Survival Guide: Season 9.0

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by Darenn, Oct 15, 2021.

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  1. Darenn

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Survival Season 9.0 has just begun!

    Here is everything you need to know about our newly updated Survival Server!

    Updated VersionA long awaited change, say hello to 1.17! Allowing you to run the latest, if not greatest, Minecraft Version!
    Claimable Land/BlocksWith the removal of our plotworld, Claimable Blocks will be your new source of claiming land!
    Here's a video for a tutorial on how to claim land: Here

    How do I obtain these blocks?
    First Login on Survival: +200 Claim Blocks
    Every Hour spent on Survival: +25 Claim Blocks
    By Voting
    WorldsThe Resources World: Reseting each Friday, this world is mainly used to level up your jobs and obtaining resources!
    The Spawn World: This world is mainly known as the server's hub and is the area you will find yourself once logging in for the first time!
    The Overworld: This world will be your new plot world! Using Claim Blocks, you shall be capable of claiming your territory and building your home. This world will never reset.
    The Nether: This world is accessible by building a Nether Portal. This world will never reset.
    The End: This world is accessible by building an End Portal. This world will never reset.
    Voting VillagerAlso known to be found on our Prison, Factions and Skyblock, the Voting Villager will be assisting you in claiming your voting rewards!
    Votes: 4 (500$ + 75 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 8 (500$ + 100 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 12 (1,000$ + 125 Claim Blocks
    Votes: 16 (1,000$ + 150 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 20 (2,000$ + 175 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 24 (2,000$ + 200 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 28 (4,000$ + 225 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 32 (4,000$ + 250 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 36 (8,000$ + 275 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 40 (8,000$ + 300 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 44 (16,000$ + 325 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 48 (16,000$ + 350 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 52 (32,000$ + 375 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 56 (32,000$ + 400 Claim Blocks)
    Votes: 60 (64,000$ + 425 Claim Blocks)
    [In-Game Command: /vote]
    Community WarpsThis season, Survival will have no server-owned warps. Therefore, you now have access to create your own warps! You may create a PvP Arena, a Hotel, a Town, whatever you desire! Each player can create up to 10 warps.
    [In-Game Command: /setwarp]
    Toggleable PvPDisabled by default, you now have access to enable/disable your PvP! You may toggle this command in all worlds but Spawn. [In-Game Command: /pvp]

    + New Perk Automatic Job Switcher
    + New Items Claim Blocks
    + New Command /wild
    + New Kit /kit claim
    + Revamped /help
    - Removed Plot World

    Here's a link that leads to our previous Survival Guide where it teaches you more in-depth on how to play! --> Click here

    Here's a link to the guide which elaborates on how our Jobs system works! --> Click here

    If you believe something is missing in our Season 9 changes, feel free to let me know on either Discord (Darenn#0001) or In-Game (Darenn)!

    #1 Darenn, Oct 15, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021
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