Suspected of Duping?

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Mike Honcho, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. Mike Honcho

    Mar 10, 2021
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    So I was kicked from my island because they suspected me of duping, due to staff suspecting me of having duped items. Quoted, "Beats decided to kick you both because he had suspicion of you guys duping the spawners / abusing that one glitch. A staff msgd beats about it and we didn't want anything to do with that. It overall just gives us shitty rep so I'd rather not deal with that atm."

    I can't and don't blame the island's leaders one bit for kicking me, but the reason is what bothers me. The reason was that the staff suspected me. So I am not sure what is unclear, you have all the logs available to you. Yet, you suspect me of duping and furthermore are destroying my rep as well. So, please, leave this thread public and reply below whether you know I duped or not.

    Also, on another note, it is not clearly stated in the rules what is considered scamming. I would like to consider this as scamming since I joined the island, and put everything I had into it, only to be kicked 2 days later, only receiving back a small amount of what I had given. Not sure exactly how much, I would have to check my own logs tomorrow, but I estimate that I put somewhere around 10-15 million in their island bank. Only to receive 1.8 million back. This should definitely be in server logs so I expect to hear back about this as well, please, and thank you.
    abbs and lavoova the grape like this.
  2. jemelina

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Not gonna comment on the duping part, but about your money/items on the island. Whatever you place down/give for the island bank, belongs to the island leader. That's why it's wise to be careful who you trust, and whose island you join. Ik it sucks, but even if you placed down 100 spawners, the leader of the island isn't required to give any of those back to you after you no longer are a member in the island. But ngl, if I suspected a member of duping I'd kick them too as in some cases it might lead to all the spawners taken away from the island.
    Mike Honcho likes this.
  3. Mike Honcho

    Mar 10, 2021
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    Any comment from staff on the duping?
  4. Mike Honcho

    Mar 10, 2021
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    And you're telling me there are still possible duped items? I thought you removed them? LMAO
  5. CarefullyDumb

    Apr 5, 2020
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  6. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hi ! I'm unsure if any staff member has messaged you privately about any duplication situation, but I can absolutely guarantee you would be punished if you were caught duplicating items. If nothing has happened to your account, then you are 100% in the clear. The staff member in question should have come to a logical conclusion from log/other evidence, and the island leader shouldn't have a reason to doubt your trust. Any instance of a staff member being only "suspicious" and relaying concern to the island leader is not only unusual but likely a fabricated conversation created by the island leader in order to have "reason" to remove you from their island. Jemelina is correct about placing items on other players' islands; it is unfortunate. It's a really sticky situation when we got down to the nitty-gritty of specific instances before, which is why we stuck with a blanket rule of essentially "place at your own risk." Besides this conflict, I hope you've been enjoying the skyblock reset! If you have any questions: My forums conversations are open, and staff are readily available on Discord here. Have a great rest of your day.
    lavoova the grape likes this.

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