Survivial PvP

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by pizzafire, Nov 1, 2019.

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  1. pizzafire

    Nov 1, 2019
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    I have gotten used to playing on the 1.8.9 version of Survival. It made PVP much more fun and exciting because you took damage quickly. It kept people vigilant and alert when they were in the arena. Now, with the 1.12.2 update to PVP, I realized that it's not fun anymore. It takes so long to kill people. Even when you have a diamond sword, it takes 4-5 shots to kill someone who is not wearing anything. I find this very upsetting, it makes PVP much harder. It takes a lot longer to kill someone and you are not able to try and quick drop someone. Before on 1.8.9, if someone was in myth gear, it would be difficult to kill that person. Now with this new update, it will be near impossible to kill the same person wearing the same armor. I find this less exciting and I hope that this post is seen. I would appreciate if the staff would take a look at this and start to consider this possibility. Yes, yes, I know that it would be hard, considering that Survival just reset like a couple of hours ago, but I feel like people would enjoy it more if it went back to 1.8.9. Again, thanks!
    Genesis and puposaurus like this.
  2. Genesis

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I completely agree, having 1.9 pvp just completely ruined pvp in general on the server. I have been here for almost all the resets and everyone has enjoyed 1.8.9 pvp more. It will be a lot harder to pvp on the server like Pizza said and no one wants to sit there for an hour trying to kill the same person who doesn't even have that good of stuff, then to have someone in myth will just be insane and no one will have motivation to do it. I personally think you should go back to 1.8.9 as well.
  3. LendingGalaxy

    Aug 7, 2019
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    Hello, im LendingGalaxy

    This is the place for support and it seems that you don't need support at all. That comment would be a good place to post to the general discussion section. Please don't post here or make a thread here if you dont need any support! Thanks
  4. xStrafings

    Aug 3, 2019
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    I think the pvp is all good, the fact that a diamond sword does less is ok, you can use an axe. The fact that it takes a long time to kill people, well before people just gap spammed. So I really think it is a better version of the old for survival. However, this on other sub servers would suck.
  5. SilentWhispers

    Jul 22, 2019
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    -- Thread moved to Survival General Discussion --


    Survival is not a very PVP based subserver. The benefits of 1.12 outweighed losses, which in my opinion is only the PVP aspect of it, since it's not that prominent, I don't agree with changing it back to 1.8.

    Thats just my opinion :)

    ~ Silent
    xStrafings likes this.
  6. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    We are not reverting the entire Survival server to 1.8.9 simply for the PvP arena.
    The PvP arena is the minority of the server compared to the actual Survival aspect.
    iiSean, Kempr and Deleted member 145 like this.
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