I saw next was something that still haunts my dreams to this day. A dead zombie pigman sliced in half was lying right across the floor when I stepped outside the portal. I can still smell it after all of these years. It was the worst stench you could ever imagine. So bad that it almost caused me to faint. I was lucky that my head had been held in the toilet multiple times by my bullies at school, so I was kind of used to bad smells. It didn't take long until I heard a familiar noise. It was the noise of the ghast. I soon realized that the ghast had broken my portal so there wasn't any way out. This time I knew I couldn't hesitate like I usually do so I decided to fight the ghast 1v1. I knew it would be hard because I didn't have a sword or armor but somehow I felt a weird sensation of pride and strength so I ended up punching the ghast right in its face. As I thought the ghast started crying like it does almost all of the time. This almost made me feel a bit guilty because my dad had always told me to not punch crybabies. This made me realize that what I was doing was wrong. I was fighting violence with violence. At that point, I knew there was only one thing I could do to get out of the nether. I had to become friends with the ghast. Even though I knew it was a huge risk, I ended up telling the ghast I was sorry for punching it. I was shocked to see that the ghast was very understanding and forgave me right away. We hugged and the ghast agreed to light up the portal again in order to make it work again.

    I got home without any physical damage and I ended up learning that you shouldn't judge anyone because of their appearance. I also learned that terrifying creatures like the ghast are usually much friendlier than humans. This experience helped me get over my toxic crush since I realized that there's no point in interfering with humans when mobs are much friendlier. I ended up visiting the nether about once a month until this day and I always come back as a slightly happier person. So for everyone who is depressed and sad, I highly recommend visiting the nether.
    notaspleen likes this.
  2. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Thank you for this I will be sure to visit the nether irl at least once a month now

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