Survival Season 6 [RECAP]

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by iiSean, Oct 31, 2019.


Did you enjoy Season 7 of Survival?

Poll closed Jul 2, 2020.
  1. It was the Best Season Ever! 10/10

  2. It was the same as every other amazing season! 9/10

  3. It was great! 8/10

  4. It was an amazing improvement from Season 5! 7/10

  5. It was OK I guess! 6/10

  6. It wasn't that good, other seasons have been better! 5/10

  7. There were so many downs to this season! 4/10

  8. This season wasn't good! 3/10

  9. This Season sucked! 2/10

  10. I am the most toxic person and this is the worst season ever and will spam threads on how bad 1/10

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Wow what a season it has been. 35 Weeks of Survival has passed this season and it is now about to come to an end as we prepare for Season 7! There have been many small and big changes this season, good and bad, expected and not foreseen and here is a full recap of this season!


    == Please Note At Time Of Publishing This, Survival Season 7 has not started however Survival Season 6 has finished ==

    Survival is a gamemode unlike most other servers. Most servers that are survival are towny yet this is a survival server with plots similar to Prison and Creative and they objective is to go to /warp resources and collect resources for your plot as well as PvP, do quests etc.

    Season 6 Started on the 1st of March 2019 and continued all the way until today the 1st of November 2019! There have been many main changes this season and some major and minor ones listed:


    Seed Changes:

    Seeds in /warp fb (free building, resource world) have been the same throughout all seasons in the past seasons / years survival has been alive but this season there was a change that was the seed in warp fb will change every 2 weeks (as well as resource world being reset every day as per normal) But was this change for better or for worse?

    There was some controversy at the start of this season on this change and the main reason for this change was that people can’t /sethome every biome at the start of the season and just live off that for the rest of the season and have to look around warp fb a lot more.

    Many suggested that it should still change seed just less often example every month or so as some for only play weekends only get to use that seed twice ect making sethomes useless for them.

    Nether and end still stayed permanent throughout the whole season however.

    All Seeds This Season By @AZXG

    NEW TOOL: Sell Wands

    Sell Wands were a new tool added to quickly sell all items inside a chest to /shop perfect for grinders for those who AFK to earn money. They could be found in treasure chests or bought from the shop. The shop sold them for $125,000 for 2500 Uses whilst voting ones were Legendary and had 500 uses.

    Money / Spawners

    Money has changed a lot this season in terms of its value ect. Spawner prices went down a lot yet so did spawner drops, a few examples include Gunpowder: Sold for $1.5 a piece last season now sold for $0.3, Magma Cream: Used to be sold for $1.5 too I believe went to $0.615 and Spider Eyes: Used to be sold for $2.5 now sold for $0.05. There was also a limit on spawners per plot with 150 spawners allowed a plot which all these changes were made to prevent huge profit off spawners which is very un-survival like. The question is, did it help? Money also became more common in keys.

    Sign Scams

    This might not have been a huge difference but sign scamming was removed for scams above $50,000+ as there is now a confirmed buy GUI



    Launchpads were added to the resource world to help players get out quicker (though the main purpose I thought would help get out of craters around spawn where it just pushes you from spawn of resources to border but whatever.


    Clear lag has always been a part of MCC Survival for years but what was new this season was they added the command /cl to check when clearlag is rather then waiting for the 1min and 20sec announcements (which are still on)

    Mushroom Spawners:

    This season mushroom spawners were added to the shop as well as it replacing zombie pigmen spawners. The price of these were $55,000!

    Infinite Leaderboard Pages:

    Previous to this season, baltop pages and statstop pages used to only go up to 5 pages but this season there is no limit so it goes up to 23501 pages showing everyone.

    Before if you wanted to know who was #51 you would have to search it up on the online leaderboards etc.


    Here are just some photos of Survival this season!



    Top Of Spawn


    Warp Top players


    Warp PVP






    Warp Tutorial


    Inside Spawn / Entrance


    Warp fb Spawn:



    Here are all the leaderboard people this season! Congrats to everyone who made it, especially people who made 2 or more!

    NOTE: This wasn't on the exact last day some may have changed between now and when I recorded these.


    1: Sienta168 ($112,919,268)
    2: OrdinaryPanda ($112,749,667)
    3: Trip411 ($50,267,591)
    4: Samboni05 ($50,091,131)
    5: JEBFour ($30,846,218)
    6: andenxtc ($28,479,190)
    7: AZXG: ($24,586,887)
    8: GXZA: ($22,806,206)
    9: Devaru ($22,145,031)
    10: SnShop ($20,128,649)


    1: ImLearningPvp1 (11207 Kills)
    2: blowcuts (8900 Kills)
    3: pizzafire (8642 Kills)
    4: gladsome (8482 Kills)
    5: JustGetNico (7054 Kills)
    6: aywsup (6928 Kills)
    7: LD_Supersonic (6513 Kills)
    8: _Void_Lord_ (6213 Kills)
    9: AutoCase (6103 Kills)
    10: yourbb (5764 Kills)


    1: 7heDwarf (1508 Quest Points)
    2: AZXG (1155 Quest Points)
    3: MortiFire (1030 Quest Points)
    4: amyy135_ (882 Quest Points)
    5: GXZA (862 Quest Points)
    6: ironlazz (845 Quest Points)
    7: ___Sean___ (757 Quest Points)
    8: _UvUpvpUvU_ (710 Quest Points)
    9: Biilliie (575 Quest Points)
    10: NinjaMaxim (571 Quest Points)


    1: blowcuts ($4,387,801 Profit)
    2: yourbb ($3,778,907 Profit)
    3: Trip411 ($2,623,841 Profit)
    4: nate_55 ($2,172,696 Profit)
    5: PerfectBan ($2,062,777 Profit)
    6: _Vesperal_ ($1,599,799 Profit)
    7: DemYummyWaffles ($1,535,360 Profit)
    8: SmolChibi ($1,494,046 Profit)
    9: Killstr34kCanada ($1,453,802 Profit)
    10: Duuuuuuck ($1,117,601 Profit)


    There were many ways to make money this season for the Survival Community in order so they can buy stuff from /shop like spawners or purchase stuff from others players on /ah or chest shops. Here are the main ones (not including selling stuff to other players)


    Farming is a reasonable way to make money especially if you had a harvest hoe found in treasure or bought from other players. Here are the best crops for farming this season:

    Wheat = $3.5 A Piece
    Potato = $1.13 A Piece
    Carrot = $1.13 A Piece
    Melon = $2 A Piece
    Pumpkin = $11 A Piece
    Netherwart = $0.8 A Piece
    Sugar Cane = $2.1 A Piece
    Cocoa Beans = $0.75 A Piece
    Cactus = $0.25 A Piece

    Sugar Cane, Melons and Pumpkins were the best for new players as they did not need to be replanted If you didn’t have a harvest hoe.


    Fishing was a new way to make money this season as it hasn’t ever before been profitable but this season it was added. Fishing was one of the best simple ways to make money this season especially if you had a good rod.

    Raw Fish = $300
    Salmon = $800
    Pufferfish = $1500
    Clownfish = $10000

    Fishing was very fun to do with friends and was a great idea making it profitable especially when people fish all together as a community!



    Tree Cutting

    Wood cutting was what I found the easiest this season as of how quick it took to earn money yet still takes a reasonable amount of time. I earned about $2000 a minute on average in a mixed oak / birch forest with an efficiency 5 axe.

    Wood Logs were sold for:

    Oak Wood = $30 a piece
    Birch Wood = $30 a piece
    Jungle Wood = $20 a piece
    Dark Oak Wood = $20 a piece
    Spruce Wood = $20 a piece
    Acacia Wood = $42 a piece.

    Acacia was the hardest to chop as it is a weird shape and have very spread out trees in a savanna biome which is why it sold for more.

    Dark Oak, Spruce and Jungle sold for $20 a piece but was easiest to find in large quantities.


    PVP isn’t a main way to earn money but you still earn a fair amount of profit

    Rookies = $500 A Kill
    Donators = $1000 A Kill


    Quests were a very good way to earn money for less active as well as active people.

    Quests included examples like


    $2000 A Quest

    (1 Quest Point)

    Kill 100 (Mob)
    Place 100 (Block)
    Destroy 50 (Block)
    Harvest 100 (Crop)
    Craft 10 (Item)
    Enchant 5 (Tools / Armour)
    Eat 32 (Food)


    $15000 Each

    (5 Quest Points)

    Kill 700 (Mob)
    Place 700 (Block)
    Break 350 (Block)
    Harvest 700 (Crop)
    Craft 70 (Item)
    Enchant 35 (Tools / Armour)
    Eat 228 (Food)


    $40,000 A Quest

    (15 Quest Points)

    Kill 2100 (Mob)
    Place: 2100 (Block)
    Destroy: 1050 (Block)
    Harvest 2100 (Crop)
    Craft 210 (Item)
    Enchant 105 (Tools / Armour)
    Eat 672 (Food)

    3 Quests Set On One Category at A Time

    9 Overall at a time.

    DISCLAIMER: These were not all quests just the main examples I used and common ones.

    There are more ways to earn money these are just a few.


    Here is a collage of many of the wonderful plots made this season. Can you see yours? (sorry if not included I truely am <3)



    Here are all the shop prices this season to buy things from the market!

    Sell Wand = $125,000!
    Zombie Spawner = $50,000
    Skeleton Spawner = $75,000
    Magma Cube Spawner = $50,000
    Creeper Spawner = $100,000
    Spider Spawner = $40,000
    Cow Spawner = $55,000
    Pig Spawner = $30,000
    Blaze Spawner = $50,000
    Sheep Spawner = $45,000
    Chicken Spawner = $40,000
    Rabbit Spawner = $25,000
    Slime Spawner = $55,000
    Squid Spawner = $45,000
    Mushroom Spawner = $55,000


    There were 2 events that were PVP based that happened 3-6 times a day! These were envoys (in /warp pvp) or boss (in /warp boss)

    Envoys: Envoys happen every 4 hours on the server. This is an event held in warp pvp that had 5 chests spawn and if you left click chest you would earn a prize. PVP is also enabled making it hard to get away. Prizes included: 1 Spawner, $10,000, $20,000, $30,000, Protection 4 Armour, Sharpness 4 Sword, 64 Diamonds, 64 Emeralds, 64 Iron, 32 Hoppers and 5 Golden Apples


    Boss Battle: Boss Battles occurred every 8 hours (1 Hour after every second envoy) and last up to 15 minutes. It is an all out PVP gamemode with the objective to kill the boss and get its health from 2000 Hearts to 0 Hearts, if it doesn’t happen in 15 minutes then the game ends there. Whoever deals the most amount of damage to the boss wins. If you kill another player in this event you get a strength potion for your advantage! Everyone is equipped with Full Diamond Armour, Diamond Sword, Bow and 8 Non Enchanted Golden Apples.


    1st Place: 1 Boss Key
    2nd Place: $4000
    3rd Place: $3000
    4th Place: $2000
    5th Place $1000


    On 16th of March 2019 the community events team made a drop party on the survival server where the community gave spare items and the team gave them away as a mega drop party at spawn which many attended. This was a fun event but was the only one this season however.



    Overall this was a reasonable fun season with many fun events, good plots, amazing stats, generous giveaways and many more making it an unforgettable season and one to go into the books. However I would like to know what you guys thought! Please vote below in the poll on your thoughts on this season as well as reply if you like.

    Survival Season 6
    1/03/2019 - 1/11/2019
    Let’s make Season 7 even better ;)

    #1 iiSean, Oct 31, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
    JustANoob, httpmeme, Timppali and 5 others like this.
  2. Sienta168

    Oct 13, 2019
    Likes Received:
    My Village
    2019-10-27_02.34.01.jpg 2019-10-27_02.33.45.jpg 2019-10-27_02.33.38.jpg 2019-10-27_02.35.13.jpg 2019-10-27_02.35.05.jpg 2019-10-27_02.34.51.jpg 2019-10-27_02.36.25.jpg 2019-10-27_02.30.35.jpg 2019-10-27_02.36.01.jpg 2019-10-23_19.49.40-esited.fw.jpg
    aDuq, Kempr, AZXG and 3 others like this.
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Nice recap. Literally all I did this season was make a fancy plot that got moved to spawn then stop playing :joy:

    Also no offence but your poll you made is pretty biased.
    "I am the most toxic person and this is the worst season ever and will spam threads on how bad 1/10"
    There's plenty of people who were unhappy with how things turned out, but that's just plain rude. Just because someone didn't like this season doesn't mean they're toxic.
    JustANoob and iiSean like this.
  4. Bonkels

    Sep 11, 2019
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    Great recap Sean, many thanks for the effort.

    It was my first season on the McCentral server and won't be the last. I had a great time learning (since I only joined 6 weeks ago) what we can and cannot do. Every server has their own rules/mods as does this one.

    Overal the server is decently lag free and I'll be happy with the new upgrade coming to 1.12. A lot of effort has been put in to making the current season into the way it is and I like it greatly so far.

    Only note I do have for the current server is the option for /fly, though it's very convenient it also feels very OP. Though with the ever changing seeds on resource worlds and 'small' amount of warps it's an decent way of moving around the server.

    On another server I enjoyed a 'level-ing' mod, which gives some small bonusses. Might be fun to try; just a suggestion.

    Thanks again and keep up the hosting!

    iiSean likes this.
  5. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I love this! This is a great idea which not only documents the changes but also highlights the best parts of the season! This is extremely important and useful if someone ever wanted to see who were the top players of Survival 6.0!
    Thank you for making this!
    AZXG and iiSean like this.
  6. aDuq

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Glad to see I showed up on the Coinflip Best Winners! XD
    I came in late to the season, was only there for about 8 weeks I believe, but I am pumped and ready for Season 7!
    JustANoob and iiSean like this.

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