The MCC Server Rules NEED To Change

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by MCGPFUN, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. JakeOnPc

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I believe mc central does its best to protect its community from the weird cunts who play god online, this is done through blacklists ofc. There isnt much more that can be done. If those people are to go to such extreme measures to protect there feelings from getting hurt so be it, muting people for using the word gay in a negative way isn't going to stop them from doing that, it will likely just make them more delicate to less offensive words in the future.

    Remember Mc centrals main rule - we don't negotiate with terrorists.
  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    kryfex and mvte are lovely gentlemen wdym?
    [disclaimer for the Arabic government: this is not gay in any ways, please do not behead me or kryfex or mvte.]
    CoolElla likes this.
  3. betterthanu

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Hi.I respect you for your hypothesis regarding the situation of discrimination amongst the LGBT community.I would like to clarify that yes,i am an adult.I honestly dk what a memed means but whatever.Your hypothesis is quite interesting as i will admit that i was raised in a community where discrimination of the bent is generally accepted even though there are starting to be some groups that are against it.The majority still supports the discrimination of these people and that may or may not have affected my thinking process but personally,i highly doubt it was because of my environment.The environment might have been a factor but i doubt it was the main factor.The main reason as to why i think so is due to the my own reasonings as to why i dont support the community.Now i will add a disclaimer here,Anything i say from here on out is mostly objective on my end and i am not trying to encourage anyone to think or act like me but rather i would just want to shed some light as to why they are people who oppose the lgbt community.With this being said,i do not represent anyone else that is homophobic as homophobia can emerge from a variety of reasons depending on the individual.The first thing i would like to address is the emergence of politics and instead of enlightening people,it actually does the opposite.Sort of like the illusion of enlightenment.Being "politically correct" as people say is,in my opinion,nonsense because what people regard today as politics is actually just social/ethical philosophy as the topic often tends to be more subject than objective in terms of when people answer "political" questions.Politics,in my perspective,is the study of how you run a state,country or whatever.My definition of politics is more in line with making laws,making a country economically successful and things like that instead of the politics people nowadays think of which is usually associated with feminism or lgbt pride and what not.Why did i include this?Well the fact that lgbt is one the main controversies regarding "politics" just makes me dislike it.Another reason as to why i dont support lgbt is due to my belief that humans are animals and that we all live under the laws of nature.In a way,you could say that i see nature as the one true god just like how the first human ancestors practiced paganism which is the worship of nature and since i believe in nature,i tend to look at behaviours of both humans and animals and compare them to each other.I have lived with animals my whole life as i love animals and in my observation,You would never see an animal practice homosexuality.One might argue that there are some animals that were male but turn female but those animals are very VERY different to humans in terms of anatomy and biology.Regardless of that,Hermaphrodite animals still practice opposite sex reproduction when they turn into a certain sex.With this observation,I was able to deduce that perhaps homosexuality is an illness that prevents an animal(in this case being humans) from successfully passing on their genetic information.This fact was indeed true in the past as there used to be camps with the specific purpose of correcting homosexuality in individuals as homosexuality was seen as a mental illness.I still see homosexuality as a mental illness today.Is there anything wrong with being mentally ill?No,of course not.The subject had no choice in the matter.But is it ok for those who are mentally ill to not be classified as mentally ill and not receive the proper guidance/counselling?Is it okay to accept mental illness without finding solutions for it?In my opinion,The answer is no.I acknowledge that it is unfortunate for that individual,but our society must attempt to help them and fix them as we are only helping them out in the long run.I already know that most people would stop reading this the moment i say i dont support the lgbt community but for those who have an open mind or is just generally curious,This is a very informative paragraph regarding the matter.I am always open to see what oppositions other people of contradicting views may have regarding my perspective and im quite interested in hearing it tbh.I will always keep an open mind to those who are willing to do the same.
    Yukihira likes this.
  4. Emmie

    Aug 22, 2021
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    I'm shocked disgusted by the staff's response to this problem. How can you agree with this being a problem and yet disregard it on the grounds of the assailant "probably being 12 yrs old? That doesn't make it any better. It's sickening seeing how little people care about actual discrimination.

    Please for the love of god do something about minorities in your community being discriminated against ffs
    Yukihira and MCGPFUN like this.

    May 2, 2020
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    Thank you.. The staff need to realize they are openly accepting these communities to be be-littled and indirectly and somtimes directly attacked.
    Emmie likes this.
  6. JakeOnPc

    Jul 22, 2019
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    As stated by many people, mc central takes the steps necessary to protect minorities against discrimination. Calling someone gay is not discriminative at all. I think you're struggling to understand the definition of Discrimination, being the unfair treatment of different categories of people. Using the word "Gay" as a negative to describe something is not discriminative, more a childish, ignorant comment. The sentence holds no hate towards homosexuals.

    What im trying to say is the people who say it don't know any better and don't mean any harm when they say it. They are just kids playing on a server for kids. Mc central is not here to teach those kids how to be politically correct.

    It all just comes down to, if it upsets you, ignore it. Im trying to be as polite as possible when writing this but it really is just a case of taking no notice of it and understanding the person saying it means no hate/harm.

    TL'DR - mc central shouldn't have to be so harsh in punishment for a phrase that holds no discrimination and said by ignorant kids.
    #26 JakeOnPc, Aug 31, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
    Zonafer likes this.
  7. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    ^ this and don’t go anywhere near a public school
  8. Emmie

    Aug 22, 2021
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    your argument is literally "other people do it and that makes it ok" Discrimminating against minorities is kinda cringe bro and should honestly be punishable
  9. JakeOnPc

    Jul 22, 2019
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    What? Discrimmination is punishable.... my guy please, "Please for the love of god" read my response

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