Thread bumping

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by TeddyPrice, Nov 1, 2020.

  1. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    I got a warning shot for commenting on my friends old thread, I think it would be best if you disabled comments for non staff members and the viewers entirely after the 2 week mark, making it so only the owner and staff can comment, if there's no exceptions to commenting on a thread after two weeks or whatever the expiry date is, I think we shouldn't be able to at all. In my situation I did not even know this was a rule and if I had known, I would not have broken it(it's my fault I didn't know the rule). Disabling comments would make everybody's life easier and in in my case, the staff ended up closing the thread to stop further thread boosting so it doesn't provide any use to have it open. Thanks let me know what you think.
    Ahnxious, __dragonslayer and OriAlfi like this.
  2. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I agree with you,
    first time that I used forums I didn’t know about the whole thread bumping rule, I think it’s best to add a system that automatically does it,

    the system will:
    1. Lock a thread automatically after 14 days.
    2. Will allow 1 thread bump to your own thread(according to the rules, it’s allowed)
    3. Will allow staff to bump threads.

    Besides that I see 1 problem in adding a system like you mentioned, coding this take time and I don’t know if the team have patience doing that. Maybe in the future when the team solves all of its more important problems(bigger problems)and have time for things like these.

    TeddyPrice likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello, in most cases threads are locked (where only staff/owners can comment on posts) to prevent further bumping or certain discussions to carry on further. Warning points are there to make you aware of some mistakes you may make, they expire and do not do much unless you repeat these mistakes. paying attention to the dates of when the latest post/reply was last made, is what helps you prevent thread bumping....

    I have seen what you've suggested been suggested before; however, i think it was turned down or at least not implemented, since people still thread bump.. I think, it's a good idea, but also locking comments also deletes maybe drafts of posts, and some people might want to keep those as a "JIC".
    I think rather than automatically locking threads, maybe do what I've seen other forums do is where they give a warning saying/notifying users of how a post is X days old and it's best not to reply and such. This then gives another warning for users to not bump other than the rule

    have nice day
    Ahnxious, TeddyPrice and OriAlfi like this.
  4. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Yeah a warning would be nice as well, but when staff close threads don't your drafts get closed as well
  5. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I mean I did, and I've still gotten at least 1 warning for it lol. Sometimes you just don't notice the date of the last reply.

    They're using Xenforo for the forums software. Which means there is a huge selection of add-ons they could take advantage of. Would probably take like 2 minutes to find an auto lock add-on, and it would be completely free.
    TeddyPrice and OriAlfi like this.
  6. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I would actually love this idea. I have gotten at least 1 warning for thread bumping just because I didn't notice the last reply date. This would also help out many of the newer forum members who have not read the rules.
    TeddyPrice likes this.

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