The Boss Battle Complaint

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by FarisNyanNyan, Jun 27, 2020.


Do you like the new boss battle?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

  3. I never did boss battle so I don't care

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  1. FarisNyanNyan

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I was pretty excited for skyblock reset. New things like the compost bin, changes to tokens, and a new economy. One of my favorite parts about skyblock was the boss battle event. God, did I love boss battle. It actually took skill and was fun. You needed awareness and quick reactions. This new boss just took all that out, and it makes me a bit mad.

    They put the boss in PVP, which isn't a big deal. But there is a big problem here. YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR OWN LOOT! Like, why?!?! The old boss gave everyone the same amount of loot, which evened the playing field so everyone would have a chance to win. Now, specific people will only win at the boss event because they spent money and have mythical gear.

    Secondly, THE BOSS STANDS STILL! This is where skill just gets thrown out the window. So now you can autoclick the boss! WOW!

    Also, you can take the boost pad and get on top of the boss's head! Making the minions during the boss battle basically pointless.

    The boss event is now just so dissappointing. I could be overreacting, though. I'd like to hear what other people think about the new boss! You can disagree with me, it doesn't matter, I'm happy for extra thoughts.


    Thanks for reading.
    #1 FarisNyanNyan, Jun 27, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
    Devon likes this.
  2. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    From reading this post I can definitely tell you loved the boss event, and so do I. I do agree that the boss that we saw earlier today was a bit of a letdown for most player on skyblock, and took no skill or luck to complete. If you wanted to win, all you had to do was use a sharp 5 sword with strength 2 and you were good to go. I miss the /warp boss on other sub-servers. I do realize this is a sort of "hoax" to get people into PvP every once in awhile, but please make the boss battles more interactive and challenge as well as fair. Having the same kit in a boss battle makes the battle itself fair. Thanks for taking time for writing this and letting me have the chance to also share my feelings for boss battles.
    FarisNyanNyan likes this.
  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thank you for the feedback,
    We have seen some of the complaints regarding the new boss battle, and are going to take action.
    We are going to be implementing changes to the Boss Battle this week.
    mcrcus, Devon, FarisNyanNyan and 2 others like this.
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