Hey, gamers I think the upgradeable pickaxe needs some improvements. As you guy may know the current upgradeable pickaxe look like this: Spoiler: Current Upgradeable Pickaxe I do not know what the percent on the level-up bar. I think they should add to the progress bar is the percentage of what the leveling up bar is at. I think they should add new custom enchantments for the upgradable pickaxe. Maybe add Silk touch custom enchantment for the upgradable pickaxe so let's say you what some ores for your plot for something like a cave or mine. Also maybe add a smelt custom enchantment for smelting ores like iron and gold ores. Overall I want to know what you guys think about this idea and have yourself a wonderful day or night
Hey Raptor! I totally agree with all of this thread! When mining with this type of pickaxe, I find it somewhat annoying to how I cannot see what my leveling progress is. Although this is a minor thing, it would tell players how far away they're at to leveling up their pickaxe. I think that another enchantment that could be added (I made a thread about this *cough*) is Auto Sell I and Auto Sell II. The point of this enchant would be about it automatically selling off your inventory to the price of the mine, that you're currently mining in. Auto Sell I wouldn't auto sell as often as Auto Sell II therefore that's how Auto Sell II comes in much handier. Overall, I hope to see this added next season! Have a good day!
I agree that there should be new custom enchants to apply to the upgradable pickaxes . In factions they have the harvest hoe which is very similar and as mentioned above by @ShesMyPrecious it would be nice to implement an auto sell feature, which reduces the time of you constantly heading to sell signs.
I feel that adding Silk Touch as a Custom Enchantment would not be conducive to the point of the Upgradeable Pickaxe. This pickaxe is meant to be utilized in the mines and the enchants are formed in a way that help players fill their inventories faster while mining in order to maximize profits from selling. Silk Touch is more of a cosmetic enchant that is used sparingly, and thus is not aligned with the function of the Upgradeable Pickaxe.
Definently +1 to adding a progress bar to really show how far you are to leveling up your pick. Its quite annoying just looking at the pick currently and having to figure out how far through a level you are. SIlk Touch I don't think is needed as you cant even sell them to the shop for money and players usually only use them for building sometimes which they are able to craft their own pick for that. Incarnati0n_
There should definitely be some kind of be some kind of percentage bar to let you know what its at when you get to higher levels. Mine is level 15 and it would be nicer to know what it is at aside from just looking and trying to guess it. +1
I think the silk touch would be pointless, but I agree with the updated gui for progress. My pickaxe is level 95 and I know that it takes around 140k blocks to level, but its annoying to try to count the individual lines on the pick when its higher level. This has been said before and talked about, but I would love to be able to rename my pick next season. Im tired of seeing "Upgradeable pickaxe" whenever I go to mine. I want to use a rename scroll and make it something like "Jelly's pick". It would also help me see which is my real pick faster as I use kit pickaxe every time I need to mine something small and it can get confusing.
I agree with the ui changes but not with the silk touch As you mentioned some UI changes would be nice. However, i don't believe that silk touch should be an upgreadable option. Firstly, its a single tier enchant so it would be wasting space in the UI. Secondly, Silk touch would be easily acquired with an enchantment table. also dont think its that essential. I talked about similar things that you have mentioned below I hope you have a great day ♥ +1 https://mccentral.org/community/threads/suggested-changes-additions-for-next-season.86812/