This server stays disappointing.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KSteck, Jun 4, 2020.

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  1. KSteck

    Jun 1, 2020
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    Really bummed. Friend convinced me to come back on the server to play with them so I mean, why not. But of course as soon as I get on, there is already bullying going on in the lobby. In less than a day I saw people calling one another the N word and other slurs, people telling one another to die, and just more and more name calling. Andddd... staff threatening to mute people simply for saying black lives matter! What else should I have expected?

    Don't try and tell me that this server isn't explicitly racist and that it's "just the internet." I know the internet is already a scary place, but this server really takes the cake. Constant bullying and racism is rampant on this server, it's incredibly disturbing and most likely emotionally damaging to POC and other minorities on the server. Nice job.

    Also black lives matter should not be mutable when others are not muted for the other horrible things said on this server. It's disgusting. "Black lives matter" should not be controversial or mutable, how is claiming that a race should be able to live in peace and safety controversial, wrong or mutable? THAT is wrong. The fact that so many people think black lives shouldn't matter is appalling. No one is saying your life doesn't matter, it's just not under attack right now.

    The power trip MCC staff are under right now is absolutely disgusting. Threatening to mute people and then of course doing so simply for saying "#blm" in the chat is REPULSIVE.

    You cannot tell me this server isn't racist or toxic, etc. I simply won't believe you. I've seen it myself, I've heard first person accounts of it, and I have seen staff turn a blind eye to racism, homophobia, and more on this server or even taking part in it, especially if their friend is the culprit. Disgusting.

    Went on hypixel for the time I was muted and was absolutely amazed. Didn't see any bullying of any kind, no slurs, nothing. And... no cheating?! And y'all said that if you were to increase the anti-cheat, others would just find another way to bypass it. How come other servers are so capable then? Whatever.

    Anywho, sigh. Didn't want to post again or anything, in fact, I wanted to delete the other post I made because I agree I was angry and impulsive in typing it. However, the comments to it, the fact that the thread was locked, and all the hatred I've seen on MCC in just less than a day yet again fueled my anger.

    Thanks for being complicit in racism and for being a zero-tolerance server for bullying!! Truly doing a great job.. SIGH. Afraid this world may never change if people continue to be so selfish.
    Lottus likes this.
  2. iZyro

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Hey, I am sorry to hear you feel this way, and I can agree the chat(especially lobby chat) can unfortunately get rather inappropriate at times, even with the chat filter. If you are being bothered by the discussion or things people are saying in lobby or throughout the server, and you believe someone is breaking a rule you can always /chatreport them and if they are breaking a rule a staff member will punish them accordingly. However, to say the server is complicit in racism seems to be a bit extreme, staff members are not muting people for simply saying black lives matter, they are muting people because they are just following the guidelines, and they are trying to prevent people from having political discussions/arguments in chat. If you believe a staff member is turning a blind eye to someone breaking the rules, you can always make a staff report: and it will be dealt with by the admin and mentor team.
  3. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey KSteck,

    We mute hundreds of people daily for racism and disrespectful chat.
    Do understand, that staff can't be in every corner of every server at all times; as such, we rely on community members to use /chatreport to report people for rule breaking so we can deal with the language.

    You state about cheaters being rampant - whilst that is true, our staff are daily banning people. During peak hours, its very common to see 1-2 people banned per minute, if not more.
    Simply 'get a better anticheat' isn't the soloution. You say alternative servers do not have cheating or toxcitiy problems, you are wrong. I can say now, that all competing servers have the same hacker problems and the same chat problems that we face.

    Hacks, unforunately, grow faster than anticheats. So even if we had a magic anticheat that caught all hackers; within a week or two hack clients would be bypassing it already. This happens to other top servers all the time.

    As iZyro has stated, if you believe a staff member is abusing their powers (with proof), feel free to report them here:

    I am going to lock this thread, as I can see no good coming of it.
    ThorKingOfAsgard and forgranted like this.
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