Today has been an overwhelming day with Hackers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KingMjolnir, May 9, 2020.

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  1. KingMjolnir

    Dec 20, 2019
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    I feel so drained and fed up today honestly. I've made nine reports today and yesterday twenty-six, it's been such a draining process dealing with these hackers that just keep coming back. I assume they are using alt accounts but sheesh. I do want to become a staff member but it seems like it's such an exhausting process to become one let alone once you do become one. It's a continuous uphill battle day in and day out-

    I have much more respect for the staff members that i see what it's really like and what goes into handling hackers. I can see why some staff members are away from this game/server for a while because like i said, it's just so draining and exhausting.

    An better anti-cheat must be installed as soon as possible. I don't follow the rumors (supposingly it's suppose to be released during the summer) but please get the anti cheat.

    Just my thoughts,
    forgranted, Lxvely and Marco5py like this.
  2. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Honestly they should just Ip ban/mute peoples accounts if misbehaved.
    KingMjolnir likes this.
  3. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Howdy! What else is new on this server? No offense to the server, but there are a lot of hackers everyday, and the best part is, is that it increases our report tickets ;)
    KingMjolnir and Marco5py like this.
  4. Mxats

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hey there,
    I have also noticed that today there were like at least one hacker a game I've had games with 5+ hackers in one game. Sadly you can't do anything but wait for the anti-cheat the owners are doing the best they can to get it fixed but as of what I know it'll be released on the minigames revamp in the summer as you said. For now I would suggest to just keep on the report grind and if you have multiple hackers in a game and you're too lazy to report them just send their names in the discord. Also I'm not gonna lie, I managed to still win most of my games, what I do is I rush a couple of islands then I go to mid. If you're first on mid you have gear that can easily defeat hackers. Also if you see a hacker flying over to you try bowing them, I've saw hackers fall as soon as I hit them. And also, sky basing and running doesn't work ;)
    I hope some of my tips can give you a better experience!
    - Mats :)
  5. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    I can report up to 60-65 cheaters a day when I am focused - I am not surprised anymore to play Skywars with cheaters and therefore just let them kill me so I can get better footage. In my opinion, it's a great place to get reports and a chance to help the server out. When the anticheat comes, my mentality will be that it'll be a bit more difficult to report cheaters as now there will be a bot to detect cheaters instead. And therefore reporting all the cheaters I can to try and curb those cheater numbers is the least I could do for the server until they introduce the anti-cheat, even if it does take months to do, I will continue.
    KingMjolnir and Mxats like this.
  6. Cessie2u

    Apr 20, 2020
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    I feel like the staff work tirelessly to maintain order. But at the same time, something does need to be done. They need to implement a better anti-cheat.

    I was in capture the flag yesterday, and a dude literally just flew across the map with the flag. It's crazy that they don't have an anti-cheat that can catch that...

    But overall I agree. I would love to be a staff member on here as it's been a childhood dream. You do bring up a valid point about the amount of strain it has. While I have never been successful with becoming staff, I do think that they are stretched thin from what staff over the years have told me. But that's what you sign up for. Also, to address the requirements, they really aren't that bad. They want to ensure that they get the most qualified staff on the server. Many smaller communities require astronomical amounts of playtime before you can be considered. I owned a few successful Garry's Mod communities and my requirements were much more than here (With much less players.) Like I said though- at the end of the day, if you don't want the job that comes with being a staff member, don't apply for it.

    I hope this finds you well-

  7. 10Controls

    Jul 22, 2019
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