The fastest ways to make money in Prisons!

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by d3g, Sep 9, 2019.


Do you agree that is the fastest way to get money?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. d3g


    Sep 3, 2019
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    Most people are wondering what the fastest way to make money. For me the fastest way to make money is my witch farm, but most new players do not have access to witch farms because they can cost up to 7 mil. So my advice to the new players is go into the mine not for selling the ores but getting the prison tokens (if you don't know what a prison token is do /token ) then once you get the prison token do (/ah sell 49000) that should sell pretty quick if not that means the demand for spawners is not that high. Once you are at a relatively high in money like 1 mil or so you can start either keep on selling your tokens for money or you can make a shop this shop you can buy prison tokens. So when you make your shop I recommend maybe starting like buying prison tokens for 49k then once a lot of people know your the "go to" you can start lowering the price so you can sell for higher then what you bought for. Then after making maybe 10 mil you can buy your first witch spawner the witch spawner can make big money if you make a witch farm, the witch farm takes a while to make but will eventually pay off, because witches drop glistering melon slices witch selling 2304 to (/shop) will make you over 90k so after a while it will pay off and that in my opinion is the fastest way to get money. If you want good ideas on a witch farm do /p h MelonMoney to check out my shop and farm! Please like and send a heart to me ty!

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    tinyfriend2005 and Owen12131313 like this.
  2. d3g


    Sep 3, 2019
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    Any other thoughts?
    tinyfriend2005 and Owen12131313 like this.
  3. Chirashi

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Best way to make money is coinflipping ; )
    mxbel likes this.
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