Tips for new season

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Kimon, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. Kimon

    Mar 2, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hello everyone,,
    Season reset for prison is coming pretty soon and i’m also new, ive been buying perks and keys bc i know those don’t reset. but what’s the best way to start making money once the new season starts? (I’m immortal rank so profit shop can be an option)
    Thanks !
    #1 Kimon, Mar 2, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2020
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    right when a season starts, spinning keys and mining. after that uou can branch to more mining and saving your resources for boosters or go to spawners or both. those are alt least my tips
    mxbel likes this.
  3. ItsDavld

    Sep 5, 2019
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    Hi Kimon,
    I currently am rank W3 on prison 2. A lot of time and effort has been put in to me getting to that place. It has taken me countless hours of mining and saving to be where I am.
    My method of ranking up so fast and getting so high is to store your ores. After you mine an inventory of ores, go to your plot and place all the ores into the chest, after that has been done to lots of chests, buy a sell wand. When a booster comes on, sell all your chests with the sell wand and you will see instant profit. I make around 20 million to around 70 million.

    I really hope this suggestion helps you on your quest to Z and maybe prestige. This is my way to getting money and prestiging, but it's not the only way. Please let me know how this method works for you if you use it. I hope you have a great rest of your day!

    #3 ItsDavld, Mar 2, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
    mxbel likes this.
  4. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey hey, the next prison reset is about 5 months by the way. The best way I’d say would depend, of course, on the season, but generally opening a sell shop is the best course of action every season. This season, mining is the main income, but I recommend getting spawners nonetheless. In addition, do not cf, and just really keep at it. Persistence is key! Also know how to calculate shop prices, i.e. how much to buy diamonds for so that you actually make a profit selling them.

    Tl;Dr: Don’t cf, open early sell shop and slowly increase prices. Keep on that grind and you’ll get to higher places!

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